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with Purpose
STEP In Post-Workshop Activities

Leadership Development
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities

What is this about?

Success on the programme relies on how much of your learning is retained and then applied
into the workplace. This document both recaps the workshop content and explores how you
can continue to develop your skills by applying what you have learnt and making a real
difference through leadership.
In addition, as part of the Step In programme, you will need to complete the activities and
review them with your mentor.

We will be using a blend of activities and learning content which will enable you to:

 To define ‘Well Led’

 Clarify your vision, & purpose and identify how you will communicate both
 Ensure your team have objectives to reflect this
 Explore how you can engage your team
 Identify ways to improve cross team working, using a range of approaches

Which Leadership DNA strands will this support?

Communicating & Influencing: Communicates and influences openly, having a positive

impact on others.
Team Working & Leadership: Works with others to build an effective team.
Developing Self & Others: Seeks and acts upon opportunities to develop own and
other’s skills and knowledge.
Delivering Business Performance: Takes responsibility for managing self and others to
ensure targets/objectives are achieved.
Making a Difference & Managing Change: Demonstrates an openness to change and
actively looks for ways to improve performance.

Leadership is not about your competencies, skills and personality!

It’s first and foremost about being in touch with what you care about
& then going for it!

Steve Radcliffe - Leadership Plain & Simple

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities

What do we mean by Well Led?

The CQC, in their guidance material, ‘break down’ the ‘well-led’ domain into five key lines of
enquiry or KLOEs, which are intended to help both inspectors and managers find evidence
for ‘well-led’.
These KLOEs are then further broken down into a number of ‘sub-KLOEs’ or prompts.
If we stick with the five main KLOEs for the time being, then we start to get an idea of the
questions we would need to ask in order to ascertain how ‘well-led’ a service is:
W1: Is there a clear vision and credible strategy to deliver high-quality care and support,
and promote a positive culture that is person-centred, open, inclusive and empowering,
which achieves good outcomes for people?
W2: Does the governance framework ensure that responsibilities are clear and that quality
performance, risks and regulatory requirements are understood and managed?
W3: How are the people who use the service, the public and staff engaged and involved?
W4: How does the service continuously learn, improve, innovate and ensure sustainability?
W5: How does the service work in partnership with other agencies?
All five of these KLOEs are important, and are further broken down for inspection purposes.
Each one of these also as a vital place when considering your Leadership development.

Clear vision

Partnership Effective
with other Governance
agencies Framework

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
Pause for Thought

What was your home/hospital’s scoring regarding ‘Well-Led’ in your last inspection?
Good. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Which of the five main KLOEs within Well Led needs more work?

What existing plans are in place to improve Well Led?


During the course of the workshop, what new ideas have you had to support the
improvement of your Well Led scores?

Leading with Purpose

Post Workshop Activities
In these Post Workshop Activities we will mostly be addressing having a clear Vision and engaging
your team (W1 & W3), but let’s start with W4 – continuous learning & innovation.

Pause for Thought

W4: How does your service continuously learn, improve, innovate and ensure
What plans are already in place to deliver and improve continuous learning &
Are the actions in these plans:
 Clearly communicated?
 Effective or could do better?
 Performed regularly, sometimes or not enough?


Identify how you can personally influence the improvement of continuous learning and
innovation across your team, by introducing one new activity into your routine:
 What will you do and when will you start doing it?

Leading with Purpose

Post Workshop Activities


After a few weeks, reflect on how you have personally influenced the improvement of

continuous learning and innovation across your team, by introducing one new activity into

your routine:
 What are you doing and how does this differ from your original plan?
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities

Pause for Thought

W5: How does your service work in partnership with other agencies?
How much do you know about partnerships with other agencies?

How many agencies does your service currently work with in partnership?
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities

Leading always starts with ideas you have about what you’d like to
see in the future
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities

Great leaders have vision!

The good news is this is a skill that can be learned, and it is probably the most powerful tool in a
leader’s tool box.

A vision (or mission) statement is a collection of words describing where and what an organisation
wants to be in the future.

In many companies the mission statement can remain unchanged for years, and although there is
nothing wrong with such a statement, they are often treated as words with no real connection to the
people and so don’t readily translate into action. Without action, there will be no forward motion!

