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Surrey, British Columbia| 604 910 0733 |

S ki l l s S um m ar y

Thrives in fast-paced, high-pressure team environments with a high level of sensitivity and care for
patients and clients.

Proficient in efficiently managing multiple responsibilities and tasks while maintaining a high level of
attention to detail.

Maintains a high level of knowledge of industry trends, advancements, and best practices through
ongoing education and professional development.

E duc ati o n

Bac he l o r o f Ph ys i c al E d uc ati o n & Co ac hi n g (K i ne s i o l o gy Co nc e ntr ati o n)

D oug l as C olle g e | S ept e mb er 2 02 1 - P res en t
Anticipated graduation in 2025. Coursework: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Athletic Injury Assessment &
Management, Advanced Exercise Physiology, Advanced Sports Psychology, Sports Ethics.

Di pl o m a i n S po r t S c i e nc e
D oug l as C olle g e | S ept e mb er 2 02 1 - Fe br u ary 20 23
Completed rigorous coursework in exercise physiology, nutrition, biomechanics, motor learning,
learning and pedagogy, and sports psychology with a GPA of 3.63.

Di pl o m a i n Pr ac ti c al N ur s i ng
Vanc ouv er C om m unit y C ol leg e | J an ua ry 2 014 - Ju ne 201 5
Successfully completed Practical Nursing program with a GPA of 3.63 as per BCCNM Standards of
Practice for LPNs Framework. Successfully passed the CPNRE exam in October 2015.

G e ne r al Po p ul ati o n T r ai ni n g E xpe r i e nc e

Ce r ti fi e d Pe r s o nal T r ai ne r & G r o up Fi tne s s I n s tr uc to r

An yt i me Fit n es s Q uee ns bo ro ug h , An yt i me Fi t nes s Ro ya l O a k
Feb ru ary 20 18 - P r es ent
Skilled in creating tailored exercise programs, providing nutritional guidance, and delivering
motivational support. Proven track record of fostering positive client relationships and measurable
improvements in strength, endurance, and overall wellness.
L e ade r s hi p E x pe r i e nc e

Fi tne s s Man a ge r
An yt i me Fit n es s Q uee ns bo ro ug h , An yt i me Fi t nes s Ro ya l O a k
Ja nu ar y 2 019 - P r es ent
Demonstrated exceptional leadership and collaboration abilities, adept at making critical decisions
under pressure and fostering a positive, cohesive work environment. Skilled in mentoring and training
team members to uphold high standards within the company.

A c ute - c ar e P ati e nt E xpe r i e nc e

S tude nt Pr ac ti c al N ur s e ( S PN ) Pr e c e p to r s hi p
S urre y Me mo ria l H os pit al - 3 S out h O rt ho pe dic s
Ja nu ar y 2 014 – J u ne 2 01 4
Applied theoretical knowledge in a practical setting under the supervision of a nurse preceptor. Honed
assessment skills, medication administration, and implementation of evidence-based nursing
interventions for a variety of orthopedic conditions and surgical interventions.

L i c e ns e d Pr ac ti c al N ur s e (L PN )
S urre y Me mo ria l H os pit al – N 53 Me dic al Un it
D ec em ber 201 5 t o D ec e mbe r 2 016
Executed excellent nursing skills to a wide range of medical and surgical conditions while maintaining a
high level of sensitivity and care to patients. Implemented effective patient care collaboratively with
an interdisciplinary hospital team.

Car di o vas c ul ar Co n di ti o ns E xpe r i e nc e

Fi e l dwo r k S t ude nt | Bur na b y H os pit a l – C ar diac Re ha bil it at io n P r og ra m

September 2023 – December 2023
Designed and demonstrated cardiovascular and resistance-training exercises to a group of patients to
improve overall cardiovascular health and capacity following invasive cardiac surgery.

Mus c ul o s ke l e tal Co ndi ti o ns E x pe r i e nc e

Fi e l dwo r k S t ude nt | C o lu mb ia Int eg rat e d H ealt h C ent re – Ac t iv e Re ha b D e pa rt me nt

January 2023 – April 2023
Developed skills in teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, while learning new techniques for
active rehabilitation and exercise prescription.

Ce r ti fi c ati o ns

BCRPA Fitness Theory, Weight-training, Personal Trainer Certification

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Exercise Nutrition Certification

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