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Separateness vs Unity Consciousness (or The

Illusion of Separation)- Part II of: Ascending to

the 5th and Higher Dimensions
By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
It is been explicated herein that the most prominent factor that has
subjugated the 3rd dimensional human being to seemingly
perpetually lurk within the low-conscious domain of the Omni Earth
is the plague of ‘separation.’ Although mankind was initially created
as a consciousness generator as a companion to the ALL MIGHTY
Prime Creator, the original SOURCE of consciousness of ALL THAT
THERE IS, the seeming endless cycle of reincarnation has plunged
mankind into a sense of deep amnesia regarding its true nature of
existence as a divine being of light. As a result, mankind has come to
separate itself from its soul and its progenitor spirit, from fellow
divine beings of light, and indeed, from its parent Prime Creator.
However, it is now been ORDAINED that humanity is to ascend to the
5th and higher dimensions in which the idea of separation is, indeed,
taboo or non-existent, where all sentient beings function
harmoniously and synchronously as a collective. However, this is
contingent on the fact as to whether there is ‘allowance’ by the
human being, itself, for such evolutionary process to ever take place,
acquiring impeccability and spiritual mastery. It is elucidated that,
clearly, the doctrine of ‘non-interference’ and the utter respect for
‘Free Will’ is still very much a factor in the equation of ascension, and
indeed, our evolution. In this regard, no longer the absurd ideology of
“survival of the fittest,” or “looking for the number one – the self,” is
revered in the 5th and the higher dimensions. And, together with this
new adoption of the concept of collective or unity consciousness
(addressed in a companion paper), are the abandonment of fear,
anger, prejudice, victim consciousness, conflict, war, as well as such
relevant maladies as materialism, futile accumulation, greed,
competition, jealousy, territorialism, need for secrecy and other
proprietary measures, etc. A brief statement regarding the course of
evolution of humans is presented. It is indicated that, indeed, it is a
false contention, if not an abomination, to argue that humanity was
evolved from apes, and in turn, arising from the purportedly eventual
development of bacteria from a primordial soup. In contrast, what
animates a human is of divine origin, spearheaded by a light being,
ultimately, emanating from the original SOURCE of consciousness,
the Prime Creator. The futile fascination or memorized notion of
‘form,’ as the 3rd dimensional humans so ardently occupy themselves
with, is yet another side-malady of the conception of separation. This
is manifested by the voracious, yet fruitless, enthrallment with sexual
endeavors, and paying vain, narcissistic, attention to the physical
form, which is wasteful and futile, as clearly, the body is merely the
vessel that serves as the temple of the soul, and provides a
convenient venue for experimenting in space-time, culminating in
spiritual education being, requisite for consciousness expansion.
Finally, it is clarified that although humans have traditionally viewed
themselves as being ‘alone’ in the universe - another separatist
trend, exasperated by a consistent program of misinformation and
disinformation, and have considered themselves as being unique and
the ‘crown jewel of all living things,’ this contention is false as this
universe is teaming with all forms of sentient beings. The separation
from the SELF is, itself, illusory, as within the low-frequency of the 3rd
dimension, human’s soul is commonly fragmented into myriad of
‘soul aspects,’ undergoing ‘unconscious multidimensionality’ in order
to experience multiple life sojourns simultaneously within the parallel

• The single most characteristic of the lower dimensional
consciousness trait, such as that of the 3rd, is the phenomenon of
‘separation’ or disconnectedness.
• We are all sentient creatures that were created as companion and
offspring of the ALL MIGHTY Prime Creator, who is the progenitor of
our consciousness [1-2].
• As the Prime Creator reached a point of singularity as may be
epitomized by omnipotence of consciousness, it decided to implode
upon itself as to form companions that would function as further
‘consciousness generators,' and ultimately, serve as co-creators [3-
• In particular, these ‘worker bees,’ of the consciousness generating
machinery reside at the outskirt of the consciousness domains of
cosmos signifying the body of the Prime Creator [5].
• The nature of this domain of low-consciousness is that it is
inundated with low-frequency light, giving it the characteristic of a
low light quotient and propinquity [6].
