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Course Code: MKT508 Course Title: Sales and Distribution

Course Instructor: Dr. Ashwani Panesar

Academic Task No: 1 Academic Task Title: Group Assignment

Date of Allotment: 12/02/2024 Date of Submission: 20/03/2024

Name: Section: Roll No: Registration No:

Anupriya Singh Q1E59 RQ1E59A26 12005447

Neeladry Saha Roy Q1E59 RQ1E59B59 12103027

Arjita Singh Q1E59 RQ1E59A28 12101574

Veena Kumari Q1E59 RQ1E59A33 12111204

Evaluation Parameters:

We declare that this assignment is our individual work. We have not copied it from any other
student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly
in the text, nor has any part been written for us by any other person.

Students’ Signatures: Anupriya Singh, Arjita Singh, Neeladry Saha Roy, Veena Kumari
Registration No: Roll No: Name of the Student Peer Rating
12005447 RQ1E59A26 Anupriya Singh 10
12103027 RQ1E59B59 Neeladry Saha Roy 07
12101574 RQ1E59A28 Arjita Singh 10
12111204 RQ1E59A33 Veena Kumari 10

Evaluator’s Comments (For Instructor’s use only):

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:
General observations- Suggestions for improvement- Best part of the assignment-

Marks Obtained: _______________ Max. Marks: _______________


A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from many investors to buy stocks,
bonds, or other securities. Mutual funds provide an affordable and convenient way for
individuals to diversify their investments and minimize risk. There are different types of mutual
funds based on their focus, such as indices, asset classes, or industry sectors. They are managed
by professional fund managers who make investment decisions on behalf of the fund and its
shareholders. Mutual funds can be bought through financial advisors or directly from the
company that manages the fund. They offer many benefits, including access to a broad range
of assets, regular dividends, and low cost.

How mutual funds work:

• Pooling Money: People invest their money in the fund, buying shares. Each share
represents a portion of the overall ownership of the fund's investments.
• Professional Management: A fund manager, with expertise in investing, decides how
to allocate the fund's money across different assets like stocks, bonds, or other
securities. Their goal is to achieve the fund's investment objectives, which could be
growth, income generation, or a balance of both.
• Diversification: By owning shares in a mutual fund, you're essentially spreading your
investment across multiple assets. This helps to reduce risk, because if one investment
goes down, it hopefully won't affect the entire fund's performance as much as if you
only owned that single asset.
• Shared Gains and Losses: The performance of the fund's investments determines the
overall value of the fund. Investors' shares in the fund will reflect this change in value.
If the investments go up, the fund value goes up, and so does the value of your shares.
Conversely, if the investments go down, the fund value and your shares will decrease
as well.
Retirement planning, savings for children, and their education are crucial
financial goals that can be achieved through mutual funds

1. Retirement Planning:
Long-Term Investment: Mutual funds can serve as an effective tool for retirement
planning due to their potential for long-term growth and compounding returns.
Diversification: Investing in a mix of mutual funds allows for diversification, reducing
the risk associated with a single investment.
Goals-based Investing: Target-date mutual funds are specifically designed for retirement
planning, automatically adjusting the asset allocation as the investor approaches
2. Savings for Children:
Education Funds: Mutual funds can be utilized to create education funds for children,
allowing for systematic investment towards their future educational needs.
Tax Benefits: Certain mutual funds offer tax benefits (e.g., 529 plans in the United States)
specifically tailored for saving for education expenses.
3. Education Funding:
Long-Term Growth: By investing in mutual funds early, parents can potentially benefit
from long-term capital appreciation to fund their children's education.
Flexibility: Mutual funds provide the flexibility to choose between equity, debt, or
balanced funds based on the time horizon and risk tolerance for education savings.
Mutual funds offer a powerful avenue to accomplish these financial goals through long-
term growth potential, diversification, tax benefits, and tailored investment solutions such
as target-date funds and education-specific investment vehicles. It's essential to align the
choice of mutual funds with the time horizon and risk tolerance associated with each of
these financial objectives.
Before proceeding with any actions, we had planned to assess people's current understanding
of Mutual Funds and Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), along with gathering their opinions
on investing in these financial instruments. Additionally, we aimed to determine if they were
already investing in mutual funds or SIPs and understand their motivations for doing so.
Following the survey, we gained insights into people's awareness and perceptions regarding
Mutual Funds and SIPs. This information proved invaluable in shaping our content strategy for
engaging with diverse audiences.


