Therapeutic Clssification

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Questions on the Classification of Drugs According To Therapeutic Use:

1. Explain the rationale behind classifying drugs according to therapeutic use. How does this
classification aid in understanding and utilizing medications effectively?

2. Discuss the major therapeutic categories of drugs, providing examples for each category and
explaining their primary therapeutic uses.

3. Compare and contrast the therapeutic uses of analgesics, antipyretics, and anti-inflammatory
drugs. Provide examples of each and explain their mechanisms of action.

4. Describe the therapeutic uses of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Highlight the key differences
between these two classes of antimicrobial agents and provide examples of each.

5. Explore the therapeutic uses of drugs acting on the central nervous system (CNS), including
anxiolytics, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Discuss their mechanisms of action and give
examples of drugs in each category.

6. Explain the therapeutic uses of cardiovascular drugs, including antihypertensives,

antiarrhythmics, and anticoagulants. Provide examples of drugs in each category and discuss
their mechanisms of action.

7. Investigate the therapeutic uses of drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system, such as proton
pump inhibitors (PPIs), antacids, and antiemetics. Discuss how these drugs work and provide
examples of medications in each category.

8. Analyze the therapeutic uses of hormones and hormone antagonists, including

glucocorticoids, insulin, and thyroid hormones. Explain how these drugs are used in clinical
practice and provide examples of conditions they are prescribed for.

9. Evaluate the therapeutic uses of drugs acting on the respiratory system, such as
bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and antihistamines. Discuss their mechanisms of action and
provide examples of medications used to treat respiratory conditions.
10. Explore the therapeutic uses of drugs affecting the immune system, including
Immunosuppressants and immunostimulants. Discuss the conditions for which these drugs are
prescribed and provide examples of medications in each category.

11. Classify the following drugs according to their therapeutic use:

a) Aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen

b) Amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin

c) Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil

12. Differentiate between analgesics, antibiotics, and antidepressants in terms of their

therapeutic uses, providing examples for each category.

13. Explain the therapeutic uses of antihypertensives and classify at least three commonly
prescribed drugs in this category.

14. Discuss the therapeutic uses of antipsychotic medications and provide examples of both
typical and atypical antipsychotics.

15. Classify the following drugs according to their therapeutic use:

a) Metformin, insulin, glipizide

b) Albuterol, fluticasone, montelukast

c) Warfarin, enoxaparin, rivaroxaban

16. Compare and contrast the therapeutic uses of NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory
Drugs) and corticosteroids, providing examples of each.

17. Describe the therapeutic uses of diuretics and classify them into different types based on
their mechanisms of action, giving examples of each type.

18. Classify the following drugs according to their therapeutic use:

a) Simvastatin, atorvastatin, fenofibrate

b) Lisinopril, losartan, metoprolol

c) Levothyroxine, liothyronine, methimazole

19. Explain the therapeutic uses of anticoagulants and classify them into different categories
based on their mechanisms of action, providing examples for each category.

20. Discuss the therapeutic uses of anticonvulsants and classify them into broad categories,
such as first-generation and second-generation anticonvulsants, with examples of each

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