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NAME: anita iqbal

FATHER NAME: mohammad iqbal

USER ID: 0000398511

COURSE: educational assessment and evaluation


SEMESTER: 2nd spring, 2023




Q1 Explain the specific objectives of secondary, elementary and

special education.


Secondary Education Objectives:

The specific objectives of secondary education are aimed at preparing students for successful
completion of high school and for future educational pursuits or entry into the workforce. These
objectives include:

1. Academic Achievement:

One of the primary objectives of secondary education is to ensure that students achieve
proficiency in core academic subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies.
This includes developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and information literacy skills, as
well as promoting creativity and innovation.

2. College and Career Readiness:

Secondary education seeks to prepare students for post-secondary education or the

Work force by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills. This includes helping
students explore and identify career interests, providing opportunities for vocational training or
internships, and offering guidance in college and career planning.

Personal and Social Development:

Secondary education aims to support the holistic development of students by fosterin Their
personal and social growth. This includes promoting positive self-esteem and Self- awareness,
developing effective communication and interpersonal skills, and Cultivating ethical values and
responsible citizenship.

4. Cultural and Global Awareness:

Another objective of secondary education is to promote cultural understanding and Global awareness

among students. This involves exposing students to diverse Perspectives, cultures, and

worldviews, facilitating intercultural dialogue, and Encouraging respect for differences.

5. Physical and Emotional Well-being:

Secondary education also focuses on promoting students’ physical and emotional well- Being.
This involves providing opportunities for physical fitness and health education, as well as teaching
strategies for stress management, emotional resilience, and mental Health awareness.

6. Civic Engagement and Community Involvement:

Secondary education seeks to foster active citizenship and community engagement. This

includes promoting democratic values, encouraging community service and

Volunteerism, and developing students’ understanding of local, national, and global Issues.

Elementary Education Objectives:

Elementary education aims to provide a solid foundation for a child’s educational Journey. The
specific objectives of elementary education include:

1. Basic Literacy and Numeracy:

One of the primary objectives of elementary education is to ensure that students Develop basic

literacy and numeracy skills. This includes acquiring reading, writing and mathematical abilities,

as well as developing comprehension, critical thinking, and Problem-solving skills.

2. Social and Emotional Development:

Elementary education also focuses on nurturing students’ social and emotional

Development. This involves teaching essential social skills such as
Collaboration, empathy, and conflict resolution, as well as promoting self-regulation and
emotional Intelligence

3. Cognitive Development:

Elementary education aims to support students’ cognitive development by fostering

Curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. This includes providing opportunities for Hands-on
learning, inquiry-based activities, and problem-solving tasks that stimulate Intellectual growth.

4. Physical Development and Health:

Another objective of elementary education is to promote students’ physical Development and health.

This involves encouraging regular exercise, healthy eating Habits, and the understanding of basic
health and hygiene practices.

5. Cultural and Moral Values:

Elementary education seeks to instill cultural and moral values in students. This Includes promoting
respect, fairness, honesty, and tolerance, as well as fostering an Appreciation for diversity and

6. Environmental Awareness:

Elementary education also aims to develop students’ environmental awareness and

Responsibility. This involves teaching the importance of conservation, sustainability and environmental
stewardship, as well as providing opportunities for outdoor learning and experiential activities.

Special Education Objectives:

Special education is designed to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities and ensure
their meaningful participation in education. The specific objectives of Special education include:

1. Individualized Instruction:
Special education aims to provide individualized instruction tailored to meet the Specific needs of students with
disabilities. This involves assessing students’ strengths And weaknesses and developing personalized
education plans, including Accommodations and modifications, to support their learning and progress.

2. Academic Achievement:

Special education seeks to facilitate academic achievement for students with Special education
seeks to facilitate academic achievement for students with Disabilities. This includes providing
specialized teaching strategies, interventions, and Assistive technologies to help students access and engage
with the curriculum, as well As fostering a positive learning environment that promotes their success.

3. Functional and Life Skills Development:

Special education also focuses on developing functional and life skills to Enhance Students’
independence and overall quality of life. This involves teaching skills related to personal care,
communication, socialization, problem-solving, and self- advocacy.

