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Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115

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Impact of application of Trichoderma and biochar on growth, productivity

and nutritional quality of tomato under reduced N-P-K fertilization
Md. Nasir Hossain Sani a, Mahmudul Hasan b, Jasim Uddain a,c, Sreeramanan Subramaniam c,d,⁎
Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Minden Heights, 11800, Penang, Malaysia
Centre for Chemical Biology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Extensive use of synthetic fertilizer to maximize the productivity often leads to depletion of essential soil nutri-
Received 21 March 2020 ents, environmental degradation and adversely affects soil rhizosphere microbiota. The present study investi-
Received in revised form 22 May 2020 gates the efficacy of Trichoderma and biochar co-application on tomato productivity, nutritional quality and
Accepted 15 June 2020
soil health improvements under reduced N-P-K fertilizer application. The study comprised of five treatments:
Available online 19 June 2020
(i) standard application of N-P-K, (ii) 50% dose of N-P-K (control), (iii) Trichoderma + 50% dose of N-P-K, (iv) bio-
char+50% dose of N-P-K and (v) biochar+Trichoderma + 50% dose of N-P-K. The growth, yield, and antioxidant
Trichoderma properties of tomatoes, as well as their mineral composition, were analysed. The results showed that the com-
Biochar bined application of Trichoderma and biochar increased the growth attributes positively and produced 101.45%
Synergistic effect and 11.33% higher yield compared to half dose and standard dose of N-P-K, respectively. The combined applica-
Synthetic fertilizer tion also elicited an increase in mineral contents, total soluble solids as well as bioactive molecules such as lyco-
Tomato pene and ascorbic acid, thereby increased the nutritional and functional quality of the tomato fruits. Collectively,
Trichoderma and biochar improved soil fertility, nutrient uptake and promoted the growth of rhizosphere fungal
and bacterial populations, which combined resulted in higher tomato yields, antioxidants, and minerals. There-
fore, the co-application of Trichoderma and biochar with a 50% dose of N-P-K can be considered an effective tech-
nique for the sustainable production of tomato with higher yield and superior quality.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

1. Introduction especially N during the peak growing period (Zhao et al., 2009; Lester
and Saftner, 2011). Therefore, farmers choose to use industrial synthetic
The pressing challenge of food security in the face of climate change chemical fertilizers to grow vegetables. Large-scale use of inorganic fer-
poses a significant threat to agriculture in terms of sustainability, maxi- tilizers can contribute to environmental pollution such as groundwater
mizing production per area per unit while minimizing environmental contamination, eutrophication of waterways, soil acidification and in-
consequences. In the past two decades, organically cultivated vegeta- creased de-nitrification, resulting in higher emission of nitrous oxide,
bles have attracted considerable scientific interest and consumer de- which contributes to global warming (Molla et al., 2012). The continu-
mand as healthier products with safer characteristics. Also, sustainable ous use of chemical fertilizers in the soil is a growing concern, depleting
vegetable cultivation has often been identified as an eco-friendly pro- the soil from essential nutrients and leading to reduced production of
duction system that can produce food with minimal risk to the environ- antioxidants and minerals in vegetables (Dumas et al., 2003). In addi-
ment (Dorais, 2007). Organic farming restricts the use of agrochemicals tion, the extensive application of chemicals adversely affects soil bene-
and offers a way to reduce the adverse effects of chemical fertilization ficial rhizosphere microbes (Meena et al., 2020). Agriculture must
(Aguilera et al., 2013; Aires et al., 2013). The most significant disadvan- consider priorities such as food quality, production costs, the environ-
tage of organic crop production has been low yields compared to inten- mental impact of crops in addition to yield and productivity.
sive farming (Seufert et al., 2012). In an organic production system, the In this perspective, a promising sustainable approach could be the
slow release of mineral nutrients (N and P) from organic fertilizers often use of microbial inoculants and organic amendments for vegetable pro-
leads to a mismatch between nutrient bioavailability and plant uptake, duction. Numerous studies on the broad spectrum of horticultural crops
have shown that the use of beneficial microorganisms (e.g., the fungus
⁎ Corresponding author at: School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Trichoderma sp.) may promote primary or secondary plant metabolism
(USM), Minden Heights, 11800, Penang, Malaysia. and boosts crop yield (Rouphael et al., 2017). The phyto-stimulatory ef-
E-mail address: (S. Subramaniam). fect of Trichoderma has several direct and indirect impacts on plants,
0570-1783/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
108 M.N.H. Sani et al. / Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115

