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Amity International School.

Sector-1, Vasundhara
Subject: Social Science
Revision Worksheet 1
Short Answer Questions

Section A: History

Ch. 1: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe, Ch. 2: Nationalism in India

1. Why did great economic hardships prevail Europe in 1830s?
2. Explain important features of economic liberalism.
3. Describe the Greek War of independence.
4. “1848 was a year of Revolutions in Europe”. Justify the statement.
5. Describe explosive conditions of Balkans after 1871.
6. Critically examine the significance of the Frankfurt Parliament (1848)? Why did it fail?
7. What was Gandhi’s idea of Satyagraha? Explain with examples.
8. Describe the early satyagraha movements launched by Gandhi after arriving in India.
9. What was Gandhji’s plan for the Non-cooperation movement to unfold in stages?
10. Explain the factors that shaped Indian politics towards late 1920s.
11. Why did the Simon Commission visit India? How was it greeted by the Indians?
12. List the significance of Lahore congress of 1929?
13. Why did Gandhiji see Salt as a powerful symbol to unite India?
14. What was the Gandhi Irwin Pact?
15. What were the reasons for the clash between Gandhi and Dr. BR Ambedkar?
16. Why was the Non-Cooperation movement withdrawn in 1922?
Section B : Political Science
(Ch.1-Power Sharing & Ch.2- Federalism)
1. Which ethnic group in Belgium has the largest population?
2. ‘The tension between Dutch-speaking and French-speaking communities was more acute
in Brussels’. Give reason.
3. What is a Civil War? What were its reasons n Sri Lanka?
4. Power shared among different organs of government is known as horizontal distribution
of power. Give reason.
5. State one prudential reason and one moral reason for power sharing from the Indian
6. Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a third kind of government in
Belgium. Which is that third kind of government? Describe it in brief.
7. The system of ‘checks and balances’ come under which form of power sharing.
8. What led to the ethnic tension in Belgium? Why was it more acute in Brussels?
9. What is the relationship between democracy and power sharing?
10. Explain differences between the power sharing model accepted by Belgium and Sri
11. ‘The federal system has dual objective’. Mention the dual objectives.
12. ‘There are two kinds of routes through which federations have been formed.’ Name the
two routes by giving one example of each.
13. “Federations are contrasted with unitary governments”. Explain by giving examples from
Sri Lanka and Belgium.
14. All states in the Indian Union do not have identical powers. Justify.
15. “Federal power sharing is more effective today than it was in the early years after the
Constitution came into force”. Explain.
Section C: Geography
Ch-1 Resources and Development, Ch-2 Forest and Wildlife Resources)
1. Write the impact of reduction of pasture lands on cattle rearing.
2.What are biotic and abiotic resources?
3. The forest cover in our country has recently increased due to:
(a) Increase in natural forest growth
(b) Increase in net sown area
(c) Plantation by different agencies
(d) None of the above
4. The species whose population has declined to a level from where it is likely to move into the
endangered category soon if the negative factors continue to operate are called:
(a) Endemic species
(b) Extinct species
(c) Vulnerable species
(d) Normal species
5. Substantial parts of the tribal belts in north-eastern India, have been deforested by:
(a) Shifting cultivation
(b) Mining
(c) Infrastructure development
(d) None of the above
6. Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in Punjab? (Textbook)
(a) Intensive cultivation
(b) Deforestation
(c) Over-irrigation
(d) Overgrazing
7. What percentage of our land should be under forest according to the National Forest Policy
8. Which resource in the environment have the potential to satisfy human needs but human
beings do not have appropriate technology to access them.
9. What is the full form of IUCN?
10. Which community in India is famous for protecting the black buck?
11. Enlist the properties of black soil?
12. Mention two measures to stop increase of wastelands.
13. What is geothermal energy
14. What do you understand by sustainable economic development?
15. What is strip cropping?
16. Which movements are associated with the protection of trees?

Section D : Economics
(CH 1 Development and CH 2 Sectors of Indian economy)
1. Study the graph and answer the questions

a. Which was the largest producing sector in 1973-74?

b. Which is the largest producing sector in 2013-14?
c. Can you say which sector has grown the most over forty years?
d. What was the GDP of India in 2013-14?
2. Study the graph and answer the question.
What conclusion can we draw from the bar graph?
3. Every state or region has potential for increasing the income and employment for people in
that area. Name some areas where employment can be generated. What values do such efforts
4 Workers in unorganized sectors are often exploited and not paid a fair wage. Their jobs are not
secure. How is an organized sector better than unorganised sector? What values are hindered in
the unorganised sector?
5. How do we count the goods and services produced and know the total production in each

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