Falope RM Chapter 1 (18518)

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Breast cancer is one of the reproductive cancers that posesrepresents a significant global health

challenge: it is the most commonly diagnosedmost diagnosed cancer in the world with an

estimated 2.26 million cases recorded in 2020 (Wilkinson & Gathani, 2022). which Breast cancer

shows significant heterogeneity between male and female but is more prevalent in women (Chen

et al., 2020).[what is the statistics in Sahara/Africa/Nigeria/osun state????] Breast cancer is

characterised by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the milk producing glands of the

breast or in the passages (ducts) that deliver milk to the nipple, It is and considered to be a

progressive disease with a poor prognosis if detected late. (Kalayu et al, 2018).

You also need to discuss the morbidity and mortality rates according to regions here.

The exact cause of breast cancer is not yet known, but certain risk factors are associated with the

disease, which include smoking, and the use of hormonal pills which can be controlled. Others

causes include age and family history which can also be controlled???? (Florence et al.,2018).

Breast cancer is silently killing women – mainly those who have no knowledge and continue to

be ignorant about breast cancer and breast diagnostic screening methods for early detection
(Shepherd & McInerney, 2018). When breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, prognosis is

believed to be good with reduced morbidity and mortality (Heena et al., 2019). The high

mortality rate of breast cancer can be reduced through early detection and screening strategies

which include mammography and physical examination (self breast examination and clinical

breast examination) (Rahman et al., 2019).

Self breast examination (SBE) is a relatively simple, convenient, non-invasive, minimal risk, and

inexpensive method of early detection of cancer in women (Kalayu et al., 2018). Self-breast It is

examination is recommended as one of the overall health promotion concepts for breast cancer

which can easily be performed by women on their own. Several reasons have been associated

with the non-performance of SBE. S some of themwhich include forgetfulness, lack or

inadequate knowledge on SBE and practice, false positive results, anxiety of finding something

suspicious and being subjected to unnecessary medical investigation (Kudzawu et al., 2018). The

promotion of self breast examination (SBE) is very important and it should be encouraged as part

of general body care asbecause about 90% of breast tumors are initially known by women

themselves and a high percentage of breast carcinoma is palpable and can be detected early as at

a size of about 1 cm (Florence et al.,2018). This study, therefore, is designed to assess the

knowledge and practices of self-breast examination among patients attending Uniosun Teaching

Hospital, Osogbo, Osun state.


Breast cancer is the primary cause of cancer death among women globally (Dadzi & Adam,

2019). The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that an estimated 627,000 women

died from breast cancer in 2018, representing approximately 15% of all cancer deaths
among women (WHO, 2019). Among African American women, a 10-year report between

2000 and 2010 indicated that breast cancer mortality increased from 30.3% to 41.8% and

that at the advanced stage, 5% of breast cancers are detected among white women

compared to 8% of breast cancers among Black women (Yedjou et al, 2019). Nigeria has

been reported to have the highest breast cancer mortality rate with a prevalent rate of 69.1

per 100,000 and mortality rate of 6.23 per 100,000 based on data from Institute of Health

Metrics Evaluation (Arjun, 2022). Male breast cancer (MBC) is rare, accounting for less

than 1% of all breast cancer (Fox et al., 2022). This can go up to the mortality and morbidity


When breast cancer is detected and treated early, the chances of survival are very high. However,

women in many settings face complex barriers to early detection, including social, economic,

geographic, and other interrelated factors, which can limit their access to timely, affordable, and

effective breast health care services (Ginsburg et al., 2020). The researher realized most women

do not perform self breast examination and even when it is performed it is done wrongly hence

the aim of this study. Then rewrite this statement of the problem.


The main objective of this study is to investigate the attitude and practice of self breast

examination amongst patients attending UNIOSUN teaching hospital, Osogbo, Osun state.

Specific objective are to:

1. To assess the knowledge of self breast examination among patients attending Uniosun

Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Osun state.

2. To determine the level of practice of breast self examination among patients attending

Uniosun teaching hospital, Osogbo, Osun state.

3. To find out factors influencing level of practice of breast self-examination among patients

attending Uniosun Teaching Hospital, osogbo, Osun state.


1. What is the knowledge of the patients attending Uniosun Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Osun

State about Self breast examination?

