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Hacking is about more than mischief-making or political subversion. As it is decribed

in this talk, it can be just as much a force for good as it is for evil.

I. Watch the video:

II. Find the answers to the given questions/ try to match the parts of the phrases and
explain them:
1. What is meant by the idea that Hacking has always been at the foundation of American
The idea that hacking has always been at the foundation of American democracy means that the act
of creatively and resourcefully solving problems through unconventional means has been a key
aspect of American culture and progress. Hacking in this sense refers to the idea of using
technology to make positive changes in society, rather than malicious activities.

2. Why Benjamin Franklin was mentioned in this TedTalk?

Benjamin Franklin was mentioned in the TedTalk because he was a prime example of a Civic
Hacker, using his ingenuity and creativity to solve problems in society. He created several
innovations and inventions that made life easier for people, such as the lightning rod and bifocal

3. What people could be called Civic Hackers?

Civic Hackers are individuals who use their technical skills and creativity to create technology-
based solutions for social issues, often working collaboratively with others in their communities.

4. What examples could be provided of Civic hacking?

Examples of Civic hacking could include creating apps that provide information about local
political candidates or making public transit more accessible through technology. Another example
is the use of mapping technology to help aid workers respond to natural disasters.

5. What is the aim of creating a global network of Civic hackers?

The aim of creating a global network of Civic hackers is to promote collaboration and sharing of
ideas, resources, and best practices. It also helps to build a sense of community and common
purpose among Civic hackers, and increases the impact of their work.

6. Do you agree that hacking is deeply connected with critical thinking? Why?
Yes, hacking is deeply connected with critical thinking because it involves looking at problems
from different perspectives and finding innovative solutions. Hackers often have to think outside the
box and use unconventional methods to achieve their goals, which requires creativity and

7. Match the parts of phrases:

Amateur the citizenship

Mainstream in government
Reenergize with a political agenda
Questioning with less
Restore trust culture
International rogue democratic activity
To do more existing ways
Deeply innovation

III. Find an article about Hacking which could prove or refute that Hacking can be
just as much a force for good as it is for evil.
Prepare a short summary of the chosen article.
Topic: “Hackvism: good or evil?”
Link: Hacktivism: good or evil? | Computer Weekly
The article titled "Hacktivism: Good or Evil?" discusses the controversial topic of hacktivism and
explores the ethical implications associated with it. The author acknowledges that hacktivism,
which involves hacking for political or social causes, can have both positive and negative
consequences. On the positive side, hacktivism can be a powerful tool for raising awareness about
important issues, promoting social justice, and holding governments and corporations accountable
for their actions. However, the article also highlights the potential negative aspects of hacktivism,
such as the illegal nature of hacking and the potential for collateral damage or unintended
consequences. The author suggests that the ethical evaluation of hacktivism depends on the
intentions, methods, and outcomes of individual hacktivist actions. Overall, the article presents a
balanced perspective on hacktivism, acknowledging its potential for both good and harm, and
emphasizes the need for careful consideration of its ethical implications.

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