The Effect of Capital Structure Firm Size and Firm Growth On Profitability and Firm ValueQuality Access To Success

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The Effect Of Capital Structure, Firm

Size, And Firm Growth On Profitability
And Firm Value
Denny Chandra IRAWAN1, Nur Aisyah PULUNGAN2*, Bambang SUBIYANTO3, Dipa Teruna
1Post Graduate Student at Universitas Mercubuana Jakarta, Indonesia, E-mail:
2Universitas Mercubuana Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, E-mail:
3Universitas Nasional, Indonesia, E-mail:
4Universitas Nasional, Indonesia, E-mail:

* Corresponding Author

Received: 06.01.2022 Accepted: 26.03.2022 Published: 01.04.2022 DOI: 10.47750/QAS/23.187.06


This study aims to examine how capital structure, firm size, and firm growth affect profitability and firm value. The
research sample consisted of seven issuers of state-owned enterprises (BUMN) included in the infrastructure cluster,
with an observation period from 2015 to 2019. Quantitative data were then processed using multiple linear regression
techniques with Eviews 9 software. The study results revealed that capital structure had a negative and insignificant
effect on profitability. Meanwhile, firm size and firm growth affected profitability positively but not significantly.
Furthermore, profitability positively but not significantly affected firm value.

Keywords: Capital Structure; Firm Size; Firm Growth; Profitability; Firm Value.

important role (Basuki, Pulungan & Udin, 2020).

1. Introduction It is then interesting to study further regarding what are the
financial variables affecting profitability, in which, in the end,
Market availability is the primary factor that can trigger profitability impacts firm value. Therefore, in this study, it is
investment opportunities. A conducive investment climate can assumed that the debt usage rate, firm growth, and firm size
then boost the macroeconomy. From 2014 until now, the affect the profit rate earned by the firm. In the end, it is estimated
government has given earnest attention to infrastructure that the profit rate will influence the firm value.
development to increase economic growth. One of them is in the
infrastructure sector. The infrastructure sector is deemed the
government's quick step in encouraging national economic
2. Literature Review
growth and job availability. In Indonesia, the growth trend of the
infrastructure industry can be viewed from the growth in the 2.1 Firm Value
number of budget allocations prepared by the government in the
infrastructure sector. This rising investment opportunities trend To determine firm value, several approaches can be used:
can foster increased firm growth opportunities, thereby (1) Price Earnings Ratio (PER), (2) Price to Book Value (PBV),
escalating profit growth opportunities. Besides, profit growth and (3) Tobin's Q. In this study, the firm value was proxied by
tends to amplify investor interest in purchasing firm shares PBV. PBV, generally, is reviewed by investors in valuing a firm's
because it provides good return opportunities, which can then shares for various reasons. One of them is that the PBV can
shape firm value. The trend of increased state budget reference whether the stock price is undervalued or overvalued.
allocations for infrastructure is also believed to impact firm value,
whose primary business is building construction and 2.2 Capital Structure
infrastructure, such as toll roads, airports, ports, and the like.
However, based on data from the infrastructure firms’ Establishing a firm's capital structure illustrates the trade-off
financial statements from 2015 to 2019 (Finance Minister of between risk and return rates. Thus, the capital structure
Indonesia, 2019), the trend of growth in the infrastructure market determination is to find a balance between risk rate and return
provided by the government does not always generate an rate, ultimately maximizing the stock price. Although debt and
increase in infrastructure firm value. The decline in infrastructure equity levels may vary over time, most firms seek to keep their
firms’ net profit incites negative sentiment by the market towards activity financing mix close to the target capital structure limit. In
their values, although their total equity tends to grow. Total this research, the capital structure was seen through the Debt-
assets show the amount of wealth owned by a company. The to-Equity Ratio (DER), which is usually employed to evaluate the
amount of total assets indicates that the company has sufficient extent to which the firm can meet its short-term and long-term
cash flow to carry out its operational activities. Therefore, the obligations. DER, on the other hand, is a ratio used to estimate
size of the company is considered to have an influence on the how much a firm depends on debt in carrying out its business
company's profitability. In addition, to increase the value of the activities (Van Horne & Wachowicz, 2005).
company, innovation and managerial roles also play an

