Data Analytics Immersion Excerise 2.4

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4 Temporal Visualizations & Forecasting Task

3. Forecast with seasonality

4. Forecast without Seasonality

6. Text

• Are the title and text descriptive enough? (i.e., do you understand what the visualization is trying
to convey just by looking at the title and text?) Answer: Yes

• Are there text labels? Answer: Yes

• Does the text portray any redundant information that could be gotten rid of? Answer: No, all
redundant text was removed only necessary labels and text kept.

• Do colors, shapes, and size scales come with legends? Answer: Yes

• If there are two variables with the same name but different value, such as having two days of the
week listed as Friday but one is for last week and one is for the current week, is there any text label
distinguishing this? Answer: N/A Color

• What does the color scheme signify? Answer: There is no color scheme due to there being 51
variables to deal with, the colors are only used to represent the states.

• Are there more than five colors? Answer: Yes, there is no choice for this because we are dealing
with 51 variables.

• Does the color scheme make sense? Are colors analogous, complementary, monochromatic, or
intuitive? Answer: There is no color scheme due to there being 51 variables however the colors are
properly explained with the legend.

• If color is used to draw attention to important information, is the darkest color representing the
most important information? Answer: N/A Other
• Are different sizes used? If so, is there meaning behind the sizes? Answer: No sizes were used.

• Are there groupings in the data that can be portrayed through color, size, or position? Answer: I
made an additional visual that Included below that grouped all of the states by region and used
different colors to represent each region. I used the color blin palette.

• Is there (enough) whitespace? Answer: Given the number of states used there is enough

• Is the visualization accessible? Answer: Yes

• Does the visualization teach you something? Answer: Yes, the visualizations taught us when the flu
deaths are at there highest and lowest over the years and months.

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