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Praktisi Swasta bidang

Arsitektur Lanskap

28 Februari 2024
Landasan Hukum
Usaha Jasa Konstruksi —Konsultan
UU No. 2 Tahun 2017 tentang Jasa Konstruksi
Landasan Hukum
Usaha Jasa Konstruksi —Konsultan
Peraturan Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional
Izin Mendirikan Konsultan

1. NPWP Perusahaan di kantor Direktorat Pajak

2. Akta Perusahaan di Notaris

3. SITU (Surat Izin Tempat Usaha) di Badan Perizinan Daerah

4. SKA (Sertifikat Tenaga Ahli) SKA Arsitektur Lanskap

dikeluarkan oleh Ikatan Arsitek Lanskap Indonesia (BS IALI)

5. SBU (Sertifikat Badan Usaha)

6. Surat Ijin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (SIUJK)

Kategori Praktisi Swasta

• Praktisi Swasta: Biro Konsultan Multidisiplin Arsitektur/ Teknik


• Praktisi Swasta: Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Besar

• Praktisi Swasta: Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Kecil
• Praktisi Swasta: Biro Konsultan Desain dan Konstruksi ( Design-
Studi Kasus
HNTB Corporation
Biro Konsultan Multidisiplin Arsitektur/ Teknik Besar

• With nearly a century of growth, HNTB is one of the most prominent

engineering, architecture, urban design, and planning firms in the nation.
HNTB is employee-owned and had more than 3,400 employees and 62
offices nationwide in 2008. HNTB serves clients in the transportation,
architecture, municipal, and federal markets. The company was ranked
number 19 in the Engineering News-Record top 500 design firms in 2009

• HNTB is actually a family of companies that provide professional services in

four primary markets:

• transportation,
• architecture,
• federal services, and
• international.
HNTB Corporation
Biro Konsultan Multidisiplin Arsitektur/ Teknik Besar

• Visi
• HNTB is focused on continuing to create a sustainable and profitable business based upon
creative and technical expertise in all of the company’s discipline. HNTB is committed to its
clients and its staff as well as the creation of sound and sustainable communities.

• Filosofi Bisnis:
• Take personal responsibility for making success happen—success for your clients, your
office, and your company.

• Expect more of yourself in everything you do. Use your talents and imagination to provide
clients with the best solutions.

• Uncover what is really important in any situation.

• Collaborate with others to achieve the best outcome in any situation for everyone involved.
• Build relationships by treating others with respect, listening to their points of view, and
dealing fairly in any business situation.
HNTB Corporation
Biro Konsultan Multidisiplin Arsitektur/ Teknik Besar
• Value dan Budaya
• Integrity: Act with integrity, always.
• Technical Excellence: Develop and demon- strate technical excellence by applying skills to the world’s
most challenging and rewarding projects.

• Respect for Others: Encourage and acknowledges imagination and dedication. Seek the support and
tools needed to satisfy the high expectations of ourselves and our clients.

• Continual Development: Continually examine goals and aspirations to create a path to personal and
professional success and improve our ability to serve our clients.

• Commitment to Our Professions: Advance the technical and management skills that characterize HNTB
as the top professionals in our industry.

• Filosofi Desain:
• HNTB works to build consensus and commitment to develop a vision of what can be, define the
potential of what will be, and create plans that can be realized with high-quality design and
development. It is the firm’s philosophy to provide solutions that can create a special place for people to
gather, enhance a site’s identity, serve as a catalyst for new development or redevelopment, and
provide a stage for a variety of cultural, educational and physical activities.

• HNTB’s landscape architects and urban designers not only believe in this philosophy but also practice it
daily. It is HNTB’s desire to provide every community where the firm works with the tools to enrich the
quality of life for the residents, ultimately making it a more livable community.
HNTB Corporation
Biro Konsultan Multidisiplin Arsitektur/ Teknik Besar

• Lingkup Pekerjaan bagian Arsitektur Lanskap • NEPA document preparation

• Bikeway/trail design • Parks and recreation
• Campus, community sector, neighborhood • Public involvement
• Regional and multijurisdictional planning
• Community planning
• Signage/wayfinding
• Context-sensitive solutions
• Sports complex design
• Corridor planning and impact analysis
• Station area planning and design
• Cultural resource studies
• Transit-oriented development
• Design and development guidelines
• Transportation enhancements
• Downtown revitalization/economic development
• Urban design
• Environmental planning
• Visioning/strategic assessment/report cards
• Growth management studies
• Visual impact analysis
• Integrated land use and transportation studies
• Waterfront/brownfield development
• Land planning
• Zoning ordinances
• Landscape architecture master planning
Design + Planning at AECOM
Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Besar