1.What is your age group?

a) 18-25

b) 26-35

c) 36-45

d) 46-55

e) 56 and above

2.How would you describe your current financial situation?

a) Stable with regular savings

b) Comfortable with some surplus income

c) Struggling to save consistently

d) Facing financial difficulties

3.Have you invested in mutual funds before?

a) Yes

b) No
4. If yes, what types of mutual funds have you invested in previously? (Check all that

a) Equity funds

b) Debt funds

c) Balanced funds

d) Index funds

e) Sector-specific funds

f) Other (please specify)

5. What are your primary investment objectives? (Check all that apply)

a) Wealth accumulation

b) Retirement planning

c) Saving for education

d) Buying a house

e) Emergency fund creation

f) Other (please specify)

6. How would you rate your risk tolerance?

a) Very conservative

b) Conservative

c) Moderate

d) Aggressive

e) Very aggressive
7. What is your preferred investment duration?

a) Short-term (less than 2 years)

b) Medium-term (2-5 years)

c) Long-term (more than 5 years)

8. How do you prefer to manage your investments?

a) Self-directed

b) With the help of a financial advisor

c) Through automated investment platforms (robo-advisors)

9. What percentage of your total investment portfolio are you willing to allocate to mutual

a) Less than 25%

b) 25%-50%

c) 51%-75%

d) More than 75%

10. What factors are most important to you when selecting a mutual fund? (Rank from 1
to 5, with 1 being the most important).

a) Past performance

b) Expense ratio

c) Fund manager reputation

d) Investment strategy

e) Fund size and assets under management

11. What concerns, if any, do you have about investing in mutual funds?
12. How do you prefer to receive information about mutual funds?

a) In-person seminars/workshops

b) Online articles and resources

c) social media channels

d) financial news websites

e) Other (please specify)


He name is Dharmendra Kumar Dubey he works in the chemistry department at Gorakhpur

University and wants to invest money for 10 years to build a home after he retires. We helped
him choose where to put his money. He wanted to do some risk-free investments. Others are
riskier, like buying shares of different a company.
We suggested spreading his money across six schemes to lower the risk. Since he had a lot of
money to invest, we recommended putting some in lumpsum and some as SIP every month.
Over time, he'll also move some of his safer investments to riskier ones because they can make
more money in the long run. For more details, we have attached the investment
document with the report.

Initially, our plan involved conducting a comprehensive survey to gauge public awareness and
perception regarding Mutual Funds and SIPs. Through this survey, we discovered that a
significant number of individuals are hesitant to invest in Mutual Funds and SIPs due to
perceived risks stemming from insufficient knowledge about these investment avenues and
their potential profitability. We decided to visit locations where we could engage with
individuals who have a substantial income and are capable of strategizing their investments

We formed a team of four individuals who visited a primary school in Punjab to educate the
teachers about the significance of mutual funds and systematic investment plans (SIPs),
highlighting the various investment options available to them. While some teachers showed
interest, we were unable to convert any of them into investors. We then shifted our focus to our
hometown and were fortunate to find one individual interested in investing in mutual funds.
After understanding his investment needs and the desired amount, we recommended suitable
mutual fund options and facilitated the application process through ICICI Bank, where he
already held an account. The final procedures for his mutual fund investment were completed
on 19th March 2024, marking the successful completion of our assignment. Subsequently, we
took his permission to utilize the details of his investment for our assignment.
Statement Date : 19-Mar-2024 Statement Period : From 12-Mar-2024 To 12-Mar-2024
Page 1 of 4
Folio No. : 20033886 / 27

Dharmendra Kumar Dubey Bank Account Number : SB / XXXXXXX5810

Bank Details : Indian Bank / GORAKHPUR UNIVERSITY /
Bharwliya Bujurg Near Dih
Bab Gorakhpur Siddharth Tax Status : Individual
Enclave So Mode of Payout : ELECTRONIC PAYMENT
Gorakhpur - 273017 Mode of Holding : Single
Uttar Pradesh, India
Distributor : DIRECT / Direct
Tel. : Not Provided Mobile No. : XXXXXXXXX6824
E-mail ID :

First Holder
Nominee Name Percentage AADHAR Successful
KYC Done
FATCA Registered
Supp.KYC Done
CKYC No. 40068495290426
UBO Not applicable