• The particular environment of the low-consciousness realm (3rd
dimension) is such that the time progresses very slowly, and thus,
the space-time is dominated by the notion of space [7-8].
• Therefore, the pixels of reality can be viewed in a ‘slow motion,’ if
you please, thus, providing an excellent forum for experimentation
and spiritual education [9-11].
• Furthermore, this educational forum is governed by duality in which
contrasting sojourns of life could be experienced leading to
consciousness expansion.
• It is clear that one prime and ideal way to learn is through contrast.
• For this reason, the consciousness generators are endowed with the
gift of thoughts as to employ logic and rationalism as to distinguish
the right from the wrong, or the positive and productive conscious
energies from their negative and destructive counterparts.
• This is what the author has referred to as ‘positive’ and ‘negative’
karma, respectively [12-14].
• And, to augment the degree of optimization of such a consciousness
generating machinery, the soul is fragmented into myriad of its
different aspects, vibrating within distinct parallel dimensions of
reality, as to attain added variety of experiential life sojourns
simultaneously [15].
• Moreover, although it all happens concurrently within the NOW
moment, each individual soul aspect remains in amnesia, being
oblivious to all its other life experiences within the parallels.
• Thus, although the soul is under the impression that it is
experiencing matter and space in a particular fixed timeline in what
is referred to as physicality, it actually constantly and sequentially
jumps into these parallel dimensions seemingly being fixed in space
and moving in time during dream state and subconscious endeavors
• And, the whole fragmentation of soul with its inherent low
frequency is commensurate with the low frequential space-time of
the 3rd and its low extent of consciousness.
• This way, each soul aspect is capable to adequately solely decipher
its life sojourns within the parallels one at a time, being oblivious or
unconscious with respect to all that transpires in all dimensions.
• Thus, it does not experience any mayhem or confusion, being
capable of properly keeping track of all that transpires and it
experiences in its physical consciousness, one at a time.
• This, in turn, all culminates in acquiring expanded consciousness.
• However, unfortunately, this amnesia has the disadvantage of giving
the soul aspect the wrongful impression that it is, indeed, alone or
independent of the ALL, in which case it creates its own reality.
• Although the latter point of co-creativity and sovereignty as to
determine its own fate or reality is partially correct, it is a fatal error
in assuming that we, as conscious entities, are ever alone, fully
independent, or even have a distinct or unique identity.
• However, as a result of being entwined in a repetitious cycle of
reincarnation, the 3rd dimensional man has come to the erroneous
impression that it was created fortuitously and uniquely through an
indescribable process of biochemical reaction and genetic evolution.
• As a result, mankind has fancied itself as to having a unique identity,
being ‘the crown jewel’ of all living things within the cosmos.
• Again, although the assessment of uniqueness in terms of being the
crown jewel of bio entities is not far from the truth, the whole design
was purposefully endowed.
• As such, mankind actually possesses 12 strands of helical structure
arranged in the form of 6 double helices, that forms its DNA plus 6
additional strands of RNA [17-21].
• While the DNA constitute the genetic essence, RNA plays a
significant role in communicating with the higher dimensions.
• In fact, only a single double helix of our DNA is of biochemical
elements that is currently active and interfaces electrically with the
higher dimensional realm of the cosmos (the ethereal) [22].
• In contrast, the other DNA strands are of etheric nature that are
stealth to us as they vibrate at considerably higher frequencies,
which appear to have been dormant all the time.
• Besides, only less than 3% of our DNA appear to be active.
• These are what are what have been commonly referred to as “junk
genes” by our mainstream scientists.
• And, although DNA is present in each and every cells of our bodies, it
is within our divine endocrine gland - the pineal that there is a
‘master cell’ containing a chromosome that serves as the command
center for our DNA activation.
• The pineal gland is often referred to as the ‘third eye,’ or the ‘seat of
soul,’ or as the author puts it, ‘the gateway to our expanded
consciousness and multidimensionality,’ which connects us to the
universes beyond our own.
• Thus, only a small portion of us is ‘physical.’
