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August 2011

Dear Course Nember


Welcome to the fulltime NSc in Business and !nformation Technology Systems
programme at the University of Strathclyde Business School. The purpose of this
letter is to give you some administrative and general information in preparation for
joining the programme in September. Please read all the information carefully.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me, Nic Toshner,
your Programme Administrator. This can best be done by telephone (direct +44
(0)41SS36102) or by telefax (+44(0)141SS22S01) or by email

! have enclosed a map to help you find your way around the campus and showing
the Department of Nanagement which is within the Business School building at
Cathedral Street.


Please report to the Business School reception desk, located at 133 Cathedral Street.
Tea and coffee will be available on arrival. Dress is informal but smart.

You will receive your B!TS course handbook when you arrive on Nonday 13


Sessions for registering with the University will take place on the following dates:

Nain Registration
September 2010 (0330 1600)
To ensure that you are fully prepared for registration, please follow the link below
and follow the guidelines that apply to you:
You do not have to complete induction in order to register so, it would be best to
complete registration before your induction day.

There are various methods by which you can pay your tuition fees. !f you follow the
link below, you will find details of the payment options available to you:
!f you have any queries regarding your fees, please contact Celia Bonner, Finance
Office on or telephone +44 (0)141 S48 2003.

You are expected to be proficient on a personal computer and be competent in word
processing applications and spreadsheets.

Although the School has a computer teaching laboratory which is available to
students when not being used for teaching, we strongly recommend that you
purchase or lease a laptop computer and printer. The advantages of having them
far outweigh the financial outlay.

Whilst this letter should provide you with all you need to know at this stage, please
do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

! look forward to welcoming you on the NSc in Business and !nformation Technology
Systems programme on Nonday, 13
September. Nonday 26
September is a
public holiday therefore the university will be closed on that day.

Although the first session starts on 13
September our experience shows
us that students benefit if they arrive early in order to acclimatise and
familiarise themselves with their new environment.

Yours sincerely

Nic Toshner
Programme Administrator, B!TS
Encl. Nap of Campus

Good aIternoon

Please Iind attached additional inIormation regarding your BITS course.

When you do arrive you should go to 199 Cathedral street and ask Ior Nic Toshner
the BITS Administrator (Room 629). Nic will provide you with a welcome pack and
provide you with any inIormation you require about your study and stay in Glasgow.
Please contact Nic with your date oI arrival.

Please note the latest date you would be allowed to start the BITS programme is the
October, however you do require an extension letter Ior this.

We look Iorward to seeing you soon.

Warm regards
Jacqueline Thomson

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