• In the year 2005, AECOM, the international plan- ning, design,

and engineering firm acquired what was then arguably the largest
and most well-known landscape architecture firm in the world,
EDAW, Inc. At the time of the merger, EDAW had 1,200
employees and annual revenue of $150 million. Beginning in
October 2009, EDAW permanently changed its name to Design +
Planning at AE- COM. In 2010, Design + Planning had a global
network of 34 offices and 1,800 professionals ad- dressing
complex challenges in a broad range of project scales and
Design + Planning at AECOM
Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Besar
Design + Planning at AECOM
Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Besar

• Proyek:
• Asia and Pacific Trade Center, Osaka, Japan
• Clarke Quay restoration and redevelopment plan, Singapore
• Colorado Springs downtown plan, Colorado Springs, Colorado
• Ross’s Landing (Tennessee Aquarium),
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
• National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado
• Native American Indian Museum, Washington, DC.
• U.S. Capitol East Plaza, Washington, DC
• U.S. Embassy, Lima, Peru
• Williams AFB reuse plan, Mesa, Arizona
The Acacia Group, Inc.
Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Kecil

• The firm developed a regional reputation as ex- perts in

xeriscape design for arid region site plan- ning, landscape
architecture, and irrigation design.

• Beginning in 1989, the firm, which employed a staff of about 25 at

the time, began to downsize be- cause of the demise of the
savings and loan industry in the United States and its impact on
construc- tion funding. Further hardship occurred with the 1991–
1992 recession and the nationally depressed development and
construction industry. The Acacia Group, which leveled off in
1994 as a small office with a staff of seven people on average,
was guided by Walt Rogers and his partner, John Hucko, until the
firm was acquired in December 2007 by Olsson Associates, a
multidisciplinary firm headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Acacia Group, Inc.
Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Kecil

• The firm’s primary areas of professional prac- tice included:

• ■ Landscape architecture
• ■ Site planning
• ■ Park and recreation planning
• ■ Urban project design
• ■ Environmental assessment
• ■ Irrigation design
• ■ Water conservation planning and waterharvesting
• ■ Native plant inventories and desert revegetation programs
• ■ Historic landscape preservation
The Acacia Group, Inc.
Biro Konsultan Arsitektur Lanskap Kecil

• The Acacia Group seeks to provide the highest quality landscape architecture
services in Tucson, Arizona, the southwest, and other arid environments by
serving its clients with honesty, integrity, and the highest professional ethics.

• The firm seeks to provide the best professional effort on behalf of its clients,
both public and private, and respond to the needs of all users of the built and
natural world.

• Because the firm had always focused on land- scape architectural project
design, the role of the landscape architect is paramount. All professional staff
members, whether entry level or ad- vanced, are encouraged to be problem
solvers and to take on responsibility.

• Landscape archi- tects are given responsibility for all phases of project
design, for production of plans and specifica- tions, and for developing client
relationships at the earliest possible time after employment with the firm.
ValleyCrest Landscape Development
Biro Konsultan Desain dan Konstruksi ( Design-

• Founded in 1949 by Burton S. Sperber as Valley Crest

Landscape Nurseries.

• The company started as a nursery operation and routinely offered

customers design and installation services to facilitate the sale of
trees and shrubs. After Sperber received certification as a
registered landscape architect in the state of California(No. 825)
in 1954, the company’s entre ́e into what is now known as design-
build was officially launched.
ValleyCrest Landscape Development
Biro Konsultan Desain dan Konstruksi ( Design-

• Misi:
• Dominate Every Market with Completely Satisfied Customers
• Core Values:
• Safety
• Integrity
• Teamwork
• Quality
• Innovation
ValleyCrest Landscape Development
Biro Konsultan Desain dan Konstruksi ( Design-

• Landscape Architecture Services:

• ValleyCrest Design Group (VCDG)
• ValleyCrest Landscape Development (VCLD)
• ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance (VCLM).
• ValleyCrest Golf Course Maintenance (VCGCM)
• Valley Crest Tree Company (VCT)

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