Diabetes Research Paper Sample

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Diabetes Research Paper: A Glimpse into the Complexity

Writing a thesis is a formidable task, and when it comes to delving into the intricacies of a Diabetes
Research Paper, the difficulty escalates. The multifaceted nature of the subject demands not only a
deep understanding of medical concepts but also the ability to communicate complex information
effectively. As aspiring researchers embark on the journey of composing a thesis on diabetes, they
encounter various challenges that can be both mentally and emotionally taxing.

The first hurdle often lies in the vastness of the topic. Diabetes is a multifaceted medical condition
with numerous aspects to explore, from its physiological mechanisms to its impact on public health.
Narrowing down the focus and identifying a unique and compelling research question can be a
daunting task in itself.

Once the research question is established, the researcher must navigate through a sea of scientific
literature to gather relevant information. Staying abreast of the latest developments, breakthroughs,
and evolving theories in the field requires a meticulous and time-consuming review of an extensive
body of work.

The complexity of diabetes research also extends to data analysis. Statistical methods and
interpretation of findings demand a high level of proficiency, often requiring researchers to acquire
additional skills beyond their core expertise. Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of results is
paramount, adding another layer of intricacy to the process.

Moreover, the art of presenting scientific information in a coherent and persuasive manner is crucial.
Crafting a well-structured thesis involves not only elucidating complex ideas but also tailoring the
language to suit the audience, whether it be fellow researchers, healthcare professionals, or a more
general readership.

Considering these challenges, seeking professional assistance becomes a prudent choice. ⇒