4. Inclusion and Social Integration:

Special education aims to promote inclusion and social integration for students with Disabilities. This
involves creating an inclusive classroom environment where students with and without disabilities
learn together, fostering positive peer interactions and Collaborations, and providing opportunities for
participation in extracurricular Activities.

5. Emotional and Behavioral Support:

Special education seeks to provide emotional and behavioral support for students with

Disabilities. This includes teaching coping strategies, emotional regulation techniques and

social-emotional skills, as well as implementing behavior management plans to Address

challenging behaviors.
6. Transition Planning:
Special education also focuses on transition planning to prepare students with Disabilities for post-
school life. This involves providing career exploration, vocational Training, and transition services
to facilitate their successful transition to higher Education, employment, or independent living.

In conclusion, secondary education aims to prepare students for future educational Pursuits and careers,
elementary education aims to provide a strong foundation for Further learning, and special education
aims to meet the unique needs of students with Disabilities. Each level of education has specific
objectives that revolve around Academic achievement, personal and social development, cultural
awareness, physical and emotional well-being, civic engagement, and other essential skills for
student’s Holistic growth and success.

Q.2 Critically analyze the functions, role and core values of FGEI and SSE.

Functions of FGEI:

The primary function of FGEI is to establish and manage educational institutions for the children of

federal government employees. It aims to provide quality education to these children, ensuring

their academic growth and development. FGEI also focus on creating a positive learning

environment that nurtures intellectual, social, and Emotional growth. It also strives to prepare

students for the future by equipping them with essential skills and knowledge.

FGEI’s role

Its role in society is significant as it caters to an important segment of the Population, i.e., the

children of federal government employees. By providing quality Education, FGEI plays a crucial

role in shaping the future generation of leaders and Professionals. It ensures that these children

have access to educational opportunities. That prepare them for various career paths. FGEI also

contributes to social mobility by providing education to children who might not have access to

private educational Institutions.

Core Values of FGEI:

The core values of FGEI revolve around creating an inclusive and nurturing learning
Environment. These values include:
 Excellence:
FGEI strives for excellence in education by promoting high academic Standards,
encouraging critical thinking, and fostering a love for learning. It aims Produce well-
rounded individuals who excel in their chosen fields.

 Integrity:
FGEI upholds the values of honesty, fairness, and accountability in all Aspects of its
operations. It encourages ethical behavior among students, teachers, and Staff, fostering a
culture of trust and integrity.

 Respect:
FGEI values respect for diversity, recognizing the unique strengths and Talents of each
individual. It promotes inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for others ‘Perspectives,
fostering a harmonious learning environment.

 Collaboration:

FGEI encourages collaboration among students, teachers, and Parents, recognizing the
importance of teamwork and cooperation. It promotes a sense Of community and shared
responsibility for the students’ educational journey.

Functions of SSE:

The Society of Software Engineers (SSE) is a professional society that aims to enhance the
skills, knowledge, and professional growth of software engineers. Its Functions can be
categorized into three main areas:

1. Education and Training:

SSE provides educational and training programs to its Members, keeping them updated
with the latest advancements in software engineering. It conducts workshops, seminars,
and conferences, where professionals can learn from Industry experts and share their
2. Networking and Collaboration:
SSE facilitates networking and collaboration among Software engineers. It provides a platform for
professionals to connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects. SSE also encourages mentorship
programs, where Experienced engineers guide and support younger professionals.

3. Advocacy and Representation:

SSE plays a crucial role in advocating for the Interests of software engineers. It represents their concerns
and needs, both within the Industry and to policymakers. SSE advocates for professional standards, fair
Compensation, and a conducive work environment for software engineers.
Role of SSE:

SSE plays a vital role in the software engineering industry by supporting the Professional growth and
development of its members. It acts as a catalyst for Knowledge sharing, collaboration, and
innovation within the field. SSE also serves as a Representative body, addressing the challenges
and advocating for the rights of Software engineers.

Core Values of SSE:

The core values of SSE reflect its commitment to the software engineering profession And its

These include:

1. Lifelong Learning:

2. SSE values continuous learning and supports its members in Their pursuit of knowledge
and skill enhancement. It recognizes that software Engineering is a rapidly evolving field,
and professionals must stay updated to remain Competitive.

