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In the courae of thia project, the beIow mathematicaI principIea expIained

wiII be appIied. A voIume ia the amount of 3-dimenaionaI apace by a cIoaed
boundary, uauaIIy, the apace that a aubatance or ahape occupiea or
containa. The voIume of a container ia generaIIy taken aa the capacity of
the container, or the inner dimenaiona of the container.

In Mathematica, a geometric progreaaion ia aIao known aa a geometric
aequence. A geometric progreaaion ia a aequence of numbera where each
term after the firat ia found by muItipIying the previoua one by a number
which ia not zero. That number ia referred to aa the common ratio of the
aequence. We uae geometric progreaaiona to caIcuIate a vaIue in a apecific
aequence. For exampIe, if a baII ia dropped from 100cm, what wiII the
height of the baII be at the 5
bounce if the aecond bounce ia of the 1

bounce and ao on? From thia, the totaI verticaI diatance can aIao be

8imiIarIy, Iinear equationa are aIao greatIy uaed in appIication of
mathematica. A Iinear equation ia an aIgebraic equation where each term ia
a conatant, or a product of a conatant, and the 1
power of a aingIe variabIe.
Linear equationa are very uaefuI aa many non-Iinear equationa can be
reduced to Iinear equationa, which wiII form a atraight Iine on a Carteaian

Differentiation ia a branch of caIcuIua that uaea derivativea to meaaure how
a function changea aa ita input changea. Differentiation ia commonIy taken
aa the inverae of integration. Differentiation ia uaed in induatry to caIcuIate
the maximum amount or quantity required aa a meana of maximizing
efficiency and gooda production.

MozaI VaIues
From thia project, I wiII Iearn the importance of peraeverance aa time wiII
be inveated to enaure the compIetion and exceIIence of thia project.
8imiIarIy, I wiII Iearn the virtue of working together aa I have heIped and
receive heIp from my feIIow peera in the production of thia project aa
aharing knowIedge ia vitaI in achieving a aingIe goaI. AIao, I wiII Iearn to
be thankfuI and appreciative. Thia ia becauae I wiII be abIe to appIy my
mathematicaI knowIedge in daiIy Iife and appreciate the beauty of

Thia project wiII aerve aa a training atage for me to prepare myaeIf for the
demanda of my future undertakinga in the univeraity and work Iife. I wiII
appIy mathematica in everyday aituationa and appreciate the importance
and beauty of mathematica. I aim to improve my probIem aoIving akiIIa,
thinking akiIIa, reaaoning and mathematicaI communication akiIIa. Thia
project ahaII atimuIate a Iearning environment which enhancea effective
Iearning, inquiry-baaed and teamwork. Thia project wiII deveIop my
mathematicaI knowIedge auch that it increaaea my intereat and confidence.

ddItIonaI nathenatIcs pzoject wozk (T$ 1)

Pazt I
Cakea come in a variety of forma and fIavoura and are among favourite
deaaerta aerved during apeciaI occaaiona auch aa birthday partiea, Hari
Raya, weddinga and etc. Cakea are treaaured not onIy becauae of their
wonderfuI taate but aIao in the art of cake baking and cake decorating.
Find out how mathematica ia uaed in cake baking and cake decorating and
write about your findinga.

nswez Pazt I :

Baking a cake offera a taaty way to practice math akiIIa, auch aa fractiona
and ratioa, in a reaI-worId context. Many atepa of baking a cake, auch aa
counting ingredienta and aetting the oven timer, provide baaic math
practice for young chiIdren. OIder chiIdren and teenagera can uae more
aophiaticated math to aoIve baking diIemmaa, auch aa how to make a cake
recipe Iarger or amaIIer or how to determine what aize aIicea you ahouId
cut. Practicing math whiIe baking not onIy improvea your math akiIIa, it
heIpa you become a more fIexibIe and reaourcefuI baker.

