Computer Parts Video Reflection

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Computer Parts Video Reflection

In this video I learned about what's inside a computer and what each part in the
computer does. There are 7 essential parts you need for a computer, these parts are
the case, power supply, motherboard, CPU, RAM, hard drive, and graphics card. This
video separated the computer parts into two categories one being “Simple” and the
other being “Complex”. The computer parts inside the “Simple” category were the case,
power supply, and motherboard. The case is a big plastic box and this is where you
store all of the parts. The power supply is plugged into an outlet and gives all the other
parts in the computer electricity needed to do their thing. The motherboard is a flat
circuit board where all the other computer parts are plugged into. The motherboard lets
all of the components send electrical currents composing data between each other, it is
one of the most important parts because if you don’t have it you wouldn’t have
anywhere to put the other parts. The computer parts inside the “Complex” category are
the CPU, RAM, hard drive, and graphics card. The CPU or central processing unit does
things with your data for example, quickly reading it, arranging it, and doing calculations
to run your program. The RAM or random access memory is a form of storage, it has a
small amount of storage space but you can access it almost instantly. The hard drive is
another form of storage, it has a large amount of storage space but it is hard to access
that data quickly. Finally, the graphics card is the computer part that is in charge of what
things look like. For example, if you’re playing a game that has a lot of models, angles,
and colours it is the graphics card that is in charge of what things look like in that game.
The idea that struck me the most was how the hard drive, RAM, CPU, and graphics
card work together. I think that the most important computer part out of all of these parts
is the motherboard because if you don’t have the motherboard you wouldn’t be able to
plug the other computer parts anywhere. Without the motherboard you wouldn’t be able
to have a computer. Something new I’ve learned after watching this video is that RAM is
also storage for your computer, at first I thought only data can be stored in hard drives
but after this video I learned that RAM is storage and you can access data much faster.

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