Portafolio Huaman

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My unforgettable experience is how I met my best friend, Monika, my first
impressions about her along with the reasons why we became best friends, and
the lesson I learned about that experience.
In elementary school, all the kids in my class weren't alone because they
already formed groups except for one girl. The others tried to get friends with
her, but she was really shy. I thought she was strange, so I didn't want to get
closer to her. But one day the teacher put us as partners for a
workgroup because I arrived late to the classroom. When she talked to me, I
was a little concerned about what things she could say, but all she talked about
was regarding the project and if I kept silent when she finished speaking, she
thought that I was against what she said. Instead, I kept silent for what good
their ideas were, and when our project ended, she immediately went over to her
comfort zone. Meanwhile, I tried to be part of her comfort zone. I had let myself
be carried away by what my friends told me about her, I didn't want to let her
alone again. At first, I didn't expect for us to be friends, nor did she but we had
some things in common like art. For example, I like to draw, and she likes to
write poems. In fact, she's good at making them and she is a lovely
person although on the exterior she seems awkward. Since I got closer to her,
all the bad things I thought of her before were absurd to me now.
I'd probably go wherever she goes if the teacher hadn't made us work
together; otherwise, I would never have been able to meet a great friend like
her. To conclude, the lesson I learned was not to judge people by their looks.

A recent conflict I witnessed occurred one month before when I was walking
with my friend and a guy walked to us and wanted to pick a fight with my friend.
It was in the morning when my friend invited me to walk with her and eat. When
we got to the restaurant, she took out her phone to show me the novel she was
re-reading for the fourth time, and it was at that moment when a guy talked to
her. "Hey," he asked, "can you tell me what are you reading?" At first was a
little shocked but she didn't want to sound rude, so she said that it was her
favorite novel. The guy seemed to already know the novel and with a grin, he
asked if she wanted to know about a better novel than that and
immediately, he took the phone of my friend without her permission and started
to search for "better novels" and he deleted the novel my friend was reading
before. When he finished doing that, he returned her phone and he asked
whether she thought it was better than the other she was reading. She
said, "I won't read anything that you want to recommend to me" At the
same time she was deleting the novels the guy searched for her I thought,
"She is really mad at him".
The guy was angry with her actions, but she asked him if he could leave us
already. When she asked him that, the security of the restaurant came to our
table and talked to the guy.
She asked, "Do you think he'll come back?" I really didn't know that but
thanks to the security he never came back to our table.

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