including the release of substances with auxin activity, small peptides, 30-day old seedlings were used as planting materials. The seedlings of
organic acids, which appear to improve root system architecture and as- tomatoes were grown in a 3 m × 1 m seedbed. The seedbed soil was
similation of nutrients, thereby improving plant growth and productiv- loosely mixed and dried to get fine tilth. The white polythene was
ity (Hermosa et al., 2012; Rouphael et al., 2017). Organic amendments used to shade the young seedlings from intense sun or heavy rain. For
such as biochar can contribute to soil health through increased water re- transplanting of seedling, the land in the main field was well prepared
tention capacity, nutrient exchange capacity, and improved soil struc- and divided into 2.5 m × 2.0 m plots. Thirty-day-old seedlings of uni-
ture (Subhan et al., 2014). Biochar is a compound of black carbon form height (20–25 cm) were selected and transplanted individually
produced through pyrolysis at extremely high temperatures with no, into the plots; 16 plants per plot with a spacing of 50 cm × 60 cm. Stan-
or limited, oxygen supply. The higher surface area of biochar facilitates dard management practices for growing tomatoes in the region were
improved soil structure with higher water and nutrient holding practiced.
Although research on Trichoderma and biochar has shown a substan- 2.3. Properties of biochar and Trichoderma
tial potential to improve crop growth and productivity, most of the
studies to date were conducted mainly in the greenhouse or outdoor The timber waste biochar was collected from Farm2Energy Pvt. Lim-
pot experiments. Information on their potential benefits in field condi- ited, Punjab, India. According to the manufacturer, the locally collected
tions is minimal. At this time, it appears that neither microbial nor or- Teak (Tectona grandis) timber waste (a mixture of woodchips, sawdust,
ganic amendments can meet the requirements for a viable alternative as well as leftover wood from sawmills) was used to produce biochar.
to synthetic mineral fertilizers. Recent research has shown that the Initially, the timber waste was sun-dried and then pyrolyzed in a
targeted combination of microbial inoculants with other non- specially-designed pyrolyzer at 400 °C for 80 min. Trichoderma
microbial substances may generate interactive synergistic effects that harzianum T22 powder was collected from the Ispahani Agro Limited
cannot be achieved either alone (Adesemoye and Kloepper, 2009). Hu Laboratory, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The physiochemical properties of bio-
et al. (2014) reported a 14.5% increase in Trichoderma spp. populations char and Trichoderma harzianum T22 are given in Table 1.
due to the application of biochar. Muter et al. (2017) noted that biochar
applied with Trichoderma contributed to an increase in the germination
2.4. Experimental design and treatments
of maize (Zea mays L) and taller plants. Furthermore, Araujo et al.
(2019) found evidence for a synergistic effect of sewage sludge biochar
The field experiment was conducted with four replications in a Ran-
and Trichoderma harzianum on soybean (Glycine max L.) yield and re-
domized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The experiment comprised of
ported a 70% increase in fresh and dry mass in response to combined ap-
five treatments: To = standard doses of N-P-K, T1 = 50% doses of N-P-K
plication of these. More research is needed to develop an integrated
(control), T2 = Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K, T3 = biochar+50%
nutrient management approach that does not entirely remove chemical
doses of N-P-K and T4 = biochar+Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K.
fertilizers but reduces their use and associated environmental pollution.
The standard dose of N-P-K corresponds to 135 kg N ha−1, 45 kg P
Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) is a commonly grown and pop-
ha−1 and 75 kg K ha−1 respectively (BARC, 2012). At the final land prep-
ular crop worldwide for flavour, colour and high nutritional value. Due
aration of the plot, the entire dose of P and K was administered using
to its culinary value and high nutrient content, it occupies a vital posi-
TSP (Triple Super Phosphate) and MOP (Muriate of Potash), respec-
tion among vegetables. Tomatoes are the primary dietary source of an-
tively. Three equal applications of nitrogen as urea were applied: the
tioxidants that are associated with many health benefits such as
final preparation of the plots, 25 and 50 days after the transplant.
decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer (Perveen et al.,
Powdered biochar, at the rate of 300 g/plot and Trichoderma, at the
2015). This study aims to obtain information useful for maximizing
rate 250 g/plot were applied directly to the soil immediately before
growth, yield and quality of tomato in a sustainable and eco-friendly
transplanting of the seedlings, which were well watered after
way. The specific objectives are (i) to investigate the impact of
Trichoderma and biochar on growth, yield and nutritional quality of to-
mato on filed conditions, (ii) to quantify the efficacy of Trichoderma
and biochar co-application in minimizing N-P-K fertilizer application 2.5. Vegetative growth, chlorophyll content, dry matter production
and (iii) to investigate the effect of combined use of Trichoderma and and yield
biochar on the soil health improvement in terms of nutrient availability
and microbial population. Data from five randomly chosen plants were collected from each
plot in such a manner to minimize border effects. We measured plant
2. Materials and methods height, branch, leaf and flower number at 60 DAT (days after
transplanting). The leaf chlorophyll was determined using an automatic
2.1. Description of the experimental site

The experiment was conducted between November 2017 and April Table 1
Physio-chemical composition of biochar and Trichoderma.
2018 in the horticulture research field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural
University, Bangladesh. The research field was at 24,090N latitude and Component Value
90,260E longitude at the height of 8.4 m above sea level, according to Timber waste biochar
the Global Positioning System. The field on the test site belongs to the pH 7.07
Shallow Red Brown Terrace soil series of Salna under Agro-ecological EC 0.86 dS m−1
BET(surface area) 1045 m2g−1
Zone No. 28. The research field is situated in the subtropical climate
Volatile matter 30. 10%
zone. The temperature ranged between 13 to 29 °C and the cumulative Ash content 9.80%
precipitation during the growing season was 3.10 mm with an average Fixed carbon 58.60%
of 7.8 h of sunshine. CEC 16.2 mmol kg−1
Total N 0.30%
Total P 0.45%
2.2. Raising of seedling, transplantation and management of crop Total K 1.32%

