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a phrasal verb is the combination of two or three words from different grammatical categories – a
verb and a particle, such as an adverb or a preposition – to form a single semantic unit on a lexical or
syntactic level
 To turn up – meningkatkan volume suara  To face up to – menghadapi
 To turn down – menurunkan volume suara  To look after – menjaga atau mengasuh
 To blow up – meledakkan  To make up – membuat atau memperbaiki
 To put on – mengenakan (pakaian)  To find out – mengetahui
 To cut back – mengurangi  To clear up – membersihkan
 To take off – lepas landas  To put off – menunda
 To wake up – bangun tidur  To stand up for – mendukung atau
 To drop off – mengantar membela
 To drop in – mampir  To stick to – berpegang pada
 To pick up – menjemput  To turn (switch) on – menyalakan sebuah
 To give up – menyerah alat listrik
 To give in – menyerah  To turn (switch) off – mematikan sebuah
 To get on – memasuki sebuah kendaraan alat listrik
atau untuk menyatakan keingintahuan  To look forward to – menantikan dengan
 To go on with – melanjutkan semangat

Phrasal verb dengan tiga kata

 To put up with – menerima dengan ikhlas
 To check up on – memeriksa
 To cut down on – mengurangi

 “Damn your principles! Stick to your party.” (Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli)
 “When people find out you are an actress, they Google you.” (Actress Laverne Cox)
 “Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I would do it more if I could get away with it.” (Comedian
David Sedaries)
 “Meditation helps me to calm down.” (Singer Lady Gaga)
 “Madelaine car always break down at least twice a month. She really should buy a new
 “Put off your shoes when you enter the garage. I already swept the floor.”
 “Here is the registration form. You have to fill it in.”

Transitive dan Intransitive Phrasal Verb

Transitive (yaitu memiliki objek)
Intransitive (yaitu tidak memiliki objek).

Contoh Transitive Phrasal Verb

 “Fill in this registration form thoroughly and correctly in order to pass the selection.”
 “I want to go over these plans with you again.”
 “I will look into your papers as fast as possible.”
 “Andre felt compelled to hand the wallet in.”

Contoh Intransitive Phrasal Verb

 “The tree could fall down because of the rain.”
 “Do not give in.”
 “The car is starting to drop back.”
 “If you haven’t finished your homework yet, please stand up.”
Beberapa Phrasal Verb dapat memiliki sifat Transitive dan Intransitive sekaligus tergantung dari arti dan
maknanya, contoh:
 Kania will show up soon – Intransitive Phrasal Verb
(“Show up” pada kalimat di atas memiliki makna “appear” atau muncul)

 Kania will show up her ex-boyfriend – Transitive Phrasal Verb

(“show up” pada kalimat ini berarti mempermalukan/embarrass)

Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verb

Makna dari Separable Phrasal Verb adalah terdapat objek yang berada di tengah-tengah Phrasal Verb
sehingga memisahkan kedua kata dari Phrasal Verb. Sedangkan Inseparable Phrasal Verb memiliki arti
yaitu objek dari sebuah kalimat berada setelah penulisan Phrasal Verb.

Contoh Separable Phrasal Verb

 “The salesman in the new store talked us into buying the cooking equipment.”
 “I remember that I already handed the book over to you last night before the class was dismissed.”
 “You should send the letter over quickly before he moves to another city.”

Contoh Inseparable Phrasal Verb

 “You must stick to the plan at all costs.”
 “USA stands for “United States of America”.”
 “Dania really looks up to her mother.”

Banyak pula Transitive Phrasal Verb yang dapat digunakan dalam bentuk Separable dan Inseparable,
 “Janice looked my address up on the high school’s yearbook.”
 “Janice looked up my address on the high school’s yearbook.”

Note: Apabila objek dalam sebuah kalimat adalah sebuah “kata ganti” (seperti “it”), maka perlu diingat
bahwa kalian tidak dapat menggunakan bentuk Inseparable Phrasal Verb ke dalam kalimat tersebut.
Berikut contohnya:
 “Janice looked it up in the high school’s yearbook.” – SALAH
 “Janice looked it up in the high school’s yearbook.” – BENAR

Latihan Soal
1. Would you _____ my son for me this 3. Daniel _____ his leg at the football league.
weekend? I have to go to Arizona due to my A. Broke
work. B. Broke down
A. Look C. Broke off
B. Look into D. Broke in on
C. Look up 4. My boss _____ our meeting with clients
D. Look after until next Monday.
2. Kimmie _____ money yesterday when she A. Put
wanted to buy some eggs. B. Put off
A. Ran C. Put down
B. Ran out of D. Put into
C. Ran into 5. Could you please _____ the music while I
D. Ran away with am studying?
A. Turn B. Stand down
B. Turn off C. Stand out
C. Turn around D. Stand up to
D. Turn into 15. I suggest you take the stairs. I heard from
6. Mia doesn’t _____ my new boyfriend the officers at the front that this building’s
because she thinks he is a liar. lift has _____ again.
A. Get by with A. Broken in on
B. Get over B. Broken up
C. Get on with C. Broken in
D. Get ahead of D. Broken down
7. Kania and I _____ meeting my new English 16. Kania is really good at _____ babies.
teacher. A. Looking after
A. Look after B. Looking back on
B. Look up to C. Looking down on
C. Look down on D. Looking forward to
D. look forward to 17. The public transportation was nearly full
8. My car _____ on the highway in the middle this morning. So it was difficult to _____.
of the night yesterday. A. Get in
A. Broke down B. Get on
B. Broke off C. Get ahead of
C. Broke away D. Get through with
D. Broke in on 18. If the radio is not loud enough, turn it _____
9. It will be easier for us to study and read if a little.
you could _____ the lights. A. Off
A. Switch B. Up
B. Switch on C. Down
C. Switch over D. Into
D. Switch up 19. My plane _____ twenty-five minutes late.
10. I have to _____ to the finish line and back. So, I have to reschedule my meeting.
A. Run A. Took off
B. Run out of B. Took up
C. Run into C. Took out
D. Run away with D. Took over
11. The new song by Billie Ellish has already 20. Let’s _____ that old shoes. We don’t need it
_____ $9 million. anymore.
A. Made out A. Throw up
B. Made up B. Throw in
C. Made up for C. Throw away
D. Made over D. Throw over
12. Denis, you can _____ words in the online 21. How are you _____ at a new campus?
dictionary if you can’t understand what the A. Getting on
word’s mean. B. Getting up
A. Look after C. Getting on with
B. Look up D. Getting in
C. Look up to
D. Look back on
13. Sorry sir, I am late. I have to stop by the gas
station because my car _____ petrol.
A. Ran out
B. Ran out of
C. Ran out on
D. Ran away with
14. That red dress and the yellow one really
A. Stand up for

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