FSF1D - ISU Rubric - NOV2020

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FSF1D Di Ianni


Nom(s) : __________________________________________________________________________________

Sujet : ____________________________________________________________________________________

Criteria Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

ü Presents the required information
* Une introduction de 3 à 4 phrases
* 10 à 15 photos
* Les légendes de trois (3) phrases sous chaque photo
1-3 4-6 7-9 10 - 12 13 - 15 /15
* Au moins dix (10) adjectifs
* Le passé composé au moins cinq (5) fois
* Le présent au moins cinq (5) fois
* Une conclusion de 3 à 4 phrases
* La musique durant la présentation
ü Uses creative elements to present information visually 1-3 4-6 7-9 10 - 12 13 - 15 /15
(photos, colour, creativity)
ü Appropriate level of French vocabulary is seen throughout
the presentation 1-3 4-6 7-9 10 - 12 13 - 15 /15
ü Presentation is interesting and creative
ü Spelling and grammatical errors are minimal
ü Uses appropriate language structures and vocabulary with
1-3 4-6 7-9 10 - 12 13 - 15 /15
ü Includes list of resources (if applicable)
Commentaire :
FSF1D Di Ianni


Criteria Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
ü Presents the required information
* Une introduction de 3 à 4 phrases * Written
* Des légendes de trois phrases component is * Few elements * Some elements * Most elements * All elements are
missing /10
* Au moins 10 adjectifs are included are included are included included
* Le passé composé au moins 5 fois
* Le présent au moins 5 fois
* Une conclusion de 3 à 4 phrases
Inquiry/Thinking * Written * Written * Written * Written
ü Preparation is evident * Student is component is component is component is component is
unprepared to unprepared somewhat prepared well-prepared
ü Used class-time wisely
hand in ISU * Class-time was prepared. * Class-time was * Class-time was
ü Script is typed * Student did often wasted * Class-time was used effectively used very /10
not use class * Script is used somewhat * Script is typed effectively
time incomplete effectively * Script is typed
appropriately * Script is and formatted
handwritten properly
Communication * Writing is * Writing is * Writing is clear * Dialogue is very
ü Written language is clear and easy * ISU is unclear and somewhat clear and easy to well-written
to understand incomplete difficult to and somewhat understand. * Writing is
and limited understand. easy to * Writing is creative and
effort is * Creativity is not understand. creative interesting
ü Writing is creative and interesting
evident evident * Creativity is
Application * Grammar is * Grammar is * Grammar is * Grammar is very
ü Grammatical structures are used * It is evident inaccurate somewhat accurate accurate.
accurately that student * Many words are accurate * Most words are * Very few errors
ü Vocabulary use is accurate and did not misspelled. * Some words are spelled in spelling and
varied complete * Vocabulary is misspelled. correctly. vocabulary
ü Assignment is submitted on time assignment used * Vocabulary is * Vocabulary is usage.
on their own inappropriately. used somewhat used * No translation
ü It is clear that a translator was not
* It is very evident appropriately. appropriately. use evident
that a translator * Some * Little to no
was used translation used translation used

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