Letter To Editor

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(Sender's Address) _________________________


(Date) ____________________________________

(Receiver’s address)

The Editor

Name of the Newspaper


Subject: _________________________________________________________________________


(Introductory Paragraph) Introduction of the topic _________________________________________


(Main Paragraph – writing about the topic) _______________________________________________


(Concluding Paragraph – suggestions, solutions) __________________________________________


Yours sincerely

(Name) _____________________

Write a letter to the editor of an English daily, making a plea to the common people
to switch over to solar energy to conserve electricity and limit electricity bills. You are
Divyansh/Divyanshi of 147, Mayur Vihar, NewDelhi.

147 Mayur Vihar

New Delhi

11 April 20xx
The Editor

Hindustan Times

New Delhi

Subject: Conservation of electricity by adopting solar power.

Through the columns of your reputed newspaper, I wish to make the people aware of
the growing need and demands of solar power. We all know that our earth is
showing signs of declining health and it is due to excessive pollution on our planet.
Man has a desire to live a luxurious life and for that, he is over consuming electricity
to run various gadgets to make life comfortable for himself. We must conserve
electricity which is the need of the hour.
This conservation can only be done if we start using renewable sources of energy
like, solar power systems. Various kinds of solar systems like solar cookers, solar
lanterns, solar heating and cooking system, solar water heater, etc., are available in
the market.
These solar systems are non-polluting. They are economical and are available in
different sizes. So, I request you to publish this letter in your newspaper to make
people aware of the need of conserving electricity and limiting electricity bills. We
must pay attention to the dire need of switching over to solar energy for the
sustenance of our planet.

Thanking you.
Yours sincerely

Question 2.
Though there is a movement like ‘Sarvashiksha Abhiyan’ and enrolling of
underprivileged children in schools, there are still many children, who do not go to
school, rather have never seen a school. It is indeed disturbing. You decide to write
a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views and the steps to be
taken. You are Siddharth Singh of 87 A Saket Colony, Agra.

87 A Saket Colony


25th October 20 xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Educating the Underprivileged

Through the columns of your reputed newspaper, I wish to draw your attention
towards the movement ‘Sarvashiksha Abhiyan’ which aims at providing knowledge to
all children. Even the act RTE-Right to Education also ensures education for all
children between the age of four to fourteen. But these movements and acts do not
show themselves implemented anywhere especially in the underprivileged class.

There are still many children who do not go to school. They either work as a
domestic labour or work in factories, Tea stalls, etc. It is disturbing to note that our
government’s plans are not bearing any fruits. It is all because of lack of awareness
towards this issue.

We all need the help of print media as well as electronic media to spread messages
of awareness to the masses. The underprivileged children must be made to realize
that they have the right to get education. So, they must go to school. The foremost
thing is to discourage child-labour so as to give these children a bright future. I hope
you will pay attention to this noble cause and publish it in your newspaper.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely

Siddharth Singh

Question 3.
Your grandfather is very upset about the rising prices and keeps thinking of his olden
times when things were very cheap. You are convinced that inflation has made life
difficult for common man. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a national
daily describing the difficulties faced by poor families. You are Sahil/Sarita of 679
Kaveri Vihar New Delhi.

679 Kaveri Vihar –

New Delhi
14th July 20xx

The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi

Subject: Rising Prices , a challenge for the common man.

I through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, wish to draw your attention
towards the inflation which has made life difficult for common man. It was not so in
earlier times when things were very cheap and were within the reach of almost
everyone. But the sharp rise in prices of all commodities has made it difficult for a
common man to make both his ends meet . Today, the common man cannot bear
even the daily expenses of his family.

This is giving rise to disappointments and dejections in their life. Corruption is also
on the rise, so as to avoid financial crisis, people are turning towards bribery which is
the root cause of all evils. People are compromising on their values and ethics of
honesty to cope up with inflation.

It is high time that the concerned authorities should wake up to this social cause and
try to put reins to the rising price so that people can at least afford the minimum
necessities required to lead a comfortable and peaceful life.

Thanking you.
Yours sincerely



Q. There is an orphanage near your home which is neglected and in a bad

condition. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper throwing light on the poor
conditions and the need to help the orphanage. Indicate the poor condition of
children in the orphanage. Highlight the lack of basic amenities in the
orphanage and the poor management. Show that help from Government and
Private individuals is required to save the orphanage.You are Ravi/ Ravisha of
Green Fields Colony , New Delhi.
Q..Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about a bad piece of road that
is in need of
repair.Indicate the stretch of road that needs repairs.Since when is the road
damaged and what are the reasons for damage.How residents have contacted
municipal authorities but no action has been taken. You are Amit/ Amisha , a
resident of Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.

Q. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the monkey menace in your
locality.Give a brief description of the havoc being caused by monkeys
including attacks on residents and children. In spite of promises from authorities
no action has been taken. Suggest some ways to curb this menace. You are
Akash/ Akansha ,a resident of Ram Vihar , Ghaziabad.

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