Vikram Bhardwaj - People Management

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Answer - 1

Job Description and Specification for Buta

Position 1: Assistant Manager, Digital Marketing (2-3 years' experience)

Company Overview:

Buta is a socially conscious clothing brand dedicated to reviving and promoting

traditional Indian handloom and handicraft techniques. We primarily offer exquisite
cotton sarees, employing techniques like jamdani, mulmul, malkesh, and banarasi,
while also expanding into silk with hand batik, block-printing, and embroidery. Our
mission is to empower weaver and artisan communities and ensure their crafts thrive.

Job Summary:

We are looking for a dynamic and results-oriented Assistant Manager, Digital Marketing,
to play a key role in driving brand awareness and online sales through strategic digital
campaigns and social media engagement. You will work closely with the Marketing team
to develop and implement effective digital marketing strategies, manage social media
channels, and analyze campaign performance.


Develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies aligned with overall
marketing goals and brand voice.

Manage and optimize social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) by
creating engaging content, building communities, and running targeted campaigns.

Collaborate with designers and photographers to create high-quality visual content for
digital channels.

Monitor and analyze website traffic, social media engagement, and campaign
performance using analytics tools.

Generate comprehensive reports and insights to inform future marketing decisions.

Stay up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies.
Coordinate with internal teams (web development, customer service) to ensure
seamless online customer experience.


2-3 years of experience in digital marketing with a demonstrably successful track


Strong understanding of social media marketing, paid advertising platforms (Facebook

Ads, Google Ads), and analytics tools (Google Analytics, social media insights).

Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to create compelling
content for various digital platforms.

Proven ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines.

Passion for Indian handloom and handicraft traditions and understanding of Buta's
brand values.

Excellent organizational and time management skills.

Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Desirable Skills:

Experience with email marketing, content marketing, and SEO.

Experience working with e-commerce platforms.

Knowledge of video editing and graphic design software.

To Apply:

Please submit your resume and cover letter, outlining your relevant experience and how
you can contribute to Buta's mission.

Position 2: Senior Quality Control Manager

Job Summary:
Buta is seeking a meticulous and detail-oriented Senior Quality Control Manager to
ensure the highest quality standards for all our products. You will be responsible for
overseeing the entire quality control process, from inspecting raw materials to approving
finished products. Your keen eye for detail and commitment to excellence will be
instrumental in maintaining Buta's reputation for exceptional craftsmanship.


● Develop and implement quality control procedures and checklists for all
production stages.
● Inspect raw materials, weaving techniques, dyeing processes, embellishments,
and finished products to ensure they meet Buta's quality standards.
● Provide comprehensive feedback to artisans and production teams on any
identified quality issues and opportunities for improvement.
● Approve or reject incoming samples based on defined quality criteria.
● Maintain detailed records of inspections and identify potential quality trends.
● Collaborate with designers and production teams to resolve quality issues
● Stay informed about best practices in quality control for handloom and handicraft


● Minimum 5 years of experience in quality control for textile or artisanal products.

● Strong understanding of handloom and handicraft production processes,
particularly for sarees.
● Excellent eye for detail and ability to identify even minor quality discrepancies.
● Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
● Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with
artisans and production teams.
● Ability to work independently and prioritize tasks effectively.
● Proficiency in quality control software or tools, if applicable.

Desirable Skills:

● Experience working with ethical sourcing and fair trade practices.

● Knowledge of textile testing and defect identification.
● Strong leadership and supervisory skills.

To Apply:
Please submit your resume and cover letter, highlighting your relevant experience and
quality control expertise.

Answer - 2

Establishing a Graphic Performance Rating Scale for Housekeepers/Househelp and

Electricians at Pinched

Understanding Pinched's Needs:

1. Job-Specific Criteria: The rating scale needs to cater to the specific

responsibilities and performance factors of both housekeepers/househelp and
2. Clarity and Transparency: Clear performance range criteria ensure fairness and
understanding for both employees and evaluators.
3. Objectivity and Measurability: Ratings should be based on concrete evidence
and observable behaviors, minimizing subjectivity.
4. Focus on Improvement: The scale should foster growth by highlighting areas for
development alongside strengths.

Developing the Rating Scale:

1. Define Key Performance Areas (KPAs):

● Housekeepers/Househelp: Cleaning (quality, thoroughness, efficiency),

Organization (clutter management, storage), Maintenance (appliance care, minor
repairs), Laundry & Ironing, Time Management, Customer Service
(communication, responsiveness).
● Electricians: Technical Skills (repair accuracy, problem solving, knowledge),
Safety Protocols, Work Efficiency, Cleanliness & Organization, Customer Service
(communication, professionalism).