BuyPapers.club ⇔ stands as a reliable partner for those navigating the complexities of thesis
writing. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the nuances of diabetes research, the
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By entrusting the task to experts, researchers can focus on their core strengths, confident in the
knowledge that their diabetes research paper is in capable hands. ⇒ BuyPapers.club ⇔ offers a
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This was followed by an additional wash and staining with. According to Bantle, John P., et al,
(2008) Fibre-rich carbohydrates also score high in the low glycaemic index and are recommended for
people with diabetes. The annual rate of diagnosis of new cases of type 2 diabetes in America
remains at 798,000 Narayan et al, 2006. After digestion, glucose passes into the bloodstream, where
it is used by the human cells for growth and energy. The usual symptoms to identify whether if an
individual is affected or not would be the Increased thirst and frequent urination, Extreme hunger,
Rapid weight loss, Fatigue, Blurred vision, Slow healing sores or frequent infections, and in some
cases Patches of dark velvety skin in the folds and creases of Subject’s bodies — usually in the
armpits and neck. Inadequately regulated diabetes can be the source of dangerous deterioration in an
older individual and is manifested by functional disability, muscle impairment, loss of weight, and
fatigue. The researcher of this essay focuses on the analysis of the effectiveness of bariatric surgery
in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients. A molecular marker was utilized in the first well, and weight.
This in turns triggers cells to take in the sugar and store them as either glycogen, fat or proteins. In
type 1 diabetes, the pancreas are unable to produce sufficient insulin. Raised blood pressure, altered
blood lipids and polycystic ovarian syndrome are other risk factors for the condition (Carr et al
2003; McGuire et al 2009). This condition, called acanthosis nigricans, is a sign of insulin resistance
(Mayo Clinic Staff, 2007). Some complications of type 2 diabetes would include: heart disease
(cardiovascular disease), blindness (retinopathy), nerve damage (neuropathy), and kidney damage
(nephropathy). Blood flow to the fingers and legs will, however, be hampered. With a study sample
of six female diabetes nurse specialists who worked with a multidisciplinary team offering. The
vision of the person may also be affected and the patient may complain of blurring. GIFs Highlight
your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. Regional Office For The Western
Pacific. (2007). Noncommunicable disease and poverty: The need for pro-poor strategies. S.l.: Who
Regional Office For T. In spite of an extended asymptomatic duration, diabetes is a severe illness
related to reduced life expectancy and considerable morbidity. It also aids in reducing major
cardiovascular incidences in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes (Hong, J., et al., 2013). Drinking
alcohol, on the other hand, should be reduced to moderate amount (3-4 unit per day). Fruits and
vegetables, on their part in fighting diabetes, are rich in fibre and low in calories which help in the
glycaemic control and helps in weight control (Lopez-Miranda, Jose, et al., 2010). Furthermore, they
cannot afford to attain the best healthcare treatment owing to the costs. This disease results when
there is a high level of sugar in the blood for an extended period of time. The paper also highlights
on some minor causes of diabetes mellitus, and the severe complications resulted from the disease if
it is not diagnosed at an early stage. Provide your email for sample delivery Send me this sample
Your email is invalid. They start the ad showing an older person hurting looking very miserable. A
basic research paper sample about diabetes introduction. 20 ideas for writing a research paper on
childhood diabetes. Provide your email for sample delivery Send me this sample Your email is
invalid. Among the risk factors of modification is a metabolic regulation that is very strict as well as
using proteinuria progression.
For it to be effective, a low-fat diet combined with lifestyle changes should be undertaken. Drinking
alcohol, on the other hand, should be reduced to moderate amount (3-4 unit per day). Alterations in
the normal functioning of hormones can result in severe consequences and disturbances in the normal
bodily functions. It affects the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular
system, renal system as well as the vision of the patients. The main metabolic defects in type- 2
diabetes mellitus are decreased the ability of the peripheral tissues to respond to insulin and
inadequate secretion of insulin by beta cells of the pancreas which are the only source of insulin
production in the body. Scientists nowadays are still looking into the factors which may have caused
insulin resistance. Insulin is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. Due to migration of article
submission systems. The research i can do is about anything that is diabetes related. Diabetes research
papers diabetes research papers discuss the causes of diabetes and how it affects public health. The
commonness of this illness differs with ethnicity and racial affiliation. This is a great example of
profound research work. Genetics, obesity as well as unhealthy living patterns are implicated as risk
factors for the condition. Provide your email for sample delivery Send me this sample Your email is
invalid. It is on this stage that the kidneys, would be forced to try to remove the excess sugar,
excreting large amounts of water and essential body elements in the process. In the case of Type 2
diabetes, the problem would either be caused by the fact that the body does not produce enough
insulin or it may be that the cells ignore the insulin. Since the pancreas releases a very limited amount
of insulin (in some cases none at all) the glucose which is not assimilated is diverted to the
bloodstream to be excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine. Since its earliest explanation many
of years ago, diabetes has remained a chronic progressive illness (Rubino et al. The working
