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ACTIVITY 2: Short Opinion Essay

- I’m an atheist, but on some aspect, I believe that there’s a creator of life and mostly
people said it’s God and it questioned me who create God? and so on. But, no one’s
knew it. Concluding, I’ll just say that life exist for someone who create us and that thing
came from the Theory of special creation (creationism). For a simple reasons according
to a scientific study specifically (Scientific America) if the gravitational force in our
universe became too strong it would collapse and form into ball and if it was less
powerful all items held to the Earth's surface by gravity would float away and there
would be no stars and planets. At least, with this information there would be no life
existing if it happens. Precise who made the universe be so balance so it can maintain
it’s position as it can supports life and that’s why I conclude that there’s a creator of life.

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