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/ ACE101x - Example metadiscoursal words and phrases

Phrases that signal the structure of the text Phrases that signal the attitude/commitment of the writer

Type Purpose Examples Type Purpose Examples

For example, …could…
To show uncertainty
To cite a specific For instance, …may indicate that…
Code glosses Hedging devices about a statement or
example e.g., The findings suggest…
As demonstrated by… It is likely that…
Firstly... Secondly… …demonstrates that…
To explicitly label the To strengthen or
To start with... Clearly,
Sequencing labels order or sequence of Boosting devices emphasise
Next... Of course,
something commitment
Subsequently... …is significantly…
According to Smith (2019), Unfortunately,
To refer to a source of A study by Rogers (2000)… To explicitly signal the Surprisingly,
Evidentials Attitude markers
evidence Findings from several writer’s attitude Interestingly,
recent studies indicate… …is unethical.
My purpose is to... To prompt the reader We can see that…
To communicate your In this section, I will... to do something while If we evaluate…
Announce goals Engagement markers
purpose to the reader The purpose of this essay is reading (often with We can determine…
to.... pronouns) It is important to observe…
Another relevant I will…
To allow the writer to
To signal a shift to component… We see that…
Topic shifts Self-mention communicate their
another topic It is also important to I will show that…
purpose to the reader
consider… Our team explored…
To show the
In contrast,
Transitions relationship between
With this in mind,

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