Access to Success Vol. 23, No. 187/ April 2022


2.3 Firm Size 2.5 Profitability

The term firm size refers to the quantity expressed in specific The firm's profit rate in a specific period at a particular rate
units to measure the business scale, such as total assets, total of sales, assets, costs, and stock capital is defined as
sales, market capitalization, total revenue, and total sales. In this profitability. Income and assets or capital rates to be compared
study, the firm size was gauged by transforming the total assets can be used to determine profitability. In this case, a firm that
owned by the firm into a natural logarithm, Ln, to simplify the firm can maintain its business’s profitability and stability can provide
size without changing the comparison of the actual assets. Firm positive insight into investors regarding its value, which drives
size was proxied by using Ln total assets. the increase in stock prices (Djashan & Agustinus, 2020).
The measurement of the profitability level can utilize several
2.4 Firm Growth ways or financial ratios: (1) Operating Margin, (2) Profit Margin,
(3) Return on Total Assets (ROA), (4) Basic Earning Power
From an investor's point of view, sales growth measures the (BEP) Ratio, and (5) Return on Common Equity (ROE). In this
firm's success in carrying out its business strategy. The growth study, profitability was calculated through ROE. This ratio
in sales is also an illustration that the firm can compete in its measures the firm's financial performance that compares net
industrial ecosystem. The higher the sales, the higher the profit profit with shareholder's equity. ROE can also describe how
earned by the firm (Febriyanto, 2018). In addition, sales growth effective the use of own capital is. From an investor's point of
refers to an increase in the number of sales from one year to the view, this ratio is employed to determine whether an investment
next (Hansen, 2014). In this research, sales growth was in a firm will generate the expected return (Tandelilin, 2017).
determined by the difference in the sales rate obtained this year
minus the sales rate gained in the last year, compared to the
sales rate last year. 3. Hypothesis Development
In developing the hypothesis, a conceptual framework is
developed. the conceptual framework in this study can be seen
as follows:

DER (X1)

H2 H4

Sales Growth

Hersugondo, & Udin, 2020; Ozcan, Unal, & Yener, 2017). In

3.1 The Effect of Capital Structure on addition, a prior study provides an illustration that large firms’
Profitability shares tend to attract investors because they are traded in the
capital market in greater volume and frequency (Hirdinis, 2019).
Debt policy is a product of the firm's policy to attract capital Another assumption is that large firms have different markets to
from outside the firm. This capital is then used to finance the promote their products, improving performance and leading to
firm's activities. The use of debt in the capital structure will bring higher profitability (Alarussi & Alhaderi, 2018). Therefore,
benefits in the form of tax reduction on interest so that the use H2: Firm size has a positive effect on profitability.
of debt is considered profitable because it generates greater
profits. Previous research revealed a positive and significant 3.3 The Effect of Firm Growth on Profitability
relationship between leverage ratios and profitability (Jariah,
2016), where these results show a unidirectional relationship; Rapid growth will force firms to think of strategies to maintain
when leverage is high, profitability is also high. Another view is and develop what they have acquired. High sales can also
that firms tend to increase debt to get a tax deduction from indicate that the firm performs well in terms of revenue
interest costs. With the reduction of taxes, the profitability will generation, which is thought to lead to increased profitability.
increase (Chandra et al., 2019). Thus, The previous studies’ results have uncovered that the firm's high
H1: Capital structure has a positive effect on profitability. growth can foster increased profitability (Hama & Santosa,
2018). In line with this, it was found that an increase in sales can
3.2 The Effect of Firm Size on Profitability impact boosting profits. The greater the profit achieved by the
firm, it will be more able to meet its operational costs (Putri &
The firm size is an indicator that the firm has sufficient Rahyuda, 2020). Hence,
resources, markets, assets, and capital to carry out its H3: Firm growth has a positive effect on profitability.
operations. It can encourage investors to give a positive
assessment. Thus, firms will have the ease of accessing the 3.4 The Effect of Profitability on Firm Value
capital market and obtaining funding. According to previous
research, the bigger the firm, the better its profitability (Khajar, A rise in profit can increase the firm value as long as the firm