The seed of tomato (cv. BARI tomato 14) were obtained from the Trichoderma powder
Fungi spores (CFUg−1 powder) 1 × 108
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Centre, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Healthy
M.N.H. Sani et al. / Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115 109

SPAD (soil plant analysis development) meter (Minolta SPAD-502 evaluated by the Soil Research and Development Institute, Bangladesh
meter). Three apical leaflets of a young fully extended leaf at the (Table 2).
flowering stage were taken for the SPAD reading. Root and shoot dry After the final harvest of the tomatoes, soil samples were collected
matter weight (g) of the plant was determined at the final harvest (70 again in the same way to the initial soil samples collection. The soil sam-
DAT). The harvested root and shoot were separated, washed, oven- ples were air-dried at room temperature in the laboratory. The soil pH
dried at 70 °C for 72 h and then weighed. Ripe tomatoes were harvested was calculated using the glass electrode pH meter with a soil/water
at 3–4 days interval up to 70 DAT, counted, weighed, and yield was ratio of 1:2.5 (Jackson, 1973). The Walkley-Black process was used
determined. (Nelson and Sommers, 1982) to quantify soil organic matter. Kjeldahl
systems (Jackson, 1973) were used to calculate Total N (percent). P
2.6. Determination of mineral contents in tomato shoots was quantified using the Bray and Kurtz methods and Olsen methods
(Olsen and Sommers, 1982). The ammonium acetate extraction process
Two plants from each replicate were carefully harvested and washed (Jackson, 1973) has been used to determine the exchangeable K.
with clean water during final harvests to determine their mineral levels
(N, P, K, Fe and Zn). The collected plants were air-dried in the laboratory
at normal room temperature. Subsequently, the shoots and fruits were
oven-dried at 70 °C for 72 h until they reached a constant weight. The
dry matter was collected, ground and digested with concentrated 2.9. Microbial populations in rhizosphere soil
HNO3-H2O2 following the method reported by Yedidia et al. (2001).
The digested material was used to measure the mineral content using At harvest, two plants were carefully uprooted with soil around the
atomic absorption spectrophotometer methods described in Piper roots from each replication. The soil still adhering to the roots was
(1942). regarded as the soil rhizosphere (Hervas et al., 1998). Each of the plants
was gently shaken to separate the soil from the roots. Ten grams of soil
2.7. Determination of TSS, protein and antioxidant content in ripe tomato was stored in an Erlenmeyer bottle after removal of all the debris, with a
fruits sterilized liquid of up to 100 ml. The flasks were incubated and shaken
(180 r min−1), then serially diluted for 2 h at room temperature. Serial
Immediately following harvest, total soluble solids (TSS) in ripe to- dilutions from 10−1 to 10−6 were made for each soil sample following
mato fruits were measured with a hand refractometer that had been the dilution plate count technique described by Hirte (1969). To quan-
calibrated with distilled water. The readings are reported in Brix (%) tify fungi, 0.1 ml of each soil suspension was transferred to appropriate
levels. Crude protein was quantified as described by Lowry et al. Trichoderma selective media (TSM) reported by Elad et al. (1981). The
(1951). Immediately following harvesting of the ripe fruits, levels of TSM consist of 0.2 g of MgSO4. 7H2O, 0.9 g of K2HPO4, 0.15 g of KCl,
three antioxidants (ascorbic acid, lycopene, and β-carotene) were de- 1.0 g of NH4NO3, 3.0 g of glucose, 0.15 g of rose Bengal, 20 g of agar,
termined. We measured ascorbic acid following the method described 0.25 g of chloramphenicol, 9.0 ml of streptomycin, 1.2 ml of
by Ranganna (1986). A 10 g of blended fruit pulp from five randomly se- propamocarb, 0.2 g of quintozene and 950 ml of distilled water. This
lected red ripe tomato fruits served as a sample for estimation of ascor- TSM favours the growth of Trichoderma strains over other rapidly grow-
bic acid by using 2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol titration. Four percent ing fungi that may overlap it and hence ideal for easy identification
oxalic acid was added to the sample and the volume was made up to (Shah and Afiya, 2019). The Petri plates (11 cm) were incubated
50 ml in a volumetric flask and filtered using Whatman No.4 paper. under the fluorescent illumination at 28o C ± 2 °C and R.H. at 65% ±
Twenty-five milliliters of this filtrate was taken and titrated against 2, 5% for five to seven days. After 3 days, the number of colonies per
6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol dye. The titration was continued until a gram of the sample was counted up to 72 h. afterward and calculated
pink colour appeared. The dye was prepared using 50 mg of the sodium using the following formula-
salt of 2, 6-dichlorophenol-indophenol dye in approximately 200 ml of
double-distilled water containing 4.2 mg of sodium bicarbonate. It CFU=mL ¼ ðno:of colonies  dilution factorÞ=volume of culture plate
was used for titration and standardizing ascorbic acid. Spectrometer
(Model 200-20, Hitachi, Japan) method as described by Nagata and
Yamashita (1992) was used to quantify lycopene and β-carotene. One For the quantification of bacteria, 10 folded serial dilutions were
gram of blended ripe fruit sample was put into a mortar and pulp was made and 100 μl from each diluent were distribute on nutrient agar
extracted repeatedly with acetone until the residue turned colourless. (NA) medium (0.5% Peptone, 0.5% Beef extract, and 1.5% Agar, 0.5%
The acetone extract was then transferred to separating funnel contain- NaCl, pH adjusted to 7.4. At 28 °C for 48 h, the plates were incubated,
ing 10 to 15 ml of hexane layer by diluting the acetone with water. and then the CFU (colony-forming unit) was counted (Fischer et al.,
The hexane-containing pigments were then transferred to a 25 ml vol- 2007).
umetric flask and carefully diluted to the mark with hexane. Then
1 ml of aliquot was further diluted to 4 ml with hexane and the absor-
bance was recorded in a spectrophotometer at 503 nm. For the determi- Table 2
nation of the mineral content, the fruits were sliced and then air-dried Physiochemical properties of the experimental soil.
aseptically for 72 h for determination of N, P, K Fe, and Zn for the ripe
Textural class Silty clay loam to clay loam
fruit. The specimen was oven-dried at 70 °C, and then the digest was
used as an atomic absorption spectrophotometer to determine the min- Physical characteristics
Bulk density (g cm−3) 1.32
eral content as described by Piper (1942).
Particle density (g cm−3) 2.62
Porosity (%) 46.8
2.8. Soil chemical analysis
Chemical characteristics
pH 6.4
Initial samples of soil were taken from each plot using a soil auger to Organic carbon (%) 0.76
a depth of 15 cm during plot preparation. Collected soil samples were Organic matter (%) 1.14
mixed thoroughly to prepare a composite sample from which approxi- Total N (%) 0. 091
mately 250 g was taken as a working sample. The physiochemical prop- Available P (μg/g) 18
Available K (meq/100 g) 0.33
erties of the initial experimental soil including initial N-P-K status were
110 M.N.H. Sani et al. / Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115

