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Apprise – Say

Hotel - motel, inn, boarding house, bed and breakfast

Perceive – realise, Assert – deemed,

Expenditures - cost

Immense pleasure

Shed some light/throw some light – give information

Whale of time – enjoy our selves

Imperative – important, indispensable, significant, pivotal, essential, vital

Consequently – as a result

Paved way

Subsequent – next, following

There is a school of thought which believes that, fervent conviction, fierce assertion


Endeavor – aspire, try hard to achieve something

Here, I will shed light on both aspects of living and outline the fierce assertion of
living the life in the former point of view.
I assert with the former/latter view and the same will be outlined in the subsequent paragraphs.
Irrevocably interwoven (Primarily, there is a fervent conviction that, travel and experience
are irrevocably interwoven and exploring numerous locations result in
life-time experiences and, learnings about different cultures and
Triggers of anxiety
Perils – risk
Positive attributes
Expatriates – who do not live in their native country
Homo-sapiens – humans
Solitude life – lonely life
Radiant health and best of spirit
Bestow – give to
Exciting news
Thriving job – flourish, prosper
Profound – great, intense
Perplexed – confused, bewildered, puzzled
precautionary measures
Thanking you in anticipation.
Overwhelmed : happy, exhilarating, jubilant
Humongous: huge
Enunciate: express,elucidate
Broadening our horizons
Articulate – summarize, brief
Burgeoning – flourish
Generous – kind
Renowned – famous, eminent, well-known, reputed
Triumphic - victorious
Rudimentary – initial leanings
Plethora – a lot, multitude, myriad, number of, varied
Famous delicacies
Assorted – wide variety of
Perusal – instructions/something written to read
Striving – making great efforts
Stipulated time – little time
Due diligence – to the best of my efforts/duty
Jeopardies – danger
didactic – intended to teach
children – youngster, offspring, juvenile, young ones, stripling, progeny
oblivious – unaware
oblivious of the repercussions
solace – comfort/consolation
recluse – leave alone
obligatory – compulsory, incumbent
irrefutable – indisputable, undeniable, inevitable
indigenously – native
beneficial – profitable
food – eatables, edibles
obsolete – out of date
vicinity – surroundings
effete – exhausted energy
exorbitant – unreasonably high/low
inquisitiveness - interest/curiosity
Strive – great efforts to achieve or obtain something
accomplishment - achievement
ignited (enlighten) their minds by instilling astronomical passion in one’s life
mere position – small position
rudimentary – basic principles
perpetuate – continue indefinitely
humankind, mankind
assortment of authentic
gorge – eat food greedily
splurge food – indulge urself
emanate- spread out from/emerge
scourge – curse/whip used for punishment
fraternity – organization
these rapidly escalating crime figures are an indictment of our society
insidious – ‘Sexual harassment’ is a serious and insidious problem
damning indictment –
susceptible – prone to
different demographics of society
The idea is completely preposterous or absurd
This essay argued that people who are in favor or against _____ have a flawed
understanding of its consequences (the verb or topic can be written instead of
consequences) and why it can be counterproductive.
Bad demeanor – bad outward behavior
The deliberation can be asserted with the most prominent/obvious reason
To open the deliberation with the most prominent reason
The most prominent reason of the deliberation is
Gamut of performers
Recognize your flair
Progenitor – parents
Ferocity – violence
Daunting issue in hand –
Deep penitence, compunction
Inoculate – shield from
Satiate – satisfy
Culminated –
Hoping for an affirmative response as soon as possible
University- tertiary education, varsity
Distress – extreme sorrow
Deplorable – deserving strong condemnation, lamentable, shameful, disgraceful
Ubiquitous - Seeming to be everywhere
Insidious - Gradually or secretly causing harm
Flawed understanding
Relentless - Continuing in a severe or extreme way
Stifling - Extremely hot
Inconceivable – unbelievable
Implore – Beg for something or desperately
Prudent – thoughtful/caring about future
Prolific – productive
Psychosis – mental disorder which loses contact to reality
Inflict – impose something
Afflict – cause pain or distress
Unsolicited – uninvited
Lesions – wound/injury
Candor – open/frank

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