Vol. 23, No. 187/April 2022 Access to Success

has optimized the use of assets, increased sales of firm The statistical analysis results of firm value (PBV) showed
products, and enhanced cost-efficiency (Hersugondo, Pertiwi, & that the minimum value was 0.570 times, the maximum value
Udin, 2019; Oktaviani, Susanti, Sunarto, & Udin, 2019). The high was 11.050 times, and the mean value was 2.331 times, with a
profitability ratio also reveals the good performance of assets in standard deviation of 2.221 times. The standard deviation
generating profits. In line with signaling theory, high profitability revealed a value smaller than the mean value, indicating no
reflects the good performance of the firm's assets to be also large enough gap between the minimum and maximum PBV
responded positively by the market. Good performance is values. Furthermore, to the distribution of profitability (ROE)
noticed from profit because it represents the return on values, the statistical analysis results demonstrated the
investment made by the firm. The results of earlier studies have minimum value of 0.860%, the maximum value of 18.460%, the
exposed the positive effect of profitability on firm value (Ifada, mean value of 10.019%, and the standard deviation of 3.971%.
Faisal, Ghozali, & Udin, 2019; Kontesa, 2015). In addition, firms Regarding the capital structure (DER) value, the statistical
can also intensify profitability through efficiency, use of effective analysis results disclosed that the minimum value was 0.110
equipment, and at the same time, enlarge the business size and times, the maximum value was 4.340 times, the mean value of
maintain growth rates, thereby escalating the firm value (Dang, DER was 2.086 times, with a standard deviation of 1.159 times.
Vu, Ngo, & Hoang, 2019; Khanifah, Isgiyarta, Alfiana, & Udin, Furthermore, statistical analysis of firm size (Ln Total Assets)
2020). exposed a minimum value of 28.820, a maximum value of
H4: Profitability has a positive effect on firm value. 32.450, and a mean value of 31.140, with a standard deviation
of 0.961. Statistical analysis of the firm's growth (sales growth)
uncovered a minimum value of -35.670%, a maximum value of
4. Methodology 110.620%, and a mean value of 19.143%, with a standard
deviation of 30.578%. The standard deviation value of the firm's
Data were collected utilizing research instruments, which growth was much greater than the mean value. It signified a
were then analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The relatively high gap between the minimum and maximum values,
data and information were taken from the financial statements illustrating the fluctuating distribution of sales growth values in
of state-owned enterprises on the Indonesia Stock Exchange infrastructure state-owned enterprises from 2015 to 2019.
website for the period 2015 to 2019. From the sampling test Two regression equation models were used, in which to
results that applied specific limits and criteria (i.e., state-owned analyze the effect of capital structure (X1), firm size (X2), and
enterprises registered and not delisted since 2015 to 2019 and firm growth (X3) on profitability (Y), the regression equation used
state-owned enterprises were not included in the cluster group was 𝑌𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽1 𝑋1𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝑋2𝑡 + 𝛽3 𝑋3𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 . Meanwhile, to
of the infrastructure service industry), seven firms met the analyze the effect of profitability (Y) on firm value (Z), equation
criteria and were used as a sample in the study. 𝑍𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽4 𝑌𝑖𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 was employed, in which Y acted as the
independent variable toward Z as the dependent variable. The
regression analysis of the first equation panel data using the
5. Results Eviews 9 is as follows:

Test Probability Approach

Chow 0.0831 CEM
Hausman 0.0559 REM
Langrange Multiplier 0.0135 REM

Table 1: Selection Of The First Equation Regression Model

The regression model using the Lagrange Multiplier approach can be seen in Table 2.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error T-Statistics Probability

C -37.559 23.181 1.620 0.115
DER -0.126 0.638 0.189 0.844
SIZE 1.519 0.767 1.979 0.057
SG 0.028 0.020 1.408 0.169

Table 2: First Panel Data Regression Output

The first-panel data regression equation was: 𝑅𝑂𝐸𝑖𝑡 = influenced ROE. Every 1% increase in SIZE would increase
−37.559 − 0.126𝐷𝐸𝑅𝑡 + 1.519𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑡 + 0.028𝑆𝐺𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 ., which 1.519% in ROE, presuming that the other variables remained
could be interpreted as follows. (1) Constant C was obtained at constant. (4) The SG regression coefficient of 0.028 with a
37.559 with a negative mathematical sign. It indicated that if the positive mathematical sign indicated that SIZE positively
DER, SIZE, and SG variables were "0", then the ROE variable impacted ROE. Thus, every 1% increase in SG would increase
was -37.559. (2) The regression coefficient for DER was 0.126 ROE by 0.028%, believing that other variables remained
with a negative mathematical sign, meaning that DER negatively constant.
affected ROE. Every 1% increase in DER would decrease ROE The regression analysis of the second equation panel data
by 0.126%, assuming that the other variables remained can be seen in Table 3.
constant. (3) The SIZE regression coefficient was 1.519 with a
positive mathematical sign. In other words, SIZE positively

Access to Success Vol. 23, No. 187/ April 2022


Test Probability Approach

Chow 0.0243 FEM
Hausman 0.0215 FEM

Table 3: Selection of the Second Regression Model

Thus, this test’s results suggested the use of the Fixed Effect the second equation panel data regression utilizing the FEM
Model (FEM) as the best regression model. The test results of approach are shown in Table 4.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error T-Statistics Probability