3. Professionalism:

SSE promotes professionalism by setting and upholding high Standards of ethics, competence, and
conduct. It encourages its members to adhere Professional codes of practice, ensuring the integrity
and credibility of the software Engineering profession.

4. Collaboration and Community:

SSE fosters a sense of community, collaboration and mutual support among its members. It recognizes
the value of collective Intelligence and encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences.

5. Innovation:

SSE values innovation and encourages its members to push boundaries Explore new ideas, and
contribute to the advancement of software engineering. It recognizes that innovation is a driving force
for progress and growth in the industry.


In conclusion, Federal Government Educational Institutions (FGEI) and the Society of Software Engineers
(SSE) play significant roles in their respective domains. FGEI Aims to provide quality education to the
children of federal government employees, Fostering excellence, integrity, respect, and collaboration. On the
other hand, SSE Focuses on enhancing the skills and knowledge of software engineers, promoting Lifelong
learning, professionalism, collaboration, and innovation. Both institutions Contribute to shaping the future
generation of professionals and play a crucial role in their respective areas.

Q.3 Highlight the differences among the Educators, Beacon house and City School. And
describe their academic programs and curriculum.


The Educators, Beacon house, and City School are all well-known educational Institutions that aim to provide
quality education to students. While they share the Common goal of imparting knowledge and developing
skills in students, there are Notable differences in their approach, academic programs, and curriculum. The
Educators is a network of schools that operates across Pakistan. It focuses on providing a holistic education

that emphasizes character building and academic Excellence. The Educators believe in fostering a
conducive learning environment that Encourages students to explore their potential and develop critical
thinking skills. They recognize the importance of extracurricular activities and offer a wide range of co-
Curricular programs, including sports, arts, and community service. The Educators Pride themselves on
innovation and use technology in their teaching methods Enhance the learning experience. Their
curriculum is designed to align with International standards, ensuring that students gain a global perspective and
are prepared for future challenges. Beacon house, on the other hand, is one of the largest private school networks
in the World, with branches in various countries. It has a reputation for academic excellence and is known for
its rigorous curriculum and high standards. Beacon house places a Strong emphasis on continuous
professional development for its teaching staff, ensuring that they stay abreast of the latest teaching
methodologies. Their curriculum focuses on a combination of traditional subjects and modern disciplines,
such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Beacon house schools Also offer a
variety of enrichment programs, including debate clubs, Model United Nations (MUN), and entrepreneurship

Additionally, Beacon house has partnered with renowned universities to provide students with

opportunities for higher Education and international exposure. City School, a private educational

institution, also has a widespread presence in Pakistan. City School follows a learner-centered

approach to education, aiming to create a stimulating environment that fosters curiosity and

exploration. They believe in the holistic development of students and offer a well-rounded

curriculum that includes both academics and extracurricular activities. City School places a

strong emphasis on personalized learning, recognizing that each student has unique abilities

and learning Styles. They also promote active parental involvement in their students’

education, Organizing regular parent-teacher meetings and workshops. City School curriculum is

designed to meet national standards while incorporating international best practices to

Prepare students for globally competitive challenges. In terms of academic programs and

curriculum, The Educators, Beacon house, and City School offer a similar range of subjects,

including English,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Languages. However, there are variations in the
teaching Methodologies, assessment systems, and additional programs offered. The Educators

focus on experiential learning, encouraging students to actively engage in hands-on activities

and projects. Their curriculum includes project-based Assignments, group discussions, and real-
life scenarios, enabling students to apply their knowledge to practical situations. The Educators
also emphasize continuous Assessment, with regular quizzes and formative assessments to
monitor students’ Progress. Additionally, they provide ample opportunities for students to
develop 21 - Century skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.
Beacon house, known for its rigorous academic standards, follows a more traditional
Approach to teaching and assessment.