• The rest is of ‘ethereal’ nature that is stealth in terms of physicality,
yet tangibly exists that can interface with the rest (higher
dimensional) portion of the cosmos, when our natural frequency is
upshifted as to resonate with the higher dimensions, harmoniously,
synchronously, as well as multidimensionally [23-24].
• In fact, the author has articulated in the past in the context of
multidimensional vibration of soul aspects that we have the
propensity of vibrating with multiple degrees of freedom, each at a
distinct frequency (eigenvalue) and a dimensional mode
(eigenvector) [25-26].
• And, this is feasibly achieved as we discretize our SELVES into a series
of distinct soul aspects, each vibrating at a different natural
frequency (eigenvalue) within a distinct parallel dimension
• However, the multidimensional characteristic of our existence has
been somewhat of an enigma among conscious beings resonating at
distinctively low natural frequencies at which the nature of our
multidimensionality has been as stealth to us as the ethereal (and
the main) aspect of our existence.
• This is why mankind has traditionally, ignorantly, arrogantly, and
contentiously viewed itself as being ‘alone,’ what is commensurate
with its ‘physical’ existence.
• This is what has been traditionally perceived as being rational or
logical to ponder upon.
• And, as far as even physicality is concerned, mankind has always
found comfort in believing that it is, indeed, ‘alone’ in all this
gigantically proportioned cosmos (dubbed as the “universe”)
comprised of billions of galaxies each containing billions of planetary
• While, clearly, even this comparatively ‘small’ Nebadon Universe of
us, itself is teaming with other sentient life forms.
• The truth of the matter is no one is alone or purely independent of
other conscious siblings.
• In other words, we are all ever entangled with one another
consciously [27-29].
• And, the author has appropriately mathematically modelled this in
terms of a parameter dubbed as the “consciousness expansibility link
coefficient’ 𝑘𝑖𝑗 , with the indices 𝑖𝑗 defining the effect of
consciousness of an entity 𝑖 on a conscious being 𝑗 [26].
• Furthermore, we are all governed by an overall DIVINE ORDER [30-
• It is true that as sentient beings, we are all endowed with the gift of
freedom to roam around the space-time, experimenting and
experiencing the sojourns of life.
• However, we all ‘jack in’ or incarnate within particular dimensions of
consciousness run by certain matrix of reality that are served by or
disseminated by our particular space-time.
• Thus, strictly speaking, despite our freedom of Will to choose among
the programs of reality that are uploaded onto us, we are geared to
these certain programs of reality that are commensurate with the
level of our consciousness and the frequency-light quotient-
propinquity of the particular space-time we are anchored in in order
to vibrate about its myriads of parallel sub-dimensions [32-33].
• And, it may be that we initially choose from among the Akashic
records and from programs of reality indigenous to our relevant
consciousness plane prior to our ‘jacking in,’ but the fact remains
that we are, nevertheless, geared to them, to only select from the
myriad of possibilities (or probabilities) that are uploaded upon us
amidst our incarnation on a particular physical plane.
• Thus, the illusory perception of separation or total autonomy as
what we do during our physical life, or the notion of total separate
identity, is futile.
• It is true that as a result of our gift of Free Will we are privy to
improvise in ‘real time’ and choose from a menu of presented
programs of reality, and to a certain extent, modify the path or even
certain details of pre-devised life sojourns, nevertheless, we remain
confined to operate within a range of frequencies that are
commensurate with the level of our inherent light quotient and that
of the space-time we are anchored within.

The Erroneous Conjecture Regarding our Evolution

• Unfortunately, mankind during its long records of repeated
reincarnations undergoing amnesia and separation from its SELF, has
diverted into believing that it is ‘alone,’ and perhaps cropped up as a
fortuitous freak of accidental bio-chemical event, as proposed by
• The fact is that, simply, we are not the product of some incipient
bacteria to have fortuitously grown within a primordial soup.
• In this respect, the idea of us having purposefully evolved from apes
is ludicrous, if not outrageous, and indeed, an abomination.
• And, in concert with the same absurd hypothesis, is that, as divine
beings of light, we were meant to operate under the auspices of the
ideology of the “survival of the fittest.”
