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Hann Tetiana

Key Notions and Facts to Know (Lesson 1)

What is informal speech? What are the types of informal speech?

Informal speech is a type of language used in casual or relaxed settings such as

among friends, family, or acquaintances. It is characterized by a lack of strict
adherence to grammatical rules and may involve the use of colloquial
expressions, slang, or regional dialects.

There are several types of informal speech, including slang, jargon, regional
dialects, and colloquialisms. Slang refers to a type of language that is specific to
a particular group or community and is not widely used or accepted. Jargon is
specialized language used by professionals or enthusiasts in a particular field.
Regional dialects are variations of a language spoken in a specific region or
area, while colloquialisms are informal words or expressions that are commonly
used in everyday speech.

What are the phonetic and prosodic peculiarities of informal speech?

The phonetic and prosodic peculiarities of informal speech may include changes
in pitch, tone, or rhythm, as well as variations in pronunciation and intonation.
In informal speech, speakers may also use more fillers and pauses, such as "um"
or "like," and may speak at a faster pace than in formal settings. Additionally,
informal speech may involve a greater degree of emotional expression and
nonverbal communication, such as gestures or facial expressions.

What is the difference between expressive and non-expressive types of


Expressive conversation involves conveying emotions or personal feelings,

while non-expressive conversation focuses on the exchange of factual
information. In expressive conversation, speakers may use more emotional
language, tone, and gestures, while in non-expressive conversation, speakers
may focus more on clarity and precision of language.

What are the typical heads of informal speech?

The typical heads of informal speech may include greetings, small talk, sharing
personal information, expressing opinions, making jokes, or telling stories.
What is the structure and the modal meaning of the High Level Head?

The High Level Head is a structure in informal speech that involves starting a
conversation with a broad topic or general question, then gradually narrowing
the focus to a specific point. The modal meaning of the High Level Head is to
show interest in a topic, initiate a conversation, or establish common ground.

What is the structure and the modal meaning of the Low Level Head?

The Low Level Head is a structure in informal speech that involves starting a
conversation with a specific question or topic, then gradually broadening the
focus to a general point. The modal meaning of the Low Level Head is to gather
information, show expertise, or express an opinion.

What is the structure and the modal meaning of the Gradually Descending
Stepping Head?

The Gradually Descending Stepping Head is a structure in informal speech that

involves starting a conversation with a topic, then gradually introducing related
topics that lead to a different point. The modal meaning of the Gradually
Descending Stepping Head is to show expertise, explore a topic in depth, or
express an opinion.

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