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Appendix 1

Lesson 1: Matching Headings

Number of students: 10 - 12 Vietnamese students
Levels: Pre-Intermediate
o Whiteboard, markers and cards
o Handouts with adapted activity sheets
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
o Identify keywords in Headings and Passage;
o Know the techniques and steps of doing this task.
Time Stage Aims Procedure Interaction
8 Warm-up Lead students to the T- Ss
● Put the smaller cards (headings) around the classroom in various
minutes objectives and techniques of
spots that are easily accessible to students.
this task with the game
“Heading Treasure Hunt” ● Set a timer for 5 minutes and let the students begin the "treasure

hunt" to find their matching heading cards. Once all students have
found their matching headings, have them come back to their

● Ask each student to read out their topic card and the heading card
they believe is the best match. Encourage them to explain why
they think the two cards match. Then lead the Ss to the task type.
7 Introduce the Introduce the overall  Introduce the overall approach and Task description for Ss: T-Ss
minutes lesson approach, steps by steps of Task description: Headings are short sentences that summarise the
this task information in a paragraph. This type of question tests your ability to
understand the main idea of each paragraph.

How to approach this task:

 Underline Keywords in Headings and Passage

 Skim the Paragraph to Find its Gist

 Keep in Mind First and Last Sentence of a Paragraph

 Go Through All Headings Before Choosing

10 Practice Recognize key synonyms, T- Ss
● Ask Ss to work in groups of 3-4, and distribute the headings and
minutes main and supporting ideas Ss-Ss
text sections randomly to the students.

● Ask the students to match each heading with the correct main idea

and supporting details from the text. Encourage students to discuss

their choices with their peers to promote group interaction and

● Review the answers together as a class, providing feedback and

explanations for each correct match.

● Reinforce the importance of identifying main ideas and supporting

details in comprehending texts effectively.

15 Production Practice with a more difficult T- Ss
● Ask Ss to work individually to highlight new words, Ts explain
minutes reading which requires Ss to
the meanings with the whole class, and ask them to do exercise 2.
apply what they have learned
● Check the answer with the whole class, asking Ss to read and find Ss-Ss
the paraphrase/synonym between the information in the reading
and in the headings.
5 Wrap -up Recall the students what they T- Ss
● Wrap up the lesson
minutes learned in the lesson
● Ask questions about what the students have learned

● Ask if students have any questions

● Give homework

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