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March 15



1. Select three locations in Ethiopia with different climatic condition (hot, moderate and cold). Then
analyze the use of building materials for that specific area with reason.
Note: Describe with images and sketches
a. Building materials for floors, roof, wall and so on
b. Appropriateness of each building material for that specific climatic condition
c. Access the availability of building materials locally
d. Make you suggestion based on your understanding
2. Conduct a case study on the use of building materials for three different climatic conditions in the


A. Locations in Ethiopia with Different Climatic Conditions:

1. Hot Climate: Afar Region (Danakil Depression)
2. Moderate Climate: Addis Ababa (Central Highlands)
3. Cold Climate: Simien Mountains National Park

b. Analysis of Building Materials for Each Specific Area:

1. Hot Climate (Afar Region - Danakil Depression):
 In extremely hot and arid regions like the Afar Region, it is important to use building materials that can
withstand high temperatures and provide insulation. Suitable building materials for this climate
- Floors: Traditional materials like compacted earth or stone can be used for the floors, as they
have good thermal mass and can stay cool in hot temperatures.
- Roof: Metal sheets or corrugated iron are commonly used for roofs in hot climates due to their
ability to reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption. Thatched roofs made of local materials like
grass or palm leaves can also provide insulation and airflow.
- Walls: Using materials with good thermal insulation properties, such as thick mud bricks or
compressed earth blocks, can help maintain a cooler indoor environment. Alternatively, lightweight
construction materials like bamboo can be used to allow for better airflow.

2. Moderate Climate (Addis Ababa - Central Highlands):

 In areas with a moderate climate like Addis Ababa, where temperatures are generally mild, building
materials that provide insulation and comfort are preferred. Suitable building materials for this climate

- Floors: Concrete or terrazzo floors are commonly used, as they provide durability, stability, and

thermal mass.

Figure 1;floor concrete terazzo

- Roof: Reinforced concrete roofs or clay tiles are suitable for moderate climates, as they offer
good insulation and protection against rain.

Figure 2:clay tile roofs

- Walls: Concrete blocks or bricks, combined with insulation materials like polystyrene or mineral
wool, are commonly used to ensure thermal comfort and energy efficiency.

3. Cold Climate (Simien Mountains National Park):

In cold and high-altitude regions like the Simien Mountains, building materials need to provide
insulation and protect against extreme cold temperatures. Suitable building materials for this
climate include:
- Floors: Concrete or stone floors are commonly used, as they provide good thermal mass and
- Roof: Insulated roofs made of timber, with layers of insulation materials like rock wool or
fiberglass, are ideal for cold climates. Metal roofs with proper insulation can also be used.
- Walls: Thick stone or mud walls, combined with insulation materials like polystyrene or straw,
can provide good thermal insulation and retain heat.

Figure 3:mud walls

c. Availability of Building Materials Locally:

The availability of building materials can vary depending on the specific location. In urban areas
like Addis Ababa, most building materials are readily available, including concrete, bricks, metal
sheets, and timber. However, in remote regions like the Afar Region or Simien Mountains, the
availability of certain materials may be limited. Local materials like stone, mud, and thatch are
often used in these areas due to their abundance and accessibility.

d. Suggestions Based on Understanding:

 Considering the climatic conditions and availability of building materials in the respective regions, the
following suggestions can be made:
- Hot Climate (Afar Region): Utilize locally available materials like compacted earth, stone, and
bamboo for floors, walls, and roofs. These materials provide thermal mass and allow for better
airflow, helping to maintain a cooler indoor environment.

- Moderate Climate (Addis Ababa): Concrete or terrazzo floors, reinforced concrete roofs, and
concrete blocks combined with insulation materials are appropriate choices. These materials offer
durability, insulation, and energy efficiency.
- Cold Climate (Simien Mountains): Opt for stone or concrete floors, insulated timber roofs, and
thick stone or mud walls with insulation. These materials provide good thermal insulation and
protection against extreme cold temperatures.

A.Cold Climate:example Norway
Suggested materials : Bricks, stone, and concrete.
Reasons for suggestion:
 Insulating Properties: These materials have excellent insulating properties, which help retain heat
within buildings.
 Thermal Mass: Bricks, stone, and concrete absorb and store heat during the day, releasing it slowly
at night, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.
 Durability: In cold regions, where extreme temperatures and frost are common, these materials
withstand the harsh conditions.
 Examples: Thick stone walls or brick structures provide effective insulation against cold weather.

B.Warm Climate:
Suggested Materials: Wood and clay.
Reasons for suggestions:
 Natural Cooling: Wood and clay materials allow for better ventilation and natural cooling. They
keep the interior temperature cooler than other materials.
 Breathability: These materials allow moisture to escape, preventing humidity buildup.
 Sustainable: Wood is renewable, and clay is abundant, making them eco-friendly choices.
 Examples: Wooden structures, clay tiles, and adobe walls are commonly used in warm regions.

C.Mixed Climate:
Materials Suggested: Tinted glass.
Reasons for suggestion:

 Solar Control: Tinted glass helps regulate indoor temperatures by reducing solar heat gain.
 Daylighting: It allows natural light while minimizing glare and excessive heat.
 Energy Efficiency: Tinted glass contributes to energy-efficient buildings.
 Examples: Modern buildings incorporate tinted glass windows to balance comfort and aesthetics.


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