8vo Information and Communication Technology

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Name: _______________________________________

Worksheet 1 - 8th grade

Unit 1: Information and communication technologies

1.Look at the box below and describe the app's name, colours and uses of each of them.
Follow the examples.

Vocabulary in context

2. Match the following definitions with their corresponding device. Write your answer in
the Nº section.

you can watch series, movies and use remote control. 1. Cellphone

you use it on your wrist and can see text messages and the time. 2. Tablet

It is very thin and small, it has a big screen ideal for watching videos. 3. Computer

It is very useful for writing and communicate with people, you can do 4. TV
your homework on it.

It is a comfortable device that you can keep in your pocket you can call 5. Smartwatch
people, listen to music and also watch videos or movies
3. Read the text and answer the questions below. (Answer in your Notebook)

The Digital Divide

The term digital divide refers to the gap between those who have ready
access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not. More
precisely, it is an economic and social inequality with regard to access
to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies
(ICT). This definition includes the skills to make use of ICT as an
important element. Research shows that the digital divide is more than
just an access issue and cannot be relieved just by providing the
necessary equipment. More than just accessibility, individuals need to
know how to make use of the information and communication tools once they exist within a

The digital divide may exist within the same country or between differing countries or regions of the
world. In fact, within many countries including the industrialized ones, there are inequalities
between individuals, households, businesses, or geographic areas, usually at different
socioeconomic levels. For instance, the marginalized members of society, like the poor, rural, and
old people do not have access to computers or the internet. However, the wealthy, middle-class
population and those living in urban areas are luckier to be digitally active members of society. At
the global level, the digital divide may refer to the divide between differing countries or regions of
the world. This divide is also called the global digital divide and it exists mainly between developing
and developed countries on an international scale.

1. What is the definition of “ Digital divide”?

2. To avoid the digital divide, do you only need to have technological equipment?
3. What people are marginalized by the digital divide?
4. Is the “digital divide” the same that the “global digital divide”?
5. Where can the digital divide occur?

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