2. Do the patients practice Self breast examination?

3. What are the factors influencing level of practice of self breast examination among patients

attending Uniosun teaching hospital, Osogbo Osun state.


Findings from this study will add to the existing knowledge on the level of knowledge and

practice of self breast examination by the patients attending UTH. ????This knowledge will

help policy makers to realize if lack of awareness are affecting the practice of self breast

examination. If non practice is identified, this will form a base line survey to develop future

intervention programs on breast cancer and breast self-examination that will enhance

practice of self breast examination. The results of this study will provide useful data that

may be used by health institutions in Osun State and other states in Nigeria to formulate

health education programs focusing on breast cancer and self breast examination. At the

same time, it will help patients to be knowledgeable on the need for practice of self breast
examination. It will also help the patients to know the intervening variables that affect

practice. This will help to reduce the rate of breast cancer leading to reduction of the

mortality rate. Finally, the study will be useful for other academic purposes especially to

health workers, through the provision of data base from which information could be

obtained for future research in related areas of study and policy guidelines on awareness

and control of breast cancer. Reframe this section please.


The study was delimited to patients attending UNIOSUN teaching hospital, Osogbo, Osun



Assessment: the act of evaluating the level of knowledge and practice of self breastself-breast

examination among patients attending Uniosun teaching hospital, osogbo.

Breast cancer: It is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells that forms a tumour in the breast and

can be found among patients attending Uniosun teaching hospital, osogbo.

Knowledge: facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education about self

breast examination.

Level of knowledge: the nature and depth of knowledge, skill, and ability about self breast


Patients: This refers to people attending Uniosun teaching hospital, osogbo for medical

assistance. ???????????
Practice: This refers to a customary action, habit or behaviour of patients attending Uniosun

teaching hospital, osogbo towards breast self-examination.

Self breast examination: This is a self-assessment method used in an attempt toto detect early

breast cancer among patients attending Uniosun teaching hospital, osogbo, osun state.


Chen, Z., Xu, L., Shi, W., Zeng, F., Zhuo, R., Hao, X., & Fan, P. (2020). Trends of female and
male breast cancer incidence at the global, regional, and national levels, 1990–2017.
Breast cancer research and treatment, 180, 481-490.

Dadzi, R., & Adam, A. (2019). Assessment of knowledge and practice of breast self-examination
among reproductive age women in Akatsi South district of Volta region of Ghana. PLoS
One, 14(12), e0226925.

Florence, A., Felicia, A., Dorcas, A. and Ade-Aworetan, F. (2018) An Assessment of the
Knowledge and Practice of Self Breast Examination (BSE) amongst University Students.
Health, 8, 409-415. doi: 10.4236/health.2016.85043.

Fox, S., Speirs, V., & Shaaban, A. M. (2022). Male breast cancer: an update. Virchows Archiv,
480(1), 85-93.

Giaquinto, A. N., Sung, H., Miller, K. D., Kramer, J. L., Newman, L. A., Minihan, A., ... &
Siegel, R. L. (2022). Breast cancer statistics, 2022. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians,
72(6), 524-541.

Ginsburg, O., Yip, C. H., Brooks, A., Cabanes, A., Caleffi, M., Dunstan Yataco, J. A., ... &
Anderson, B. O. (2020). Breast cancer early detection: A phased approach to
implementation. Cancer, 126, 2379-2393.
Heena, H., Durrani, S., Riaz, M., AlFayyad, I., Tabasim, R., Parvez, G., & Abu-Shaheen, A.
(2019). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to breast cancer screening among
female health care professionals: a cross sectional study. BMC women's health, 19, 1-11.

Kudzawu, E. , Agbokey, F. and Ahorlu, C. (2018) A Cross Sectional Study of the Knowledge
and Practice of Self-Breast Examination among Market Women at the Makola Shopping
Mall, Accra, Ghana. Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 5, 111-120. doi:

Rahman, S. A., Al–Marzouki, A., Otim, M., Khayat, N. E. H. K., Yousef, R., & Rahman, P.
(2019). Awareness about breast cancer and breast self-examination among female
students at the University of Sharjah: a cross-sectional study. Asian Pacific journal of
cancer prevention: APJCP, 20(6), 1901.

Wilkinson, L., & Gathani, T. (2022). Understanding breast cancer as a global health concern.
The British Journal of Radiology, 95(1130), 20211033.

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