2. Establish Performance Levels:

● 5 Excellent: Consistently exceeds expectations, exceptional quality and

● 4 Above Average: Regularly meets expectations, high quality work, reliable.
● 3 Meets Expectations: Performs expected tasks adequately, consistent quality.
● 2 Below Average: Occasionally falls short of expectations, needs improvement in
some areas.
● 1 Needs Improvement: Frequently falls short of expectations, significant
improvement required.

3. Create Graphic Representation:

● Use a visual scale (e.g., bar chart, graph) with clear markers for each
performance level.
● Each KPI can have its own sub-scale within the overall rating.
● Annotate the scale with specific behaviors or examples for each level, ensuring

Additional Tips:

● Self-Assessment: Include a self-evaluation component for employees to reflect

on their performance.
● Performance Reviews: Conduct regular reviews based on the scale, providing
feedback and development plans.
● Calibration: Train evaluators to ensure consistent application of the scale across
● Flexibility: Tailor the scale to specific teams or roles if needed.
● Validation: Regularly review and update the scale based on employee and
manager feedback.

Answer - 3

As SpinUP expands its reach and demands for skilled personnel rise, offering a
competitive compensation package with attractive benefits is crucial. Here are some
suggestions for Renne to consider:

Financial & Professional Growth:

● Competitive salaries and bonuses: Benchmark salaries against industry

standards and competitors, considering qualifications and experience.
Performance-based bonuses can motivate talent.
● Stock options or profit-sharing programs: Invest in employees' success by
offering ownership stake or a share in profits, fostering loyalty and commitment.
● Learning and development opportunities: Provide online learning subscriptions,
conferences, workshops, and tuition reimbursement for skill development and
career advancement.
● Mentorship and coaching programs: Pair experienced professionals with newer
staff for personalized guidance and career progression.

Wellness & Work-Life Balance:

● Flexible work arrangements: Offer remote work options, flexible hours, or

compressed workweeks to cater to individual needs and promote work-life
● Generous paid time off and leave policies: Provide ample vacation days, sick
leave, and personal leave to ensure employee well-being and prevent burnout.
● Health insurance and wellness programs: Offer comprehensive health insurance
plans with options for family coverage. Consider dental, vision, and mental health
coverage. Encourage employee well-being with on-site fitness centers, gym
memberships, or wellness challenges.
● Childcare assistance or family-friendly benefits: Subsidized childcare services,
parental leave with flexible return options, or eldercare support can significantly
reduce employee stress and enhance work-life balance.

Lifestyle & Perks:

● Employee discount programs: Partner with relevant companies to offer discounts

on products and services relevant to employees' lives, like books, electronics,
clothing, or travel.
● Fun and engaging company culture: Organize social events, team-building
activities, or recreational facilities to foster camaraderie and a positive work
● Travel and leisure benefits: Offer travel discounts or employee travel programs to
enhance employee morale and satisfaction.
● Employee recognition programs: Publicly acknowledge and reward outstanding
performance, fostering healthy competition and motivating employees.


● SpinUP could partner with local gyms and offer subsidized memberships for
employees, showcasing their commitment to employee well-being.
● They could implement a flexible work policy where employees can choose to
work remotely two days a week, catering to those seeking work-life balance.
● SpinUP could offer a generous parental leave policy with the option to gradually
return to work, supporting new parents during a critical time.
● They could create an internal mentorship program where senior faculty members
guide and coach newer content developers, fostering professional growth and
knowledge transfer.

Answer - 4

As a subject matter expert leading the job analysis for Head-E-commerce at Tarte Ltd., I
would recommend the following steps:

1. Information Gathering:

● Review existing documents: Analyze company documents like the current

business plan, marketing strategy, e-commerce vision, and competitor analysis.
● Interviews: Conduct semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders like CEO,
senior management, current sales and marketing personnel, and potential
e-commerce team members. Understand their expectations for the role, current
challenges, and future goals.
● Surveys: Distribute confidential surveys to employees in sales, marketing, and
relevant departments to gather insights on customer needs, online shopping
trends, and internal capabilities.
● Benchmarking: Research best practices in e-commerce for FMCG companies,
particularly those transitioning from traditional sales channels. Compare job
descriptions for similar positions in competitors and industry leaders.

2. Job Task Analysis:

● Identify key tasks: Based on gathered information, list all the primary and
secondary tasks the Head-E-commerce will be responsible for. This could

Strategy & Planning: Developing e-commerce roadmap, analyzing

competitor strategies, defining product selection, pricing strategies, and
promotional campaigns.
Operational Execution: Managing website development, logistics, payment
gateways, data analytics, customer service, and order fulfillment.