Cost of Investment * IDCW IDCW Current
Scheme Code / Name NAV NAV Date Unit Balance
(INR) Reinvested (INR) Paid ** (INR) Value (INR)
8758 Equity Savings Fund DP Cumulative 21.56 12-Mar-2024 22,334.878 472,406.29 0.00 0.00 481,539.97
9741 Innovation Fund-DP-Growth 14.93 12-Mar-2024 967.915 14,000.02 0.00 0.00 14,450.97
8133 US Bluechip Equity Fund -Drt Growth 64.40 12-Mar-2024 156.785 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,096.95
9392 Manufacturing Fund DP Growth 31.54 12-Mar-2024 262.766 8,000.02 0.00 0.00 8,287.64
8042 Bluechip Fund - Direct Plan Growth 103.84 12-Mar-2024 79.779 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,284.25
9551 Bharat Consumption Fund DP Growth 23.35 12-Mar-2024 194.838 4,500.00 0.00 0.00 4,549.47
Total : 23,996.961 516,906.33 0.00 0.00 527,209.25
* Cost of investment is inclusive of IDCW amount transferred from other schemes.
** IDCW Paid is inclusive of IDCW amount transferred to other schemes.
# Information provided in the application form is illegible. If any correction, please submit request for updation
Nomination in an individual folio helps in seamless transfer of units in case of an unforeseen event. This facility is available free of cost.
~ Effective from July 01, 2020, stamp duty @ 0.005% will be deducted from the Net investment amount. Units will be allotted for the balance amount i.e. net investment amount - stamp duty.
Stamp duty will be computed using the formula ((Investment amount-transaction charges, if any)/100.005)*0.005.

8133 / INF109K01Z71 / ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Equity Fund - Direct Plan - Growth
Date Transaction Type Amount (INR) NAV(INR) Price (INR) No. of Units Balance Units
Opening Balance as on 12/03/2024 125.731
STP Switch In - From Equity Savings Fund DP Cumulative - 1,999.90 64.40 64.40 31.054
12/03/2024 156.785
Instalment 5/20 - via Internet - DIRECT
Gross Amount: Rs.2000/-; Stamp Duty charges Levied ~ 0.10

Units Under Lien : 0.000 Name Of Financier : Not Applicable


Free units available for Redeem/Swout : 907.665

Current Value(INR) of Units: 10,096.95
NAV as of 31st Jan 2018 :
Current : Entry Load - Nil. Exit Load w.e.f 01-Jan-2019 [including SIP,STP,SWP&Micro(SIP) wherever available] - If redeemed or switched out within 1 month - 1%, after 1
month - Nil. For lumpsum investment/switch in, the applicable load will be based on the load structure as on the date of investment/applicable NAV date. For SIP/STP
transactions, load for each transaction is based on the applicable load structure as on the registration date. For details, please refer to SID and Addenda available on

... continued on next page

Statement Date : 19-Mar-2024 Statement Period : From 12-Mar-2024 To 12-Mar-2024
Folio No. : 20033886 / 27 Page 2 of 4
8758 / INF109KA11J9 / ICICI Prudential Equity Savings Fund Direct Plan Cumulative
Date Transaction Type Amount (INR) NAV(INR) Price (INR) No. of Units Balance Units
Opening Balance as on 12/03/2024 22,427.643
*Switch Out - To US Bluechip Equity Fund -Drt Growth - (2,000.00) 21.56 21.56 (92.765)
12/03/2024 22,334.878
Instalment 6/20 - via Internet less STT
*** STT Paid *** (0.02)

Units Under Lien : 0.000 Name Of Financier : Not Applicable

Free units available for Redeem/Swout : 20,090.972
Current Value(INR) of Units: 481,539.97
NAV as of 31st Jan 2018 :
Current : Entry Load - Nil. Exit Load w.e.f 28-Apr-2021 [including SIP,STP,SWP&Micro(SIP) wherever available] -
if 10% of the units (the Limit) purchased or switched in from another scheme of the Fund are redeemed or switched out within 7 days from the date of allotment ¿ NIL.¿ If
units purchased or switched in from another scheme of the Fund are redeemed or switched out in excess of the Limit within 7 days from the date of allotment - 0.25% of the
applicable NAV.¿If units purchased or switched in from another scheme of the Fund are redeemed or switched out after 7 days from the date of allotment - NIL.For lumpsum
investment/switch in, the applicable load will be based on the load structure as on the date of investment/applicable NAV date. For SIP/STP transactions, load for each
transaction is based on the applicable load structure as on the registration date. For details, please refer to SID and Addenda available on
Scheme Name of ICICI Prudential Equity Income Fund has been changed to ICICI Prudential Equity Savings Fund with effect from May 28, 2018.