• These conjectures are best left for the low-conscious non-sentient
• Besides, the question of physiology, bio-chemistry, and even the
‘form’ is immaterial.
• The fact remains that our physiology was purposefully designed in
matter by our form being ‘seeded’ as to achieve a certain perfection
that is commensurate with the level of existence in the 3rd-4th
dimensional plane of consciousness.
• Furthermore, the purpose of our bodies is but to serve as a temple
for the soul, a matter of convenience for us to be able to animate
and experience within our particular space-time.
• Beyond this, the matter of ‘form’ is irrelevant.
• In other words, the fact remains that as divine sentient light beings
occupying a physical body that facilitates our process of spiritual
education and attaining consciousness expansion, our form was not
fortuitously evolved from apes!
• And, indeed, despite countless efforts by the scientists to locate and
identify the ‘missing link’ to our purported course of evolution, and
their consequent failure, testifies to this fact.
• It is a quest that will NEVER be justified or fulfilled.
• We were simply seeded as to acquire an appropriate physical vessel
as to accommodate our spiritual-consciousness expansion quest in
• In this respect, our so-called evolution was purposefully ‘accelerated’
to accommodate the requisite changes, which has no evolutionary
basis in terms of biochemical evolution.
• Thus, while we have been led to believe that ‘we are alone in the
universe,’ promoting the mentality of ridiculing the idea of ‘existence
of aliens,’ we ARE, indeed, ‘the aliens’ who were seeded on this

Problems with the Illusory Notion of Separation

• The feeling of ‘aloneness,’ or ‘separation,’ has brought a myriad of
maladies in terms of the consciousness of humanity.
• First of all, separation is conducive to establishing a fear-based
society [34].
• And, such a sentiment has been nourished and accentuated through
misinformation and disinformation by a horde of synthetic or
soulless entities who have been controlling our matrix of reality [35-
• These malevolent entities commonly prey upon the divine conscious
energies of humanity by way of vampiric act and parasitic energetic
• One may ask the question as to why such a scenario of life permitted
by the divine.
• The answer is that it produces an even harder curriculum of spiritual
education in which it has made the ‘University of Duality of Earth’ a
much dreaded ‘School of Hard Knocks’ within the cosmos.
• It is not surprising that the resident of higher dimensional planes
such as the Arcturians, Pleaidians, Sirians, Andromedans, and such
openly praise the incarnate of Omni earth as heroic braves who have
ventured in ‘jacking into’ such a matrix of reality in the first place.
• It is an adventure that they would not dare to indulge in, as they
candidly affirm.
• A prolific consequence of separation is the notion of need for
• In this regard, the conscious entity is constantly plagued by the
notion of ‘hunting-gathering’ endeavor as to ‘survive.’
• And, this of course, could come at the expense to other fellow
conscious siblings.
• It is all regarded as being ‘kosher’ or justified, as long as one caters
to the SELF to survive.
• However, the notion of self-preservation or ‘survival’ is, strictly
speaking, illusory.
• Mankind needs very little to physically survive.
• Life experience is all about consciousness expansion, as well as
nourishing the soul as to be productive and creational as to co-
create as a helper to the Prime Creator.
• The Prime Creator has provided abundantly for all to prosper should
they adhere to the principle of ‘equality for the ALL,’ contingent on
the respect for the doctrine of compassion and unconditional love
• Unfortunately, separation dictates the moto of “looking after for the
number one” that is the SELF.
• In this regard, selfishness, excessive self-indulgence, greed [38], false
pride, ego [39], superiority complex, prejudice, competition, jealousy
and even conflict [40], etc. are the norm and the practice most
humans currently engage in.
• And, strictly speaking, although survivalism as to ‘live another day to
hunt and gather,’ and procreation and the ‘right of propagating
one’s genes,’ are the characteristics of the low-consciousness
‘animal,’ humanity has even stooped below such level in many
• For example, the traits of jealousy, greed, ego, prejudice, gluttony or
over-eating, excessive sex, or even over self-indulgence are absent
or rare among the lower conscious animals.
• Furthermore, animals do not kill for pleasure or sport.
• Neither do they over-eat for pleasure.