Table 3
Impact of Trichoderma and biochar on vegetative growth, chlorophyll content and dry matter production of tomato.

Treatments Plant height (cm) Branches (no. plant−1) Leaves (no. plant−1) SPAD (%) Dry matter weight (g plant−1)

Root Shoot

To 107.46 ± 1.76 b 11.50 ± 1.02 ab 66.96 ± 3.41 b 50.40 ± 1.06 a 5.17 ± 0.13 ab 73.91 ± 2.08 b
T1 92.67 ± 2.60 c 6.51 ± 0.09 c 55.75 ± 1.35 c 41.41 ± 1.14 c 3.99 ± 0.04 c 64.71 ± 1.23 c
T2 97.2 5 ± 1.65 c 8.65 ± 0.64 bc 62.29 ± 2.18 bc 47.13 ± 1.46 b 4.47 ± 0.28 bc 68.58 ± 1.64 b
T3 100.35 ± 1.42 bc 8.85 ± 1.03 bc 64.08 ± 0.92 bc 43.76 ± 0.74 bc 4.16 ± 0.11 c 71.66 ± 1.38 b
T4 112.75 ± 2.61 a 11.93 ± 0.23 a 71.38 ± 1.85 a 48.80 ± 1.22 a 5.56 ± 0.45 a 78.65 ± 0.90 a
LSD value 1.84 0.54 1.46 0.88 0.17 1.24
CV (%) 3.18 16.72 6.76 5.49 10.04 4.09

The data represent the mean values ± standard error. Different letters denote significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range tests. To = standard doses of N-P-K, T1 = 50%
doses of N-P-K (control), T2 = Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K, T3 = biochar+50% doses of N-P-K and T4 = biochar+Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K.

2.10. Statistical analysis achieved with the combined application of Trichoderma and biochar
with a half dose of N-P-K (T4). However, the minimum number of
The data were analysed using the SPSS software package to assess flower clusters per plant, the number of fruits per cluster, the number
the difference in growth, yield characteristics, mineral content and the of fruits per plant, the weight of individual fruit and yield per plant
nutritional quality of the tomato. Duncan's Multiple Range Test were recorded in treatment T1. The single application of Trichoderma
(DMRT) was used to measure the value of the disparity between the and biochar also resulted in a significant increase in yield compared to
treatment combinations at p ≤ 0.05 level of significance. Chemical pa- the half dose of N-P-K.
rameters of the soil and the chemical composition of the plants were
subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) to explore relation-
ships among variables and treatments using the software package R. 3.3. Nutritional quality and antioxidant properties of fruits