9392 / INF109KC1LJ8 / ICICI Prudential Manufacturing Fund Direct Plan Growth

Date Transaction Type Amount (INR) NAV(INR) Price (INR) No. of Units Balance Units
Opening Balance as on 12/03/2024 246.914
STP Switch In - From Equity Savings Fund DP Cumulative- 499.98 31.54 31.54 15.852
12/03/2024 <BOOSTER STP >- < EVI - 116> - < Multiplier - 0.10> - 262.766
Instalment 10/3965 - DIRECT
Gross Amount: Rs.500/-; Stamp Duty charges Levied ~ 0.02

Units Under Lien : 0.000 Name Of Financier : Not Applicable

Free units available for Redeem/Swout : 262.766
Current Value(INR) of Units: 8,287.64
NAV as of 31st Jan 2018 :
Current : Entry Load - Nil. Exit Load w.e.f 01-Jan-2019 [including SIP,STP,SWP&Micro(SIP) wherever available] - If redeemed or switched out within 1 year - 1 %, after 1
year - Nil. For lumpsum investment/switch in, the applicable load will be based on the load structure as on the date of investment/applicable NAV date. For SIP/STP
transactions, load for each transaction is based on the applicable load structure as on the registration date. For details, please refer to SID and Addenda available on
9551 / INF109KC1YD4 / ICICI Prudential Bharat Consumption Fund Direct Plan Growth
Date Transaction Type Amount (INR) NAV(INR) Price (INR) No. of Units Balance Units
Opening Balance as on 12/03/2024 130.601
Purchase - Instalment 3/96 - via Internet - Freedom SIP - 1,499.93 23.35 23.35 64.237
12/03/2024 194.838
Gross Amount: Rs.1500/-; Stamp Duty charges Levied ~ 0.07
12/03/2024 ***SIPCancelled via Online wef 22-Mar-2024***

Units Under Lien : 0.000 Name Of Financier : Not Applicable

Free units available for Redeem/Swout : 194.838
Current Value(INR) of Units: 4,549.47
NAV as of 31st Jan 2018 :
Current : Entry Load - Nil. Exit Load w.e.f 07-Nov-2020 [including SIP,STP,SWP&Micro(SIP) wherever available] - If redeemed or switched out upto 3 months - 1 %, more
than 3 months - Nil. For lumpsum investment/switch in, the applicable load will be based on the load structure as on the date of investment/applicable NAV date. For SIP/STP
transactions, load for each transaction is based on the applicable load structure as on the registration date. For details, please refer to SID and Addenda available on
9741 / INF109KC12T2 / ICICI Prudential Innovation Fund-Direct Plan-Growth
Date Transaction Type Amount (INR) NAV(INR) Price (INR) No. of Units Balance Units

Opening Balance as on 12/03/2024 833.963

SIP Purchase - Instalment 3/96 - via Internet - Freedom SIP - 1,999.90 14.93 14.93 133.952
12/03/2024 967.915
Gross Amount: Rs.2000/-; Stamp Duty charges Levied ~ 0.10

Units Under Lien : 0.000 Name Of Financier : Not Applicable

Free units available for Redeem/Swout : 1,138.814
Current Value(INR) of Units: 14,450.97

... continued on next page

Statement Date : 19-Mar-2024 Statement Period : From 12-Mar-2024 To 12-Mar-2024
Folio No. : 20033886 / 27 Page 3 of 4
NAV as of 31st Jan 2018 :
Current : Entry Load - Nil. Exit Load [including SIP,STP,SWP&Micro(SIP) wherever available] - If redeemed or switched out upto 12 months - 1 %, more than 12 months -
Nil. For lumpsum investment/switch in, the applicable load will be based on the load structure as on the date of investment/applicable NAV date. For SIP/STP transactions,
load for each transaction is based on the applicable load structure as on the registration date. For details, please refer to SID and Addendum available on

EBT Registration Summary

From Scheme Date of
From Scheme Name To Scheme Code To Scheme Name
Code Execution
8758 Equity Savings Fund DP Cumulative 8133 US Bluechip Equity Fund -Drt Growth 18-Mar-2024
8758 Equity Savings Fund DP Cumulative 8044 Banking & Financial Plan Drt Growth 18-Mar-2024
8758 Equity Savings Fund DP Cumulative 8133 US Bluechip Equity Fund -Drt Growth 18-Mar-2024