C 2.135 1.074 1.987 0.057
ROE 0.019 0.102 0.192 0.849

Table 4: Second Panel Data Regression Output

The second regression equation was 𝑃𝐵𝑉𝑖𝑡 = 2,135 + expenses, which has the potential to reduce the firm's net profit
0,019𝑅𝑂𝐸𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 . The equation could be inferred as follows. (1) (Kartikasari & Merianti, 2016). There are several ways to reduce
The constant C was 2.135 with a positive mathematical sign. It the negative impact of debt; among them is the use of terms that
stated that if the ROE variable was "0", then the PBV variable have been paid by the project owner to complete the remaining
was 2.135. (2) The regression coefficient for ROE was 0.019 work or even pay off debt early, where accelerated debt
with a positive mathematical sign, meaning that ROE positively payments will lower interest expenses. However, although DER
influenced PBV. Accordingly, every 1% increase in ROE would positively affects ROE, DER is not the main factor affecting
impact an increase in PBV of 0.019%, assuming that the other ROE.
variables remained constant. This study’s results are in accordance with the assumption
The analysis results showed that DER, SIZE, and SG could that an increase in the debt ratio will reduce the rate of return
only explain 10.8% of ROE. Likewise, ROE could only explain (Adita & Mawardi, 2018; Anggraeni & Rahyuda; Hamid,
2.2% of PBV. The first regression equation revealed that the F- Abdullah, & Kamaruzzaman, 2015; Singh & Bagga, 2019). On
test value was 2.371, with a statistical probability of 0.089. the other hand, the positive relationship between DER and ROE
Meanwhile, the F-table value for the number of independent and is reflected in the tax reduction through the use of debt (Chandra
dependent variables (k) was 4, and the number of observations et al., 2019; Hama & Santosa, 2018; Kartikasari & Merianti,
(n) was 7, with a probability (α) of 5% was 9.28. Thus, F-count 2016; Seissian, Gharios, & Awad, 2018).
< F-table, and probability > 0.05. The results uncovered that
DER, SIZE, and SG simultaneously affected but not significantly 6.2 The Effect of Firm Size on Profitability
on ROE. Furthermore, the second regression equation
produced an F-count value of 2.297, with a probability The results presented a positive but not significant effect of
significance of 0.057. Meanwhile, the F-table value for the SIZE on ROE. It implies that the larger the firm size, the easier
number of independent and dependent variables (k) was 2, the it is for the firm to access the capital market and the higher the
number of observations (n) was 7, with the probability level (α) bargaining power of the firm in financial contracts. It is where it
set at 5% was 6.61. Thus, it was found that F-count < F-table, will increase the chances of getting a better return. Along with
and probability significance > 0.05, so the study results stated the firm size, the greater the firm profitability level (Anggraeni &
that ROE affected but not significantly on PBV. Rahyuda; Hama & Santosa, 2018; Ozcan et al., 2017). In line
The partial t-test results on the first regression equation with the signaling theory, information about the infrastructure
showed that DER, SIZE, and SG affected but not significantly firms’ size will boost market confidence, increasing the firm's
on ROE. The test results on the second regression equation also opportunities to earn profits from the capital market. In general,
revealed that ROE had an effect but was not significant on PBV. investors believe that a large infrastructure firm tends to have
many resources that support its business processes so that its
business chain can run well (Dang et al., 2019).
6. Discussion
6.3 The Effect of Firm Growth on Profitability
6.1 The Effect of Capital Structure on
The research exposed that SIZE had a positive but not
significant effect on ROE. This insignificant effect could be
The analysis results in this study indicated that DER had a caused by the high growth rate of an infrastructure firm, requiring
negative and insignificant effect on ROE. These results sufficient capital to finance its activities, such as adding
explained a choice between debt and equity, reflecting the trade- production equipment, adding personnel to acquire and work on
off between business and financial risk (Alarussi & Alhaderi, infrastructure projects, and other business expansion activities,
2018). The use of more debt by the firm in its capital structure which could lower its profits. For this reason, increased sales will
will increase the interest expense, where the amount of interest provide innovation space for infrastructure firms to raise profit,
tends to reduce the firm's profit, although it is recognized that one of which is boosting investor and/or debtor confidence so
infrastructure projects generally tend to be financed by debt. that capital management from debt can be optimized. In
Thus, this study’s findings suggest that infrastructure firms as addition, increased sales will tend to boost investor confidence
much as possible carry out effective debt management to so that financial instrument products issued by infrastructure
encourage the firm's success in increasing its net profit. With the firms, such as bonds, commercial paper, and other financial
high ratio of debt utilization and the inability of infrastructure instruments, have the potential to be welcomed by the market,
firms to manage debt properly, it will impact high-interest thereby intensifying the opportunity for increased profits. The
high sales growth rate also indicates a firm’s ability to generate

Vol. 23, No. 187/April 2022 Access to Success

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Vol. 23, No. 187/April 2022 Access to Success

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