mechanisms of Isosorbide and Atenolol could, however, lead to hypertension. Diabetes raises the
risk of infections and patients may report of having regular infections. The side effects of immune-
suppressive drugs can be very severe and even worse than the disease. The prevalence of the
condition is higher in Hispanic, African American and Native American groups. Type I is commonly
manifested by hypoglycemia whereas type II has no hypoglycemic episodes unless one is under
medication. Genetics are also considered to raise the risk of diabetes type 2 and it is seen that a
person is at a high risk of suffering from diabetes if he has a first degree relative suffering from the
condition. Full Disclaimer. We are using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. The
pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus in is related to the insulin hormone. The three primary types of
diabetes are: Diabetes Type 1 and 2, and during some pregnancies, Gestational diabetes. Other
nutritive factors have also been seen to raise the chances of diabetes. On the other hand, in
developing countries, the low socioeconomic groups are basically the labor class who work manually
and are involved in physical work. Regional Office For The Western Pacific. (2007).
Noncommunicable disease and poverty: The need for pro-poor strategies. S.l.: Who Regional Office
For T. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks.
All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. To be
effective, the patient should put on warm clothing and stop tobacco smoking. It affects the central
nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular system, renal system as well as the
vision of the patients. It has also been provided that an annual increase of 800,000 sufferers of
diabetes persists in the country. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World
Look, present. Treating Type 2 diabetes is quite simple, but it is a complete lifestyle change.
Hormones are important chemical substances that maintain and regulate the activities of the human
body. Thus, the patient has to undergo multiple Diabetes Type 2 1. Digital Sales Sell your
publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Sun exposure was avoided
during this process as the. Full Disclaimer. We are using Google Analytics to enhance your
experience. Its first discovery was done by europeans although they viewed it as a condition that
was completely rare since a person lost a lot of weight and excessively urinated. This condition,
called acanthosis nigricans, is a sign of insulin resistance (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2007). There are two
primary forms of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. The present study has demonstrated that RA and 1,25
(OH)2 D3 do not cause any. The research describes potential factors that may contribute to the need
for more medical and health research into the problem. Type II is in adulthood caused by diet, regular
high intake of dietary sugars leads to receptor cells resistance to insulin hence unable to remove
glucose from circulation (American Diabetes Association, 23) What is the difference between type 1
and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, higher consumption of trans-fatty acids and increased intake of
alcohol are also factors that raise the risk of having diabetes (Parillo et al 2004). In low-income areas,
diabetes is rarely detected until it has progressed to late stages, often leading to hypertension, stroke,
blindness and kidney failure. Inadequate oxygenation of the blood in the lungs because of extrinsic
reasons. Diabetes mellitus is a set of metabolic illnesses typified by high amounts of blood sugar
because of defects in the secretion of insulin, insulin functioning, or both.. Since the illness could be
asymptomatic for a number of years, it is approximated that numerous older people with diabetes are
not aware of their disease (Pompei 40). Effects of music therapy in pain relief on children during
phlebotomy. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. Recently
published articles from diabetes research and clinical practice. They start the ad showing an older
person hurting looking very miserable. Unhealthy living styles which include an unhealthy diet
which is rich in fats as well as a living pattern with minimal physical exercise also raise the risk of
diabetes. The working mechanisms of Isosorbide and Atenolol could, however, lead to hypertension.
Video Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication. Dr. Jung Liu from Mayo
Clinic for the 3T3-L1 Cells, Dr. Emily. This results in the reduction of the secretion of insulin by the
beta cells of the pancreas (Kumar et al 2005).Risk Factors There are many risk factors associated
with the causation of diabetes.
Her mother is 65 and has been unable to drive a car for the past 8 years. Rangwala, S.M., et al
(2003). Genetic modulation of PPARgamma phosphorylation regulates. Full Disclaimer. We are
using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. Sherman Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Essentially the same disease, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes share many different attributes as to when
and how a person is diagnosed and methods of treating the disease. This lack of proper metabolism
of glucose leads to high levels of glucose in the blood. Table 3 shows treatment in the left column
and concentration of the lysates generated by. A study that was conducted by Rob Van Dam and his
colleagues in the year 2002 explained the link between nutritional choices and diabetes type 2.
Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign.
Table 1 represents the treatment matrix for lysate generation. These goals include maintaining blood
glucose and blood lipids near-normal levels and encouraging moderate physical activities. The
management of the condition is based upon regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, exercise as
well as the consumption of a healthy diet. MO, USA). Primary antibody was from BD transduction
laboratories and was a polyclonal rabbit. Figure 2A-2H corresponds to immunofluorescence
treatments 1-8. But eventually the pattern of insulin secretion does not remain normal. The three
primary types of diabetes are: Diabetes Type 1 and 2, and during some pregnancies, Gestational