They emphasize conceptual understanding Encouraging students to delve deeper into topics
and develop analytical skills. Beaconhouse schools employ various assessment methods,
including written exams, Presentations, and research projects, to evaluate students’ knowledge
and skills. They also offer specialized programs such as Cambridge International Examinations
(CIE) And International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, providing students with international
Recognized qualifications. City School’s academic programs focus on providing a well-rounded
education that Caters to the diverse interests and abilities of students. They offer a variety of
elective Subjects, allowing students to choose courses according to their areas of interest. City
School promotes a blend of traditional classroom teaching and interactive learning
Experiences. Their assessment methods include a combination of written exams, Practical
assessments, and portfolio evaluations. City School also offers enrichment Programs, including
clubs, societies, and competitions, to nurture students’ talents and Interests. In conclusion, while
The Educators, Beacon house, and City School share the common Goal of providing quality
education, there are notable differences in their approach, Academic programs, and
curriculum. The Educators focus on holistic development and Innovation, Beacon house
prioritizes academic excellence and enrichment programs, And City School promotes
personalized learning and a well-rounded education. Each Institution has its unique features and
strengths, catering to the diverse needs and Interests of students. Ultimately, the choice of the
educational institution depends on an individual student’s requirements, goals, and learning style.

Q.4 Write down detailed note on textbook and criteria for selection of Books.

1. Significance of Textbooks:

1.1. Foundation of Knowledge:

Textbooks serve as the foundation of knowledge and understanding in various Academic disciplines.
They provide a structured and comprehensive approach to Learning, ensuring that students acquire
the necessary knowledge and skills.

1.2. Reference Material:

Textbooks act as a reference guide for students, educators, and researchers. They Contain
information, theories, and concepts that are essential for academic pursuits, enabling individuals
to deepen their understanding and explore further.

1.3. Continuity and Consistency:

Textbooks ensure continuity and consistency in education. They provide a Standardized

curriculum, enabling teachers to deliver uniform content across different Classrooms and schools.

1.4. Pedagogical Support:

Textbooks often include pedagogical features such as summaries, key points. Examples, and
exercises. These aids facilitate effective teaching and learning by providing additional
explanations, prompting critical thinking, and encouraging Engagement.

2. Criteria for Selection of Textbooks:

2.1. Alignment with Curriculum:

Textbooks should align with the prescribed curriculum to ensure that they cover the Required topics,
themes, and learning objectives. The content of textbooks should be Relevant, up-to-date, and comprehensive,
enabling students to meet the educational Standards and goals.

2.2. Accuracy and Credibility:

It is essential that textbooks provide accurate and reliable information. The credibility of the author,
publisher, and sources should be considered. Textbooks that have Undergone rigorous fact-
checking and peer review processes are generally more reliable.

2.3. Readability and Clarity:

Textbooks should be written in a clear and concise manner, using language that is Appropriate
for the intended audience. Well-organized content, headings, subheadings, And effective use of

visuals and diagrams enhance readability and comprehension.

2.4. Engagement and Interactivity:

Textbooks should be engaging and interactive to keep students motivated and Interested in the
subject matter. Features such as case studies, real-life examples, Activities, and interactive
elements can facilitate active learning and promote student Engagement.

2.5. Cultural and Social Sensitivity:

Textbooks should be sensitive to cultural and social diversity, avoiding biases and Stereotypes.
They should represent various perspectives and experiences, promoting Inclusivity and fostering
tolerance and understanding among students.

2.6. Adaptability and Flexibility:

As education evolves, textbooks should be adaptable and flexible to accommodate Changing teaching
methods, technological advancements, and new research. Digital Versions of textbooks, multimedia elements,
and online resources can enhance Adaptability.

2.7. Cost and Accessibility:

The cost of textbooks plays a significant role in their selection. Affordable options should be

preferred, ensuring that students have access to the necessary learning Materials.
Additionally, digital formats and open educational resources (OERs) can Enhance
accessibility and reduce cost barriers.

2.8. Teacher and Student Feedback:

Valuable insights can be gained from teachers and students who have used the Textbooks before.
Their feedback can provide information on the effectiveness, Usability, and relevance of the
books, helping in the selection process.


Textbooks are vital educational tools, providing a structured approach to learning and Serving as a foundation
of knowledge. Selecting appropriate textbooks requires careful Consideration of various criteria, including
curriculum alignment, accuracy Readability, engagement, cultural sensitivity, adaptability, cost, and feedback.
By Adhering to these criteria, educators can ensure that students have access to high-Quality resources that

effectively facilitate their learning journey.

Q.5 Discuss the aspects, principles and mechanism of curriculum

development In Pakistan.