3. Results Trichoderma and biochar also had significant effects on the

nutritional quality and antioxidant properties of tomato (Table 5).
3.1. Plant vegetative growth, chlorophyll content and dry matter production Total soluble solids, protein (g), antioxidant compounds such as ascor-
bic acid, β-carotene, and lycopene were significantly affected by an in-
Application of Trichoderma and Biochar with half dose of N-P-K sig- teraction between Trichoderma and biochar with half dose of N-P-K
nificantly resulted in the greatest plant height, branches per plant, num- (Table 5). The maximum total soluble solids were recorded in T4, but
ber of leaves, root and shoot dry matter weight (Table 3). The highest statistically, similar reflection was also noted in T3 and T0. In case of pro-
plant height, the maximum branch number per plant, leaves per plant, tein content, however, both single and combined application of
root dry matter weight and shoot dry matter weight were observed in Trichoderma and biochar showed a similar result to the standard dose
treatment (T4). However, the maximum SPAD was achieved by the of N-P-K. A similar trend is observed in maximum protein, ascorbic
standard dose of N-P-K (T0) followed by the treatments T4 and T2, acid, β-carotene and lycopene in the T4 treatment. On the other hand,
which were statistically similar to each other. The lowest values of the minimum total soluble solids, protein, ascorbic acid, β-carotene,
plant height, branches per plant, number of leaves, SPAD, root and and lycopene were recorded from the half dose of N-P-K (T1).
shoot dry matter weight were recorded from the half dose of N-P-K (T1).

3.2. Yield attributes and yield 3.4. Minerals in shoots

The yield-contributing variables differed significantly among the Mineral concentration in tomato shoots was determined at harvest
treatments and were enhanced by the application of Trichoderma and/ (Table 6). N, P, K, Fe & Zn content were found to be significantly higher
or biochar (Table 4). However, the half dose of N-P-K with combined ap- in shoots treated with Trichoderma, biochar and half dose of N-P-K (T4).
plication of Trichoderma and biochar showed better performance in en- It is evident that the combined application of Trichoderma and biochar
hancing the number of flower clusters per plant, number of fruits per with half dose of N-P-K showed better nutrient uptake than all other
cluster, number of fruits per plant, the weight of individual fruit and treatments. It might be due to the synergistic effect of Trichoderma
yield per plant (Table 4). Mean comparison showed that the highest and biochar, which might have facilitated higher N, P, K, Fe and Zn con-
number of flower clusters per plant, number of fruit per cluster, number tents in T4 compared to all other treatments. The lowest values of N, P, K,
of fruit per plant, the weight of individual fruit and yield per plant were Fe & Zn content were recorded from half dose of N-P-K (T1).

Table 4
Impact of Trichoderma and biochar on yield attributes and yields of tomato.

Treatments Number of flower cluster plant−1 Number of fruit cluster−1 Number of fruit plant−1 Weight of individual fruit (g) Yield plant−1 (Kg)

To 6.08 ± 0.22 b 5.83 ± 0.22 a 29.44 ± 0.54 a 80.04 ± 0.90 b 2.47 ± 0.14 a
T1 4.22 ± 0.27 c 4.38 ± 0.07 b 17.57 ± 0.96 c 70.74 ± 0.84 c 1.36 ± 0.07 c
T2 5.00 ± 0.42 bc 4.78 ± 0.30 b 21.87 ± 1.08 b 77.43 ± 0.93 b 1.78 ± 0.08 b
T3 5.34 ± 0.23 bc 4.55 ± 0.17 b 24.30 ± 0.76 b 79.33 ± 1.68 b 2.00 ± 0.10 b
T4 6.86 ± 0.31 a 5.94 ± 0.26 a 31.98 ± 1.44 a 85.21 ± 1.92 a 2.75 ± 0.14 a
LSD value 0.24 0.17 1.25 1.20 0.12
CV (%) 10.88 8.35 7.31 3.51 9.82

The data represent the mean values ± standard error. Different letters denote significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range tests. To = standard doses of N-P-K, T1 = 50%
doses of N-P-K (control), T2 = Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K, T3 = biochar+50% doses of N-P-K and T4 = biochar+Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K.
M.N.H. Sani et al. / Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115 111

Table 5
Nutritional and antioxidant properties of tomato fruits (per 100 g of tomato) as influenced by sole or combined application of Trichoderma and biochar.

Treatments Total soluble solids Protein (g) Antioxidant compounds (mg)

Ascorbic acid β-Carotene Lycopene

To 6.00 ± 0.05 a 0.82 ± 0.02 a 15.55 ± 0.51 b 0.11 ± 0.001 a 0.10 ± 0.001 b
T1 5.04 ± 0.03 b 0.65 ± 0.07 b 11.12 ± 0.26 d 0.07 ± 0.003 c 0.07 ± 0.003 c
T2 5.08 ± 0.18 b 0.82 ± 0.01 a 13.40 ± 0.25 c 0.09 ± 0.001 b 0.09 ± 0.001 b
T3 6.02 ± 0.24 a 0.85 ± 0.01 a 14.47 ± 0.32 bc 0.11 ± 0.000 a 0.09 ± 0.005 b
T4 6.25 ± 0.17 a 0.90 ± 0.01 a 17.14 ± 0.47 a 0.12 ± 0.010 a 0.11 ± 0.003 a
LSD value 0.13 0.02 0.49 0.004 0.003
CV (%) 5.24 8.39 4.50 6.84 9.28

The data represent the mean values ± standard error. Different letter (s) corresponds to significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range tests. To = standard doses of N-P-K,
T1 = 50% doses of N-P-K (control), T2 = Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K, T3 = biochar+50% doses of N-P-K and T4 = biochar+Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K.