diabetes. A follow up appointment will be needed and you need to ask your doctor some questions.
Resistance of insulin and the secretion of insulin are affected by hyperglycemia both adversely and
reversibly. A molecular marker was utilized in the first well, and weight. Embed Host your
publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. People are generally diagnosed with Type
1 as a child or young adult. The saturated fat was consumed with each meal whether in the form of
whole milk, butter, cheese or red meat. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-
World Look, present. Sudden alterations in weight may also be seen with some patients reporting
reduction in their weight while others may present with increased weight. Table 2 represents the
treatment matrix for immunofluorescence microscopy. Incomplete. In the developed nations, the
dietary patterns are unhealthy for the lower socioeconomic groups. The vision of the person may also
be affected and the patient may complain of blurring. Cells were washed 3x with PBS-MgCl2
quickly at room temperature, and then fixed utilizing 3%. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a
method of obtaining necessary approval and securing support for a proposal, description of
educational deficit of Type 2 Diabetes prevention, explanation of proposed solution and rationale,
review of literature to su. Diabetes mellitus is a set of metabolic illnesses typified by high amounts of
blood sugar because of defects in the secretion of insulin, insulin functioning, or both.. Since the
illness could be asymptomatic for a number of years, it is approximated that numerous older people
with diabetes are not aware of their disease (Pompei 40). The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus in
is related to the insulin hormone.
Genetics, obesity as well as unhealthy living patterns are implicated as risk factors for the condition.
Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes research papers examine the condition that causes the body to no
longer produce enough insulin and the cells of the body do not respond to insulin properly. Sudden
alterations in weight may also be seen with some patients reporting reduction in their weight while
others may present with increased weight. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.Hales, D. R. (2006). An
invitation to health. Type 2 diabetes was found to be controlled by providing medications. There is
reduction in the capacity of glucose storing owing to the lack of conversion of non-glucose
substrates into glycogen. It functions in a similar manner by increasing the production of proteins.
The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1923 was given to Banting and Best for their development of insulin
and provision of insulin treatment to a teenager suffering from diabetes. You may not alter or
remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Of course it follows that
if the surgery fails the disease would eventually return. I now see that eating belly will have me
inside my best. Order now Diabetes mellitus type I and type II show distinct differences in their
manifestation and occurrence. This results in an alteration in the normal blood glucose levels as the
normal metabolism of glucose cannot be achieved. PPAR?, western blot may also indicate which
proteins disappeared with the combined. Hormones are important chemical substances that maintain
and regulate the activities of the human body. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace.
Recently published articles from diabetes research and clinical practice. Type II is in adulthood
caused by diet, regular high intake of dietary sugars leads to receptor cells resistance to insulin hence
unable to remove glucose from circulation (American Diabetes Association, 23) What is the
difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The knowledge of this core issue, combined with the
opportunity provided by the Hult Challenge prompted the creation of REACH Diagnostics, a social
enterprise focused on providing early diagnostic tools to urban slum citizens around the world.
Therefore, the management of the condition requires correction of these. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver
a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. This section suffers from an extensive
occurrence of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. The cause of type 1 diabetes is not known and it is not
preventable with current knowledge. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, protein,
and carbohydrates for energy. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas are unable to produce sufficient
insulin. Type 2 diabetes is in contrast acquired during the latter stages of an individuals life probably
due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The usual symptoms to identify whether if an individual is affected or
not would be the Increased thirst and frequent urination, Extreme hunger, Rapid weight loss,
Fatigue, Blurred vision, Slow healing sores or frequent infections, and in some cases Patches of dark
velvety skin in the folds and creases of Subject’s bodies — usually in the armpits and neck.
Scientists nowadays are still looking into the factors which may have caused insulin resistance. I
received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. The disruption in the
capillaries of the eye can result in conditions like glaucoma and cataract.
Two types of nutritional choices were identified and used. Upon finalization of treatment, a protein
lysate was generated, in which nuclei were removed. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Figure 6A
was generated using protein standards with known concentrations and. Insulin and glucagons are
intimately but independently involved in the regulation of the blood glucose levels. She has become
severely depressed and sleeps an average of 14-16 hours a day. According to King, Aubert and
Herman 1998, in the year 2000 there were 150 million people with type 2 diabetes worldwide, and
this number is expected to double by 2025. Add Links Send readers directly to specific items or
pages with shopping and web links. This receptor plays a significant role in understanding diabetes
mellitus II, and a class of anti-. Eyes, kidneys and nerves can get damaged and chances of heart
