Revision Questions

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Explain the functions of the following in relation to a microscope:

a. Diaphragm

b. Condenser
2. a Highlight any one limitation of a compound microscope.
b. Explain the solution to the above limitation while maintaining the use of a compound
3. a. State the cell theory

Differentiate prokaryotic cell from eukaryotic cell

Give any one example of a prokaryote

4. a. Compare the heads and tails of phospholipids

b. State the function of a cell membrane

c. Give any difference between a cell membrane and a cell wall

5. Discuss any five differences between mitosis and meiosis
6. a.Explain the meaning of crossing over.
b. What is the significance of crossing over?

7. Why is cell reproduction important?

8. a. State two types of endoplasmic reticulum.

b. Give any two differences the two types of endoplasmic reticulum,

9. a.Assuming that you have just finished working with a microscope. Highlight any three

important measures that must be followed to ensure the safety of the microscope.

10. a. Differentiate a haploid cell from a diploid cell.

b. Compare the role of spindle fibre for first meiotic division with the role of spindle

fibre for second meiotic division.

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