3.5. Minerals in fruits of variation along PC1 was attributed to the application of Trichoderma
and biochar treatments. PC1 shows that all the quality and trace ele-
Total N content of fruits was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher in treat- ments parameters were highly affected by the co-application of
ment T4 than in the other treatments (Table 7). The highest P content Trichoderma and biochar (Fig. 1).
was recorded from the T4 which was statistically identical to all other
sole application of Trichoderma and biochar. Likewise, P, a similar kind
of reflection, was also noted in K content; however, maximum K content 4. Discussion
was recorded from the single application of biochar (T3). The maximum
Zn content was also marked from the individual application of biochar The present study found a significant positive effect of field applica-
which was statistically similar to that T4. The combined application in- tion of Trichoderma and biochar on growth attributes of tomato. In con-
creased not only the essential elements like N, P, K but also essential trast to single treatments and control, co-application of Trichoderma and
trace element contents of fruits. biochar (T4) showed improved performance. This might be due to syn-
ergistic effects of Trichoderma and biochar which exerted a considerable
growth promotion over the control. Previous studies have shown that
3.6. Nutrients abundance and microbial populations in the rhizosphere Trichoderma spp. may induce plant growth promotion by colonizing
roots, increasing the foliar area and secondary roots, as well as improv-
Combined application of Trichoderma and biochar with half doses of ing the root system architecture (Dorais, 2007; Chacón et al., 2007). The
N-P-K had positive effects on soil properties (Table 8). Soil properties promotion of plant growth and nutrition by Trichoderma and their
such as organic matter, total N, available P and available K were signifi- secondary metabolites released in the rhizosphere has also been
cantly affected by T4 treatment. Maximum organic matter, total N, avail- documented (Kotasthane et al., 2015; Zeilinger et al., 2016). The
able P and available K were achieved with the combined application of newly emerging soil amendment biochar enhances soil fertility,
Trichoderma, biochar and half dose of N-P-K in treatment T4. The highest structure, and interaction with the soil microbiota (Hussain et al.,
pH was recorded from the treatment T3, which was also statistically 2017). Due to having a higher surface area, biochar act as a medium
similar to T4 treatment. On the other hand, minimum soil pH, organic for enhanced growth and root colonization of beneficial fungi
matter, total N, available P and available K was recorded from the half through hyphal growth and elongation (Hussain et al., 2017). This
dose of N-P-K (T1) treatment. The fungal and bacterial populations proliferation improves soil fertility and contributes to better uptake
were quantified at harvest, and fungal populations were significantly of mineral nutrients for plants, thus boosting growth, as observed
(p ≤ 0.05) increased in the combined treatments compared to the sole in the current study.
treatments. The maximum fungal population was recorded in T4, Biochar has porous structure which facilitates better root prolifera-
which was closely followed by T0. Bacterial populations were also signif- tion and nutrient uptake, boosts root and shoot biomass. Application
icantly higher in treatment T4. On the other hand, a substantially lower of Trichoderma-based products resulted in a 35 and 43% increase of
number of microbial populations were noted in T1 treatment. root mass in well-watered and dry conditions, respectively (Rubin
et al., 2017). Therefore, the combined application of Trichoderma and
3.7. Principal component analysis (PCA) biochar might have interacted synergistically, facilitating higher root
and shoot biomass of tomato under the present investigation. Leaf
Principal component analysis revealed that the variables were posi- greenness is essential to the desired growth because it is directly related
tively correlated within in two main components (PCs), which to the absorption of nitrogen and the photosynthesis rate (Harman and
accounted for 85.5% and 7.6%, of the overall variation. The distribution Shoresh, 2007). Our current research has shown the leaf greenness in

Table 6
Impact of Trichoderma and biochar on the concentration of minerals in shoots of tomato alone or in combinations.

Treatments N (%) P (%) K (%) Fe (mgkg−1) Zn (mgkg−1)

To 12.58 ± 0.42 a 0.31 ± 0.02 b 4.69 ± 0.02 c 230.00 ± 2.14 b 53.88 ± 1.56 b
T1 9.89 ± 0.03 b 0.23 ± 0.01 c 4.14 ± 0.03 e 207.46 ± 0.87 d 47.56 ± 0.83 c
T2 11.95 ± 0.44 a 0.34 ± 0.01 b 4.79 ± 0.02 b 235.10 ± 1.15 ab 56.84 ± 1.92 b
T3 12.17 ± 0.03 a 0.37 ± 0.01 ab 4.45 ± 0.01 d 220.16 ± 0.25 c 53.69 ± 0.37 b
T4 12.85 ± 0.43 a 0.42 ± 0.02 a 4.96 ± 0.01 a 237.94 ± 2.91 a 62.01 ± 1.50 a
LSD value 0.28 0.02 0.07 2.65 1.21
CV (%) 5.64 9.44 1.02 1.53 4.02

The data represent the mean values ± standard error. Different letters denote significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range tests. To = standard doses of N-P-K, T1 = 50%
doses of N-P-K (control), T2 = Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K, T3 = biochar+50% doses of N-P-K and T4 = biochar+Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K.
112 M.N.H. Sani et al. / Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115

Table 7
Mineral content of ripe tomato fruits as influenced by Trichoderma and biochar application alone or in combinations.