• If anything, if they over-indulge themselves by over-eating, it has the
purposeful reason for acquiring a ‘reserve,’ and preparing for winter
months and the harsher times when food is scarce.
• Moreover, animals only have sex as to procreate, and by far, they do
not frantically engage in sexual activities casually as a hobby, as
humans do.
• This is the sort of thing humans preoccupy themselves with in their
physical consciousness as a way to find comfort for their self-
insecurities to perhaps fill their psychological-spiritual void within.
• Furthermore, animals are actually superior to man in one aspect that
they have not lost touch with their intuitive senses [41].
• This is because the very physical consciousness of the man, and its
seemingly advanced sense of logic and rationalization that is the
rudimentary tool for its acquiring consciousness expansion, often
interferes with its natural divine senses by over-thinking.
• On the contrary, animals often ‘go with the flow,’ being more
‘natural’ in their cognitive states.
• This means that they hunt as to get access to food that serves to
ensure their survival or longevity.
• But, when they are not hungry or not in need of acquiring reserve as
a preparatory measure for the incoming harsher times, they do not
bother each other, even the preys.
• And, they do not engage in futile conflict as a result of politics or
religion, which are the maladies of over- reacting physical mind.
• In contrast, one can see that the predator and prey live in harmony
as is often experienced in cases of unusual bonds of friendship
between seemingly opposite animal species developed in captivity.
• Such circumstances epitomize a condition that the predator in well-
provided for in terms of food or nutrition, and as result, the animal
follows its ‘natural instinct’ in getting along and making friendship
with other animals it lives with.
• However, mankind has always chosen to engage in conflict and war,
mostly being misguided with prejudicial trends that include religion
or ethnic and racial issues.
• Of course, this has been promoted and enflamed by a horde of
selfish, ambitious, devious, roguish, war-mongering individuals who
ultimately benefit from the spoils of war or conflicts thus incited by
• And, although the majority are innocent and are often caught up in
artificially-triggered feuds by a few, ultimately, it is the state of low-
consciousness instigated as a result of notion of separation that
ultimately leads to rage, revenge, and self-destruction.
• This is something that should NEVER be ‘allowed.’
• And, on a personal basis, another side-effect of separation that
makes humans distinctly different than animals is that the 3rd
dimensional human often resorts to victim consciousness [42] as a
way of uselessly consoling oneself.
• In this regard, they seldom take responsibility for their erroneous
actions and blame everything on others or a set of circumstances as
to relieve themselves from the burden of self-reflection leading to
• It is, indeed, ego that is at play here, and or the low-conscious act of
attracting attention to oneself as a way of emulating or portrayal
that they have, indeed, been subject to wrongdoings.
• They even carry this futile act of self-pity to the extent that they
blame the ALL MIGHTY for their ‘misfortunes!’
• However, ultimately, mankind creates its own reality [43-44] by
resorting to the illusory notion of separation.
• And, the concept of “survival of the fittest,” is something that has to
be left alone, applying to the lower animals.
• One may ask why is life cruel, permitting the predator to feed on the
• The answer to this is that life is perpetual and never seizes to exist.
• Just as quickly a prey is hunted and actually participates in a
benevolent act providing food for the predator, it reincarnates into
life in the same or an alternative form [45-47].
• In this respect, the circle of life continues.
• This is the way animals ‘earn their stripes,’ through diverse life
experimentation and participation in the circle of life.
• However, the act of ‘eating and being eaten’ is not ordained or
meant for the higher conscious humanity.
• As a sentient being, a human is a consciousness generating machine.
• It acquires life experience through experimenting in space-time and
undergoing life sojourns that serve to teach it lessons as to acquire
spiritual and intellectual education culminating in consciousness
• This, in turn, adds to the ORDER, consciousness expansion, and the
longevity of the cosmos.
• The question of the form is, indeed, inconsequential to the human as
a divine being of light.
• Unfortunately, mankind has expended much of its conscious energy
in the past on materialism and vanity regarding the features of its
physical body.
• Clearly, ‘one cannot take what has been accumulated’ after physical
• Thus, materialism and the frenzy of accumulation is futile.