In contrast, Vision can be defined as a picture in the leader’s imagination that motivates people to
action when communicated compellingly, passionately and clearly – it needs to be something you
care about and have a passion for.

Pause for Thought

You were asked to start thinking about these questions during the session. Capture those
thoughts and any further thoughts here.

What do you value most, or have the most passion for?

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities

Your previous answers are all pieces of a jigsaw and your vision is the picture on top of the jigsaw
box which brings all of the pieces together so that everyone can see the bigger picture.
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities


Translate your thoughts into your ‘vision’: define the future you want? Be as specific as
you can

Building a shared sense of purpose

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
Research indicates a significant number of our current workforce regard engaging in a
meaningful purpose as being more important than the pay. There is a growing number in
today’s workforce that want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
So how do leaders make this happen?
There are three aspects that need to be considered when engaging a workforce and
embracing a collaborative corporate sense of purpose.
• It’s great to have a purpose, a raison d’être, that clearly articulates why the company
exists, but a vision statement provides only one aspect — the direction in which the
company will move. And as we have already stated, such statements do not always
translate into action.
• You can draw your team into a shared sense of purpose by creating a compelling,
realistic vision of the Home/Hospital’s future, but then it becomes imperative to
provide ways in which the team can achieve it.
• Your vision gives direction that the team can either embrace or find other work
opportunities. If they can see and believe in the vision, then they will be more willing
to embrace effective strategies to meet established goals. Individuals will come on
board when they know the role they play in the process.

Pause for Thought

Does your vision gives clear direction to the team? How do they know what part they play
in the process?
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
Alignment between the company culture and the company leadership is essential to the
embedding of strategies.
Individuals who do not embrace corporate values or who do not feel a part of the strategic
process can sabotage the success of any business initiative.
Leaders and team members need to check the shared company values on occasion to
confirm that there is still alignment. In other words, everyone needs to speak the same
language regarding values to assure that they are upholding the same perspective on
company purpose.

Pause for Thought

How does your vision connect to and align with our Barchester Values?






Pause for Thought


How well does your team currently interpret and connect to the Barchester Values?
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities


Get to know the individuals in your team on a more holistic level

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
Smart leaders know how to listen. (We talked about listening within the Communication
Good leaders know how to inspire their employees to believe in their leadership.
Great leaders inspire their employees to believe in themselves.
Understanding what motivates employees in their lives outside of the workplace gives
leaders a better perspective on the true complexion of the company culture. A lot of life
happens outside of work, and those events can have a tremendous influence on how people
act and react within the confines of the workplace. Spending time getting to know the
talents, concerns, and motivations that are not exhibited in daily work projects can tell
leaders how to better use such hidden talents and offer encouragement to fellow
employees during difficult times.
Regardless, one thing is certain. People want to be acknowledged and know that they
Also, people want to know their contributions are noticed. In most cases, people will help
when asked.
Building a team with a shared sense of purpose allows everyone to be a part of a winning

Pause for Thought

How well do you know your team members as individuals?
What do you know about their lives and what motivates them?
Consider rating how much you know about each individual on a scale of 0-4 (1 being ‘I know
nothing’ and 4 being ‘I know a lot’)
Also consider how you could move more to being a 3 or 4.

The importance of your relationships:

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
They impact so much on the levels of engagement within your team, and ultimately how
successfully you achieve the results you want.

The Relationship to Results Pyramid

(Steve Ratcliffe: Leadership Plain & Simple)


Your ‘Relationships’ provide the foundation to enable you to get the results you want to
achieve your vision.
Those relationships will help you to generate possibilities and ideas.
From those possibilities /ideas will come the priorities to be worked on and the
opportunities to be developed; then you can decide what actions need to be taken, in order
to get results……or achieve your vision.
Having clarity regarding your vision, and what it is you are leading for is essential, followed
by RELATIONSHIPS BIG ENOUGH TO GET THE JOB DONE! Your influence and impact on
others comes via your Relationships. These are the channels through which you lead others,
engage others and have them want to walk with you.