Treatments N (%) P (%) K (%) Fe (mgkg−1) Zn (mgkg−1)

To 1.53 ± 0.06 c 0.09 ± 0.013 b 4.21 ± 0.09 b 185.66 ± 3.77 b 76.10 ± 4.06 b
T1 1.63 ± 0.03 d 0.07 ± 0.005 b 4.12 ± 0.01 b 146.60 ± 4.95 c 55.09 ± 0.59 c
T2 1.84 ± 0.01 c 0.11 ± 0.005 a 4.63 ± 0.01 a 201.28 ± 8.56 b 82.59 ± 0.98 b
T3 2.31 ± 0.09 b 0.12 ± 0.004 a 4.76 ± 0.01 a 203.49 ± 3.19 b 104.29 ± 0.78 a
T4 2.62 ± 0.01 a 0.14 ± 0.004 a 4.75 ± 0.01 a 241.18 ± 1.12 a 101.24 ± 1.33 a
LSD value 0.09 0.006 0.06 7.28 4.19
CV (%) 5.12 13.24 1.67 4.82 5.01

The data represent the mean values ± standard error. Different letters denote significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range tests. To = standard doses of N-P-K, T1 = 50%
doses of N-P-K (control), T2 = Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K, T3 = biochar+50% doses of N-P-K and T4 = biochar+Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K.

Trichoderma + biochar treated plants to be significantly higher com- higher concentration gradient of sucrose in fruits (Wang et al., 2014).
pared to the half dose of N-P-K. Danish and Zafar-ul-Hye (2019) re- Nitrogen fertilizer has been demonstrated to improve protein content
ported an increase of 114% of total chlorophyll content of wheat (Rembiałkowska, 2007). Consistent with this, our study showed maxi-
through the combined application of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens + bio- mum protein content in the standard dose of N-P-K. Brandt and
char as compared to the untreated control. Abid et al. (2017) reported Mølgaard (2001) observed that plants cultivated with a lower ready-
that the application of biochar improved the production of photosyn- to-use level of nitrogen in field conditions appear to contain a lower
thetic and accessory pigments of tomato plants under various irrigation level of nitrate and protein content of the majority of foodstuffs. Khan
waters. et al. (2017) reported increased antioxidant compounds such as ascor-
Crop productivity was shown to have increased 101.45% over the bic acid, lycopene and β-carotene in ripe tomato fruits due to the appli-
control and even 11.33% over the standard doses of N-P-K in response cation of 100% Trichoderma bio-compost in field conditions, and our
to the combined application of Trichoderma and biochar with half dose findings are entirely consistent with this. However, a contradictory re-
of N-P-K. Biochar directly adds nutrients in the soil as well as increases sult has been reported by Petruccelli et al. (2015), with lower lycopene
bioavailability, whereas Trichoderma has been reported to increased and β-carotene content in tomato when amended with only biochar
nutrient availability, uptake, and assimilation in plants. Therefore, the compared to non-amended control. However, they pointed out that fur-
co-application of biochar and Trichoderma might have synergistically fa- ther research is required in field conditions to confirm their greenhouse
cilitated improved growth which might have the reason for the higher findings. The content of β-carotene and lycopene of tomatoes was
number of flowers cluster in tomato plants under the current research. stated to be significantly affected by the environmental and agricultural
In addition, various proteins associated with photosynthesis were factors (Dumas et al., 2003; Violeta et al., 2013). Therefore, tomato anti-
shown to be up-regulated in plants during Trichoderma-plant interac- oxidant content in field conditions remains a worthy area for further
tion, which could increase the photosynthesis ability of the plants study.
resulting in higher crop yield (Harman, 2000). Molla et al. (2012) re- The combined use of Trichoderma and biochar appears to enhance
ported 50% increase in tomato yield due to the application of nutrient uptake more than either alone. This could be due to a combined
Trichoderma along with standards doses of N-P-K. The highest perfor- effect from Trichoderma and biochar, which could have led to higher N,
mance in T4 could, therefore, be due to Trichoderma's synergistic interac- P, K contents in T4, with an increased nutrient solubility, nutrient absor-
tion with biochar. bance, mobilization, and assimilation. The findings of Samolski et al.
Combined application of Trichoderma and biochar increased the nu- (2012) and Zhao et al. (2009) reported that Trichoderma spp. improves
tritional and antioxidant properties of the tomato fruits. The co- nutrients absorption through root architecture modulation or through
application of Trichoderma and biochar (T4) showed the highest value exudation of nutrients availability-enhancing substances such as
of TSS, but statistically similar results were also noted in T3, which is siderophores and organic acids and that are fully consistent with our
the sole treatment of biochar. Therefore, it may be assumed that biochar findings. Moreover, the capacity of biochar to adsorb nutrients also
has a positive impact on increasing the TSS value of tomato fruits. may minimize losses of N and thus improve uptake by plants (Younis
Caliman et al. (2010) reported the higher value of titratable acidity et al., 2014). The high surface areas of biochar may be a key reason for
and total soluble solid in tomato cultivated on substrates amended improving the exchange of cations in soils which leads to better nutrient
with various biochar. Almaroai and Eissa (2020) reported a 29% increase bioavailability (Chan et al., 2008). It has been reported that biochar im-
in the TSS content of tomato due to the application of biochar. Biochar proves soil fertility by retaining nutrients for a longer period, thus min-
may increase the fruit quality by increasing photosynthesis and translo- imizing nutrient leaching to the surrounding environment (Cao et al.,
cation of sucrose and organic acid to the fruits that may contribute to a 2018).