Team Leadership: Hiring, training, and motivating e-commerce team

members, fostering collaboration with other departments, and ensuring
performance management.

3. Skill and Knowledge Requirements:

● Essential Skills: Analyze the information gathered to identify essential skills like
leadership, project management, digital marketing, data analysis, negotiation,
problem-solving, communication, and technical aptitude.
● Desired Skills: List desirable skills that enhance the candidate profile, such as
experience in FMCG industry, knowledge of e-commerce platforms and tools,
SEO/SEM expertise, and cross-cultural communication skills.

4. Job Specifications:

● Education & Experience: Define the minimum educational qualifications and

relevant experience required for the position. Consider years of experience in
e-commerce, FMCG industry, and leadership roles.
● Personal Qualities: Outline desired personal qualities like passion for
e-commerce, entrepreneurial spirit, agility, resilience, and strong work ethic.

5. Validation & Finalization:

● Review and refinement: Share the preliminary job analysis report with key
stakeholders for review and feedback. Refine the document based on feedback
and ensure it aligns with Tarte Ltd.'s vision and needs.
● Job description and advertisement: Based on the final job analysis, create a
comprehensive job description and advertisement targeting suitable candidates
with the right skills and experience.

Additional Recommendations:

● Consider conducting task observation or job shadowing for a similar role within
Tarte Ltd. to gain a deeper understanding of the daily responsibilities.
● Develop a competency model for the Head-E-commerce position to define
specific behaviors and skills required for successful performance.
● Use job analysis findings to create targeted recruitment strategies and attract the
best talent for the role.

Answer - 5

A. Business Strategy:

Coffeehunt's business strategy can be described as a premium coffee experience with a

focus on exceptional customer service and employee engagement. They differentiate
themselves by:

● High-quality coffee: Sourcing premium beans and employing skilled baristas to

create unique coffee beverages.
● Experience-driven focus: Creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for
customers to enjoy their coffee.
● Emphasizing employee satisfaction: Treating employees as "partners" and
fostering a positive work environment with strong benefits and career
development opportunities.

Environmental Scan:

● Coffee market growth: The global coffee market is expected to reach $585.8
billion by 2024, suggesting a strong potential for expansion.
● Increasing competition: Competition is fierce in the coffee industry, with
established chains and independent shops all vying for market share.
● Shifting consumer preferences: Consumers are increasingly seeking unique and
authentic experiences, as well as ethical sourcing and sustainability practices.
● Labor market challenges: Recruiting and retaining qualified workers is becoming
more difficult, particularly in a tight labor market.

Assessment of Current Strategy:

Coffeehunt's current strategy, based on the scan, appears generally strong but with
potential for improvement:

● Strengths: Focus on high-quality coffee and customer service, strong employee

engagement, and brand loyalty.
● Weaknesses: Dependence on skilled personnel, vulnerability to labor market
fluctuations, and potential for limited differentiation in a crowded market.

Alternative Strategies:

● Specialization: Narrow focus on a specific niche (e.g., cold brew, single-origin

beans) to stand out from competition.
● Technology integration: Implement digital ordering and automation to improve
efficiency and reduce reliance on individual skills.
● Sustainability focus: Highlight ethical sourcing and environmental practices to
appeal to conscious consumers.

b. Talent Strategy Recommendations:

To hire and retain the right people, Coffeehunt can pursue a talent strategy aligned with
its business strategy:


● Targeted recruitment: Focus on universities, specialty coffee communities, and

hospitality schools to find passionate candidates.
● Values-based selection: Emphasize personality, customer service skills, and
alignment with Coffeehunt's culture during interviews.
● Employer branding: Showcase the positive work environment, career
development opportunities, and "partner" philosophy to attract talent.

Performance Management:

● Regular feedback and coaching: Provide ongoing feedback and support to help
partners develop their skills and stay motivated.
● Recognition and rewards: Acknowledge and reward top performers to foster a
culture of excellence.
● Career development opportunities: Offer training programs, mentorship
opportunities, and internal promotions to retain talent.

Compensation and Benefits:

● Competitive wages and benefits: Offer competitive salaries, attractive benefits

packages, and employee discounts to attract and retain talent.
● Profit-sharing or performance bonuses: Align employee compensation with
company success to drive engagement.
● Flexible work arrangements: Offer flexible schedules and remote work options to
attract diverse talent and improve work-life balance.

Overall, Coffeehunt can continue to thrive by:

● Refining its business strategy to address market trends and competition.

● Investing in a robust talent strategy that attracts and retains passionate and
skilled employees.
● Maintaining its focus on high-quality coffee, exceptional customer service, and
employee engagement.

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