Curriculum development in Pakistan involves a systematic process of creating, Designing, and

implementing educational programs to meet the needs and goals of the

Country’s educational system. It incorporates various aspects, principles, and Mechanisms to
ensure the delivery of quality education to all students Aspects of Curriculum Development in

1. National Education Policy:

The National Education Policy sets the overall direction and goals for curriculum Development
in Pakistan. It defines the vision, mission, and objectives of the education System and guides the
development of curriculum frameworks

2. Curriculum Frameworks:

Curriculum frameworks serve as a blueprint for designing and developing curriculum at different
levels and subjects. They outline the essential knowledge, skills, and Values that students should
acquire by the end of each grade.

3. Subject-Based Curriculum:

Pakistan’s curriculum is organized by subjects, including mathematics, science, social Studies,

languages, and arts. Each subject has specific standards and learning outcomes that guide the
design of curriculum materials, textbooks, and assessments.

4. Pedagogical Approaches:

Curriculum development in Pakistan emphasizes the use of learner-centered and Interactive

approaches to teaching and learning. It promotes inquiry-based learning, Critical thinking,
problem-solving, and active student engagement in the learning Process.

5. Integration of Technology

With the increasing use of technology in education, curriculum development in Pakistan incorporates the
integration of technology in teaching and learning. It aims to equip students with digital literacy skills and uses
technology as a tool to enhance Learning experiences. Principles of Curriculum Development in Pakistan:

a. Relevance:

The curriculum should be relevant to the needs, interests, and cultural context of Pakistani society. It
should address the local, national, and global challenges and Prepare students to become active
and responsible citizens.

b. Balance:

The curriculum should provide a balanced set of knowledge, skills, and values across Different
subjects. It should include a combination of academic, vocational, and Technical education to
cater to the diverse needs and talents of students.

c. Continuity:

The curriculum should be designed in a way that ensures continuity and progression in Learning
from one grade level to another. It should build on prior knowledge and Experiences and allow
for smooth transitions between different stages of education.

d. Flexibility:

The curriculum should be flexible enough to adapt to the changing needs and demands of the
educational system. It should allow for the incorporation of new knowledge, emerging
technologies, and evolving pedagogical approaches.

e. Equity:

The curriculum should ensure equal access to quality education for all students,
Irrespective of their gender, socioeconomic background, or geographical location. It Should
address the needs of marginalized and disadvantaged groups and promote Inclusivity and social

Mechanisms of Curriculum Development in Pakistan:

1. Curriculum Development Committees:

Curriculum development in Pakistan involves the establishment of committees at National,

provincial, and district levels. These committees comprise subject matter Experts,

educationalists, teachers, and other stakeholders who work together to review, Revise, and develop

curriculum frameworks and materials.

2. Textbook Development:

Once the curriculum frameworks are finalized, textbook development takes place. Textbooks are
developed based on the curriculum standards and are aligned with the Learning outcomes and
pedagogical approaches specified in the curriculum documents.

3. Teacher Training and Capacity Building:

Curriculum development in Pakistan emphasizes the need for teacher training and Capacity
building programs. These programs aim to equip teachers with the Knowledge, skills, and
pedagogical approaches required to effectively implement the Curriculum in the classroom.

4. Assessment and Evaluation:

Curriculum development in Pakistan includes the design and development of Assessment tools to
evaluate students’ learning outcomes. These assessments should align with the curriculum
standards and provide feedback to improve teaching and learning processes.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are employed to ensure the effective Implementation of the
curriculum. This involves regular inspection visits, Observations, and feedback from teachers, students, and
other stakeholders to identify and address any gaps or issues in the curriculum delivery. In conclusion,
curriculum development in Pakistan involves multiple aspects, Principles, and mechanisms to ensure the
delivery of quality education to all students. The aspects include the National Education Policy, curriculum
frameworks, subject-Based curriculum, pedagogical approaches, and the integration of technology. The
Principles emphasize relevance, balance, continuity, flexibility, and equity. The Mechanisms involve
curriculum development committees, textbook development, Teacher training, assessment and evaluation, and
monitoring and evaluation. These Aspects, principles, and mechanisms collectively contribute to the
development of an Effective and inclusive curriculum in Pakistan’s educational system.

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