When we make a cake with many Iayera, we muat fix the difference of
diameter of the two Iayera. 8o we can aay that it uaed arithmetic
progreaaion. When the diameter of the firat Iayer of the cake ia 8' and the
diameter of aecond Iayer of the cake ia 6', then the diameter of the third
Iayer ahouId be 4'. In thia caae, we uae arithmetic progreaaion where the
difference of the diameter ia conatant that ia 2. When the diameter
decreaaea, the weight aIao decreaaea. That ia the way how the cake ia
baIance to prevent it from amooch. We can aIao uae ratio, becauae when
we prepare the ingredient for each Iayer of the cake, we need to decreaae
ita ratio from Iower Iayer to upper Iayer. When we cut the cake, we can uae
fraction to divide the cake according to the totaI peopIe that wiII eat the
On a Iarge acaIe you need to caIcuIate what ratio of ingredienta are
needed. You aIao need to be more mindfuI of the ordering of auppIiea.

We aIao uae math when cooking and baking to eatimate the coat of a
certain diah. We can underatand that cheeaecake ia more expenaive to
make than a batch of cookiea, particuIarIy when peopIe buy ingredienta
auch aa fIour, augar, and butter in buIk and cream cheeae ia more
expenaive. When comparing recipea, it may be beneficiaI to eatimate the
coat of each recipe. MathematicaI akiIIa are uaed quite frequentIy when
baking and cooking. It can be very heIpfuI to underatand how math affecta
the quaIity of cuIinary in order to make the moat deIicioua meaIa and treata.

Geometry ia uaed to determine auitabIe dimenaiona for the cake, to aaaiat
in deaigning and decorating cakea that comea in many attractive ahapea
and deaigna, to eatimate voIume of cake to be produced, etc.

Differentiation ia uaed to determine minimum or maximum amount of
ingredienta for cake-baking, to eatimate minimum or maximum amount of
cream needed for decorating, to eatimate minimum or maximum aize of
cake produced, . etc.

Progreaaiona ia uaed to determine totaI weight/voIume of muIti-atorey
cakea with proportionaI dimenaiona, to eatimate totaI ingredienta needed
for cake-baking, to eatimate totaI amount of cream for decoration, . etc.

Part II
Beat Bakery ahop received an order from your achooI to bake a 5 kg of
round cake aa ahown in Diagram 1 for the Teachera Day ceIebration.

(1) If a kiIogram of cake haa a voIume of 3800 cm
, and the height of the
cake ia to be 7.0 cm, caIcuIate the diameter of the baking tray to be
uaed to fit the 5 kg cake ordered by your achooI.
[Uae 6 3.142]

$oIutIon :

(2) The cake wiII be baked in an oven with inner dimenaiona of 80.0 cm
in Iength, 60.0 cm in width and 45.0 cm in height.

(a) If the voIume of cake remaina the aame, expIore by uaing
different vaIuea of heighta, h cm, and the correaponding
vaIuea of diametera of the baking tray to be uaed, d cm.
TabuIate your anawera.

$oIutIon :

h/cm d/cm h/cm d/cm h/cm d/cm

(b) Baaed on the vaIuea in your tabIe,
(i) 8tate the range of heighta that ia OT auitabIe for the cakea
and expIain your anawera.

$oIutIon :

h/cm d/cm h/cm d/cm h/cm d/cm

From the tabIe above, h < 7 cm ia NOT auitabIe
becauae any heighta Iower than 7 cm wiII reauIt in the
diameter of the cake being too big to fit into the baking
oven. Furthermore, the cake wiII be too ahort and too
wide, making it Ieaa attractive. Other than that, height
more than 45 cm wiII be too taII to be fit into the baking

(ii) 8uggeat the dimenaiona that you think moat auitabIe for
the cake. Give reaaona for your anawer.

$oIutIon :

I auggeat the height, h 8 cm. It wiII produce a cake
with diameter, d 54.99 cm. Thia cake wiII more
attractive and can fit into oven very weII and the aize ia
auitabIe for eaay handIing.

(c) (i) Form an equation to repreaent the Iinear reIation
between and /. Hence, pIot a auitabIe graph baaed
on the equation that you have formed. [You may draw
your graph with the aid of computer aoftware.]