OTM Registration Details Summary

Sl. Bank OTM OTM From Expiry OTM
Bank Name UMRN
No. Account Number Status Frequency Date Date Amount
As and When
1 Indian Bank XXXXXXX5810 IDIB0000000007402183 Active 08-Nov-2021 28-Dec-2099 600,000.00

Your Nearest Branch Details

1) ICICI Prudential CSC - Varanasi, Office no 1, Second floor, Bhawani Market, Building No. D-58/2-A1, Rathyatra, Beside Kuber Complex, Varanasi - 221010


... continued on next page

Statement Date : 19-Mar-2024 Statement Period : From 12-Mar-2024 To 12-Mar-2024
Folio No. : 20033886 / 27 Page 4 of 4

COMMON TRANSACTION SLIP (For existing Unitholders only)

ADVISER CODE (ARN CODE) SUB BROKER ARN CODE Employee Unique SUB-BROKER CODE Agent/Advisor Name and Mobile No
Identification No.(EUIN) (As allotted by ARN holder)

Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investor's assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.
Declaration for "execution-only" transaction (only where EUIN box is left blank)
I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above
distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.

Signature of Sole/First Holder Signature of Second Holder Signature of Third Holder

FOLIO NO.(Mandatory) :20033886 / 27 TAX STATUS : Individual MODE OF HOLDING : Single

1st Holder
Dharmendra Kumar Dubey ) XXXXXX829P Done
t hol der(s s*
2nd Holder NA e Uni NA * tatu
ft h PAN KYC
3rd Holder NA N ame o NA NA

* PAN & KYC are mandatory for all applicants including NRIs. In case there is any changes in your KYC information please update the same by using the prescribed 'KYC change request form' available on our
website under downloads section, and submit the same at the point of service of any KYC registration Agency.

Contact Mobile Number and/or Land Line Number

details of
applicant E-mail address

Additional Purchase Request (Cheque/DD to be drawn in favour of "Name of the Scheme" ). In case you do not mention Plan and/or Option units will be allotted under default option as per respective
scheme information documents.

Scheme Name PLAN: OPTION:

Drawn on Bank
Cheque / DD No.
Name & Branch

Amount of cheque/ DD charges, if any.

Cheque / DD Date D D M M Y Y Y Y DD in figures (Rs.) Rs. (in figures)
Bank Current Savings NRO NRE FCNR
Account Type
A/c No. Others (Please specify)
Documents attached to avoid Third Party Payment Rejection where applicable: In case, the additional purchase amount 10,000 or above and distributor has opted
Bank Certificate - for DD Third Party Declaration to receive transaction charges, 100/- will be deducted from the Purchase amount
For third party investment/pre-funded instrument, please fill in a separate declaration form as available with AMC. and paid to the distributor. Units shall be allotted for the balance amount only.

Redemption Request (For details, please refer to the SID of the Scheme) I wish to redeem : Rs. or Units
From(Scheme, Plan & Option)

Switch Request (Please refer to the SID of the scheme) I wish to switch : Rs. or Units
From(Scheme, Plan & Option) To(Scheme, Plan & Option)

If you have registered for multiple bank account facility in the above folio please specify the bank details in which you wish to receive the redemption proceeds. The bank account should be one of the registered
bank account in the folio else the payout will be released to the default bank account registered for the folio.

Bank Name Bank A/c No.

YOUR CONFIRMATION/DECLARATION: I/We have read and understood the contents of the Scheme Information Document(s)/Key Information Memorandum(s) & Statement of Additional Information(s)
of the Scheme (s) and agree to abide by the terms, conditions, rules and regulations of the Scheme(s) as on the date of this transaction. The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail
commission or any other mode), payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us. I/We hereby confirm that I/we have not
been offered/communicated any indicative portfolio and/or any indicative yield for this investment.

Signature(s) (To be signed as per Mode of Holding)

First Holder Second Holder Third Holder

ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited

Corporate Office : One BKC, A - Wing 13th Floor, Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra (East),Mumbai - 400051.Tel: +91 22 2652 5000 Fax: +91 22 2652
Central Service Office : 2nd Floor,Block B-2,Nirlon Knowledge Park,Western Express Highway,Goregon(E),Mumbai - 63,Tel: 91-22-2685 2000 Fax: 91-22-2686
Contact us : Customer Care Helpline at 1800 222 999(from MTNL/BSNL) or 1800 200 6666 (Non- MTNL/BSNL) from 8 am to 8 pm from Mon to Sat or Email us at

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