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SGTB Khalsa College

Delhi University

Name of Course: B.A. (Hons.) Economics

Name of Paper: Introductory Econometrics

Practice Questions

All steps in the answer must be clearly shown.

For intermediate calculations, figures should be rounded off to 4 decimal places. For final answer, figures
should be rounded off to 2 decimal places.

1. Prove the following:

(a) Σei xi = 0
(b) Σei Ybi = 0
2. Derive the equation of the OLS estimators for a two-variable model.
3. Consider the following data:

Y 70 65 90 95 110 115 120 140 155 150

X 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

Estimate the direct (Y on X) and reverse (X on Y ) linear regressions from the above data. Are these
regressions the same? Explain.
4. Based on the sample of 38 countries, the following regression was estimated:

Ybi = 414.4583 − 0.0523GDPi − 50.0476P OPi

se (266.4583) (0.0018) (9.9581)
t (1.553) (−28.242) (−5.0257)

where Y = Expenditure on Education (billions rupees), GDP = GDP (billions rupees) and P OP =
Population (billions). Test whether the partial slope coefficients are statistically significant at 5% level of
5. You are given the following data based on 10 observations:

ΣXi = 1700 ΣYi = 1100 ΣXi Yi = 205, 500

ΣXi2 = 322, 000 ΣYi2 = 132, 100

(a) Estimate the regression.

(b) Find the standard error of regression and variances of the estimators.

6. For the two variable regression model Yi = B1 + B2 Xi + ui show that

(Σyi ybi )2
r2 =
(Σyi 2 )(Σybi 2 )

7. You are given the following data based on 15 observations: (5)

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Y = 367.693 X 2 = 402.760 X 3 = 8.0
Σyi2 = 66, 042.269 Σx22i = 84, 855.096 Σx23i = 280.0
Σyi x2i = 74, 778.346 Σyi x3i = 4, 250.9 Σx2i x3i = 4, 796.0

Estimate the three multiple regression coefficients and calculate their variances.
8. Consider the following regression:

Ybi = −66.1058 + 0.0650Xi r2 = 0.9460

se (10.7509) ( ) n = 20
t ( ) (18.73)

(a) Fill in the missing numbers and show your calculations.

(b) Would you reject the hypothesis that true B2 is zero at 5% level of significance?

9. Show that the OLS estimators, b1 and b2 are linear estimators. Also show that these estimators are linear
functions of the error term ui .


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