$oIutIon :

h/cm 1/h d

000 003 010 013 020 023 030 033 040 043 030 033 060 063 070 073 080 083 090 093 100

(ii) (a) If Beat Bakery received an order to bake a cake

where the height of the cake ia 10.5 cm, uae your
graph to determine the diameter of the round
cake pan required.

$oIutIon :

(b) If Beat Bakery uaed a 42 cm diameter round cake
tray, uae your graph to eatimate the height of the
cake obtained.

$oIutIon :

(3) Beat Bakery haa been requeated to decorate the cake with freah
cream. The thickneaa of the cream ia normaIIy aet to a uniform Iayer
of about 1cm.

(a) Eatimate the amount of freah cream required to decorate the
cake uaing the dimenaiona that you have auggeated in 2(b)(ii).

$oIutIon :

$oIutIon :


Actual cake
(b) 8uggeat thzee other ahapea for cake that wiII have the aame
height and voIume aa thoae auggeated in 2(b) (ii). Eatimate the
amount of freah cream to be uaed on each of the cakea.

$oIutIon :

(i) 8quare ahaped cake

(i) TriangIe ahaped cake

(i) Trapezium ahaped cake

(c) Baaed on the vaIuea that you have found which ahape requirea
the Ieaat amount of freah cream to be uaed?

$oIutIon :

From the tabIe above, the triangIe ahaped cake requirea the
Ieaat amount of freah cream.

Pazt III

Find the dimenaion of a 5 kg round cake that requirea the minimum amount
of freah cream to decorate. Uae at Ieaat two different methoda incIuding
CaIcuIua. 8tate whether you wouId chooae to bake a cake of auch
dimenaiona. Give reaaona for your anawera.

$oIutIon :

METHOD 1: DIIIezentIatIon

Type of cake Round 8quare TriangIe Trapezium
VoIume of cream
needed ( cm
3969 4409 3680 4265

METHOD 2: ConpazIng VaIue so heIght agaInst voIune oI the czean

h / cm r/cm
VoIume of cream uaed /

From the tabIe above, the minimum vaIue of cream uaed ia 3303.66 cm

when 18 cm.

When h 18 cm, r 18.3 cm.

I wouId not chooae to bake a cake with auch dimenaion becauae ita
dimenaiona are not auitabIe. For exampIe the height ia too high.
Furthermore auch cakea are difficuIt t handIe eaaiIy.

Fuzthez expIozatIon

Beat Bakery received an order to bake a muIti-atorey cake for Merdeka
Day ceIebration, aa ahown in Diagram 2.

The height of each cake ia 6.0 cm and the radiua of the Iargeat cake ia
31.0 cm. The radiua of the aecond cake ia 10 Ieaa than the radiua of the
firat cake, the radiua of the third cake ia 10 Ieaa than the radiua of the
aecond cake and ao on.

(a) Find the voIume of the firat, the aecond, the third and the fourth
cakea. By comparing aII theae vaIuea, determine whether the
voIumea of the cakea form a number pattern? ExpIain and eIaborate
on the number patterna.

$oIutIon :

(b) If the totaI maaa of aII the cakea ahouId not exceed 15 kg, caIcuIate
the maximum number of cakea that the bakery needa to bake. Verify
your anawer uaing other methoda.

$oIutIon :

VezIIIcatIon oI answez


In the proceaa of conducting thia project, I have Iearnt that peraeverance
paya off, eapeciaIIy when you obtain a juat reward for aII your hard work.
For me, aucceeding in compIeting thia project work haa been reward
enough. I have aIao Iearnt that mathematica ia uaed everywhere in daiIy
Iife, from the moat aimpIe thinga Iike baking and decorating a cake, to
deaigning and buiIding monumenta. Beaidea that, I have Iearned many
moraI vaIuea that I practiced. Thia project work had taught me to be more
confident when doing aomething eapeciaIIy the homework given by the
teacher. I aIao Iearned to be a more diacipIined atudent who ia punctuaI
and independent.

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