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Experiment E7:Study of transient characteristics of RC circuit.

S.M.Masruk Uddin , ID:- 1820855

March 26, 2021

1 Introduction
For a RC circuit we can write q(t) = Qf (1 − e RC ) form where we can find the time
constant of RC circuit τ = RC.
Circuit diagram

2 Experimental Data Table

Frequency 100 Hz
Table 1:-
Time constant from for-
Time constant using slope
mula τ = RC
0.8 ms 10kΩ × 0.1µF = 1ms

3 Calculations
Frequency to allow capacitor charging and discharging:-
T = 2×2×25
= 200ms = 20 × 10−3 s there fore f = T1 = 50Hz
For time constant we get 1−0.8
× 1 = 20% error

4 Result
We have got the time constant with 20% error.

5 Data Analysis
From data table we can see that Time constant using slope is 0.8ms and Time constant
from formula f = T1 = 1 ms are almost same . Both of them are alsomt same.

6 Result Analysis
We have got the result with 20% error. This rate is very high because the capacitor
doesn’t take all the charges during charging or releases all the charge during discharging.
in other words we can not practically develop a capacitor with 100 % efficiency.

7 precautions
• We made sure that we have connected the circuit perfectly.
• There might be some error from the Oscilloscope .
• We were careful about the the electric shock .

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