It is no secret, we are all willing to do ‘that bit more’ and try that bit harder for the people
we trust and respect and who have shown a genuine interest in us as individuals. We, as
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
people, are generally more willing to adapt, support and be flexible for the people we have
big relationships with, compared to those we don’t.
The bigger the relationship, the greater the possibilities – the greater the possibilities the
more options we have when planning our ambitions to achieve big results.
Steve Ratcliffe strongly recommends ‘Co-invention’ as the most powerful way of helping
people to move up the levels of engagement.
Invite your team to help you ‘co-invent’ possibilities of:
• What the future could be like?
• What ‘great’ would look like?
• What we’d need to work on to get there?
• What could be some ‘next steps’?
• How would we need to work together……?


Work with your senior team members to answer the questions above.
 How will you do this and when?
 What communication techniques will you use?
 How will you continue to involve your team to maintain focus and engagement?
 How will you know you have been successful?


Generally, how did your ‘co-invention’ plan go in terms of involvement and engagement?
What answers did you get?
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities


Working Towards a Shared Purpose & Vision with SMART Objectives

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
One way of supporting your team in the achievement of your vision, improving Well Led or bringing
the values to life, is to set appropriate objectives with individuals. These need to be discussed, not
just handed out! Agreeing each objective with each individual will give you a greater opportunity to
engage them and get real buy-in.

Each team member has a different part to play - and agreeing objectives with your senior team
members makes it much easier for you to carry out appraisals. It also means that your senior team
have absolute clarity about what it is they should be doing.


Agree one short term objective with each member of your senior team.
The objectives must relate to the vision, Well Led or raising awareness & bringing the
values to life… depending on the role and strengths of each individual.
 How will you do this and when?
 What actions/outcomes do you want the objectives to bring about?
 How will you review them and when?
 How will you know you have been successful?


Once you have reviewed your team’s short term objectives, answer the following

What results were achieved?

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities


Leadership is a relationship.
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
It is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose
to follow.
Sometimes the relationship is one to one.
Sometimes it is one to many.
Regardless of the number, leaders must master the dynamics of this
Jim Kouzes

Pause for Thought

During the recent activities, have you noticed any individuals within your immediate team
who may be compliant but don’t appear to be fully engaged or as motivated as others?
What behaviours have you noticed?
Are there any obvious reasons as to why they are not fully engaged or motivated?
What techniques could you use to understand more about what is behind this?

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
You will be your most ‘engaging’ …
 If people feel valued in their relationship with you.
 If people feel listened to by you
 If people feel that their opinion matters
 If people believe you actively want them to be involved
 If people feel acknowledged by you
At best, your relationship with them gives them a feeling of being in partnership with you!

Pause for Thought

 How effectively do the different teams within your home/hospital work together?
 What are the main issues and tell-tail signs?
 What difference would it make to the workplace if teams worked better together?
 How do you feel about approaching the way teams do or don’t work well together?


There are no quick fixes to changing workplace culture, but doing nothing will most
certainly change nothing.
Start to develop a plan to enable teams within your home/hospital work better together.
Consider what you have learnt from this and previous workshops & support material.
Think about the different communication approaches, techniques and mind-set which will
help you. You will also be able to add further details to your plan as you attend future
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities


Mentee Review Prompter Questions

Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
How can you show your line manager or mentor what you have learnt and how
you have developed?
Use the following prompts to discuss what you have learnt and how you have developed
your leadership behaviours:
Well Led:
 This is my plan to improve our scoring in Well Led :

 How our service can continuously learn, and what I am doing to support that:

 How I will improve working partnerships with other professionals:

My Vision :
 This is my vision:

 This is how I am engaging my team:

 These are the behaviours, aligned with BHC values, that I am nurturing:

My personal development outcomes:

 The results I have achieved so far:

 Further development identified:

This is how I will continue to develop my leadership skills:

Mentor Sign-Off
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
Leading with Purpose

Name - Mentor

Name - Mentee

Please Note: this must only be signed off when you are satisfied your mentee is applying
their new skills in the workplace

Start Date Sign-Off Date

Sign-Off Checklist

□ Are you satisfied they have met the learning objectives?

□ Are you satisfied the required activities have been completed?
□ Have you observed any of the skills being used in the workplace?
□ Has the mentee identified areas for further development?

Please forward completed Sign-Off Form to:

Thank you 
Leading with Purpose
Post Workshop Activities
Please scan the QR code below. It will take you through to a short Survey Monkey
Evaluation. We value your feedback! Thank you 

Step In Post Workshop Activities


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