stroke are always high. This forces the sick to forego beneficial expenditures such as education and
healthy food, resulting in a vicious cycle of poverty and illness. If you do not find the exact
resolution you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. Furthermore, the beta cells
also start decreasing owing to the inability to compensate for the high levels of insulin due to the
resistance offered by the organs. Modern Science has allowed type 1 diabetes victims another lease
on life when alternative medical solutions were developed. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to
convert sugar, starches and other food into energy (glucose), this substance is essential for a human
being’s continued existence. In its initial state diabetes was discovered at around 1500 bce. This
disease commonly affects adults but recently there has been increase in the number of children being
infected with it Goldstein, 2013. As a whole, Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic condition in which the
body either expresses an intolerance to insulin, or it is unable to produce enough insulin to meet its
needs. Full Disclaimer. We are using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. In 2013, diabetes
caused 5.1 million deaths globally. These statistics reveal the prevalence and the severity of the issue
in the United States (Kumar et al 2005). Every year, about 650,000 people learn they have the
disease. The commonness of this illness differs with ethnicity and racial affiliation. The cause of type
1 diabetes is not known and it is not preventable with current knowledge. This correlation is different
in the developing nations of the globe where it is seen that diabetes type 2 is more common amongst
the higher socioeconomic groups. The kind of diabetes usually impinging on older adults is related to
a rate of mortality almost twice that of individuals without this illness and a decade shorter life
expectancy (Bertera 35). Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and
more with Adobe InDesign. As far as affected individuals are concerned the best cure is still
prevention, and this could be done by living a healthy lifestyle (eating healthy food and proper
exercise), and by taking necessary medication. The amount of glucose is to be kept within the normal
range. The most common impact on the eye is the resultant retinopathy.
To be effective, the patient should put on warm clothing and stop tobacco smoking. It highlighted
the fact that the lower socioeconomic groups in this region had a 30 percent higher risk of suffering
from diabetes than the people belonging to better social statuses. Comparing mixed treatments to
individual treatments, mixed RA and 1,25 (OH)2 D3 caused. Some complications of type 2 diabetes
would include: heart disease (cardiovascular disease), blindness (retinopathy), nerve damage
(neuropathy), and kidney damage (nephropathy). Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my paper in
record of 72 hours. Epidemiology There has been a global surge in the number of people who suffer
from diabetes. Other nutritive factors have also been seen to raise the chances of diabetes. It
functions in a similar manner by increasing the production of proteins. Provide your email for sample
delivery Send me this sample Your email is invalid. Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes research papers
examine the condition that causes the body to no longer produce enough insulin and the cells of the
body do not respond to insulin properly. Cholesterol intake is to be reduced as well and fish should
be included in the diet of a person (McGuire et al 2009).Medications to Treat DiabetesInsulin
preparations as well as oral hypoglycemic medications are given for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Provide your email for sample delivery Send me this sample Your email is invalid. Therefore,
exercise and physical activities are encouraged amongst the diabetics so that their weight remains
maintained. The researcher of this essay focuses on the analysis of the effectiveness of bariatric
surgery in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients. The American Diabetes Association has provided for a
set of advice for the correction of diabetes. Furthermore, disruption in the continuity of supply to the
distal areas of the limbs can cause extremity gangrene in the diabetic patients. Children diagnosed
with diabetes faces challenges regarding treatment, due to their rapid growth and organ maturation,
the family's expectation on the child's abilities as well as adolescents pose a challenge in the
management of the disease. Diabetes Mellitus is classified into categories, with Type 1, Type 2, and
gestational being the most well known. All materials contained on this site are protected by United
States copyright law and may be used for personal, noncommercial use only. Insulin is secreted by
the beta cells of the pancreas. Signs and Symptoms There are different signs and symptoms of
diabetes type 2. Thus, the correction of diet is considered to be important for the management of
diabetes type 2. This lack of proper metabolism of glucose leads to high levels of glucose in the
blood. This tablet works by reducing glucose levels produced by the liver and increase insulin
sensitivity which helps in glucose mobility into muscle cells. If you do not find the exact resolution
you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. The kind of diabetes usually impinging
on older adults is related to a rate of mortality almost twice that of individuals without this illness
and a decade shorter life expectancy (Bertera 35). Similar findings were reported in a research that
was carried out in northern England. After weeks of creative tension, a fundamental insight emerged:
given the strong focus on community and wariness of outside influence in many urban slums, the
best spokesperson for the horrors of undiagnosed diabetes are those who suffer from the disease
themselves. Usually, there is a type of bacteria or virus to be causing an epidemic rise within a
population, but obesity and type 2 diabetes are two influenced epidemics that can be managed just
by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In 2013, diabetes caused 5.1 million deaths globally.

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