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Experiment Number: E2

Experiment Name: Provide the Kirchhoff’s law .

Course Name: Physics 102

Course ID: 102 L
Section: 14

Submitted to

Faculty Name: Md. Saddam Sheikh

Department of Physical Sciences.
School of Engineering and Technology
Independent University, Bangladesh.

Submitted by
Muhammad Waez Mahmud
Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Experiment Name: Prove the Kirchhoff’s law.


Kirchhoff's current law (KCL): This law is also called Kirchhoff's first law, Kirchhoff's
point rule, or Kirchhoff's junction rule (or nodal rule). This law states that, for any node
(junction) in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node is equal to the
sum of currents flowing out of that node; or equivalently: The algebraic sum of currents in a
network of conductors meeting at a point is zero. i.e., ∑ I = 0

Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL): This law is also called Kirchhoff's second law, Kirchhoff's
loop (or mesh) rule, and Kirchhoff's second rule. This law states that: The directed sum of
the potential differences (voltages) around any closed loop is zero. i.e., ∑ V = 0

1. Analog Trainer board………………1
2. Resistor (100 Ω)……………………2
3. Resistor (47 Ω)……………………..1
4. DC Power Supply…………………..2
5. Connecting Jumper
6. Multi meter…………………………..1

Observation & Measurement:


Table 1: Data to proof the point / current rule

Obs. Current Current Current

I2 I3 ∑ I = (I1 + I3) – I2 = 0
No. I1 (Amp) (Amp)

1 0.02 0.07 0.05 ∑ I = (0.02+0.05)-0.07=0

2 0.04 0.11 0.07 ∑ I = (0.04+0.07)-0.11=0

3 0.01 0.09 0.08 ∑ I = (0.01+0.08)-0.09=0

Table 2: Data to proof the Loop/ Voltage rule

Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 3 ∑

∑ -- ∑IR = ∑ -- ∑IR = -- ∑IR = v2 v1 +
v2 - (I1R1+I2R2) = 0 v1 - (I2R2+I3R3) = 0 (I3R3--I1R1) = 0

V1 ……………… 12.32 12.35

V2 6.30 ………………… 6.35

4.37 ………………… 1.73


I2R2 1.93 4.08 ………………..

………………. 8.24 7.73

0 0 0


We know that,
∑ I = (I1 + I3) – I2 = 0

In table 1:
Observation 1: I1 = 0.02, I2 = 0.07, I3 = 0.05
So, ∑ I = (I1 + I3) – I2
= (0.02 + 0.05) – 0.07

Observation 2: I1 = 0.04, I2 = 0.11, I3 = 0.07

So, ∑ I = (I1 + I3) – I2
= (0.04 + 0.07) – 0.11

Observation 2: I1 = 0.01, I2 = 0.09, I3 = 0.08

So, ∑ I = (I1 + I3) – I2
= (0.01 + 0.08) – 0.09

In table 2:
For loop 1, V2 = 6.30, I1R1 = 4.37, I2R2 = 1.93

∑E -- ∑IR = v2 - (I1R1+I2R2)
= 6.30 – (4.37+1.93)

For loop 2, V1 = 12.32. I2R2 = 4.08, I3R3 = 8.24

∑E -- ∑IR = v1 - (I2R2+I3R3)
= 12.32 – (4.07+8.24)

For loop 1, V1 = 12.35, V2 = 6.35, I1R1 = 1.73, I3R3 = 7.73

∑E-- ∑IR = v2 - v1 + (I3R3--I1R1)

= 6.35 – 12.35 + (7.73 – 1.73)

We have proved that Kirchhoff's law is a Simple circuit. In table 1; ∑I = 0, which
proves Kirchhoff’s law and in table 2; ∑ - ∑IR = 0 V, for loop 1, 2 and 3 which proves
voltage law.


In table 1,
∑ I = (I1 + I3) – I2 = 0 for observation 1, 2 and 3 is same. From Kirchhoff's current point rules
we know that the sum of the current entering or leaving a junction is zero. From table 1 we
see the 'I' is equal to zero.

In table 2,
For loop 1, 2 and 3 is ∑ -- ∑IR = 0. From Kirchhoff's voltage law we know that, the sum of
products of currents and resistance in reach of time conductors in any closed path in a
network plus the path is zero, so Kirchhoff's law is proved.

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