Table 8
Nutrients and microbial populations in rhizosphere soils as influenced by Trichoderma and biochar alone or in combinations.

Treatments pH Organic matter Total N Available P Available K Microbial populations (CFU)

(g kg−1) (kg−1) (mg kg−1) (c-mol kg−1) Fungi(×105) Bacteria(×109)

To 6.30 ± 0.021 b 9.85 ± 0.10 b 1.09 ± 0.01 b 5.46 ± 0.02 b 0.31 ± 0.01 a 13.28 ± 0.22 b 14.89 ± 2.73 b
T1 6.26 ± 0.004 b 9.83 ± 0.76 b 1.08 ± 0.02 b 5.32 ± 0.30 c 0.26 ± 0.01 b 10.33 ± 0.51 c 13.58 ± 1.00 c
T2 6.27 ± 0.006 b 13.24 ± 0.01 a 1.75 ± 0.05 a 6.95 ± 0.02 b 0.31 ± 0.01 a 15.02 ± 0.26 b 24.21 ± 0.06 ab
T3 6.35 ± 0.005 a 13.92 ± 0.31 a 1.82 ± 0.01 a 7.30 ± 0.14 ab 0.31 ± 0.01 a 14.53 ± 0.02 b 24.67 ± 0.04 ab
T4 6.34 ± 0.006 a 14.67 ± 0.11 a 1.85 ± 0.01 a 7.67 ± 0.01 a 0.32 ± 0.01 a 17.22 ± 0.75 a 25.76 ± 0.04 a
Pre-soil 6.21 9.60 0.90 5.40 0.27 4.5 9.74
CV (%) 0.35 6.08 2.95 4.60 7.29 6.27 12.11

The data represent the mean values ± standard error. Different letters denote significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range tests. To = standard doses of N-P-K, T1 = 50%
doses of N-P-K (control), T2 = Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K, T3 = biochar+50% doses of N-P-K and T4 = biochar+Trichoderma + 50% doses of N-P-K.
M.N.H. Sani et al. / Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115 113

Fig. 1. Principal component analysis (PCA) loading plot (A) and scores of principal component analysis (B) of chemical parameters of the soil and the chemical composition of tomato fruits
as a function of Trichoderma, biochar and N-P-K treatments. TSS, total soluble solids; BC, β-carotene; Lyco, lycopene; Ptn, protein; Btria, Bacteria; Fgi, fungi, OM, organic matter; Avp,
available phosphorous; Avk, available potassium; TN, total nitrogen; Ns, Ps, Ks, Fes, Zns, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, iron and zinc content of shoots and Nf, Pf, Kf, Fef, Znf,
nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, iron and zinc content of fruits respectively.

Colla et al. (2015) reported that Trichoderma spp. can enhance iron Microbes, including beneficial fungi and bacteria of the soil rhizo-
solubility and hence uptake and translocation by the plant. Our results sphere, play a vital role in the provision of nutrients by solubilizing or-
are similar, with higher Fe content in shoots of tomato with a single ap- ganic nutrients. These rhizosphere microorganisms also increase the
plication of Trichoderma, which was statistically similar to the combined availability of nutrients for plants and thereby promote plant growth
application. An increased P availability in rhizosphere grounds was re- and productivity by enhancing soil fertility (Kaewchai, 2009). Improved
ported due to the application of the Trichoderma-enriched biofertilizer water retention following the application of biochar in soil is well
(Cai et al., 2015). Addition of biochar to the soil increase availability of established and this may positively affect the rhizosphere microbes in
basic cations as well as phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations the soil. Biochar offers an adequate habitat for a broad and diverse
(Glaser et al., 2002; Lehmann et al., 2003). A positive correlation was re- group of microorganisms, although the interaction between biochar
ported between higher mineral content in crop plants with a higher and microorganisms in the soil is complex (Busscher et al., 2010) and
amount of rhizosphere soil microorganisms (Worthington, 2001). Our not fully understood. Our study shows that the co-application of
PCA analysis demonstrated a similar pattern. Trichoderma and biochar resulted in an increased abundance of fungal
114 M.N.H. Sani et al. / Annals of Agricultural Sciences 65 (2020) 107–115

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