• Furthermore, engaging so much attention, and expending concerted
time and efforts on such things as survivalism, materialism,
accumulation, physical self-indulgence that include ‘looks’ and
preoccupation with sexual endeavors, has left hardly any time for
spiritual enlightenment and acquiring consciousness expansion.
• In this respect, it seems as if the effort is basically all lost, like the
proverbial ‘throwing the baby out with the water,’ as
CONSCIOUSNESS is ALL THERE IS, and acquiring consciousness
expansion is the Prime Creator’s only directive to humanity and
other sentient beings.
• And, the fundamental culprit behind it all that constitutes man’s
plague for failure in attaining its goal as a consciousness generator is
the notion of separation.
• Separation from SELF, fellow sentient siblings, and the SOURCE of
our consciousness – the Prime Creator, is primarily due to fear.
• Disguised as a futile fear for survivalism, as well as such other things
as fear of inadequacy to measure up in terms of ‘looks,’ riches,
position, and other self-inflicted distinctions, has been man’s
primary reason to distract its attention to what does not serve the
overall purpose of life and having consciousness.
• It has driven mankind to greed, competition, jealousy, ego or false
pride, which are the culprits for prejudicial tendencies in terms of
religion, ethnicity or nationality, race, and other futile ideologies,
further disengaging the mind from what matters, which is acquiring
spiritual education leading to consciousness expansion.

Summary and Conclusion

• To summarize the main points:
• Separation is the most devastating plague that has been haunting
the 3rd dimensional human, keeping mankind confined in the lower
planes of consciousness.
• It has entailed separation from the SELF, including its HIGHER
ASPECT that primarily resides within the higher dimensions of
consciousness, separation from its own kind - the other offspring of
the Prime Creator, and most importantly, separation from the
omnipotent SOURCE.
• As the term itself suggests, separation has condemned mankind to
exist in low propinquity, and as such, it is the primary culprit for
subjugating mankind to diminished state of frequency-light quotient.
• Perhaps the most devastating consequence of separation is the fact
that mankind has continuously been further derailed from
appreciating its true nature that is divine, primarily existing as a
being of light, as opposed to being just a physical entity inundated by
matter that is, itself, conscious-degrading [48].
• In this respect, man has plunged further and further in amnesia
regarding the perception of its true nature of existence as a
potentially consciousness-generating entity, facilitated by a seeming
continuous vicious cycle of reincarnation for at least the past 13
millennia, after the demise of Atlantis, and with it, the fall of
• And, although the professor of duality and Cause and Effect has been
a viable teacher, the consequent polarization of man as to acquire
the absurd illusion that it is perhaps alone or unique in the cosmos,
accentuated by the meddlesome agenda of misinformation and
disinformation of a horde of soul-less dark energetic parasites
manipulating our matrix of reality, has led mankind into a futile
eruptive sense of self-destruction that no longer serves any purpose.
• For this reason, nowadays marks the dawn of a new era, ordained by
the divine to change the course of mankind’s consciousness
development onto a new direction via ascension to a new plane of
consciousness, where separation is no longer allowed to be a factor
in the equation of man’s consciousness evolution.
• Therefore, with it must disappear all the devastating maladies of the
notion of ‘survival of the fittest,’ victim consciousness, selfishness
and futile self-indulgence swamped by the ravenous appetite for
materialism, greed, useless accumulation, excessive neurotic carnal
desire, egotism, and fruitless captivation with the physical form.
• Instead, the ‘ME’ is to be inverted and transformed to the concern
for the ‘WE,’ and unity consciousness to replace the futile sense of
• Here, mankind learns to substitute the separatist traits of concern
for over self-indulgence inundated with the sense of competition,
rivalry, and territorialism governed by the acts of secrecy and over
concern for proprietary ownership, with one that is based upon the
doctrine of comradery, cooperation, and collectivism [49].
• Simply put, you learn to exercise compassion and love as to get
along, viewing yourself a link in a chain that grows stronger and
stronger by adopting the doctrine of ‘good for the all,’ at the same
time, proving to be fruitful, culminating in security, prosperity, and
tranquility for ALL its constituents.
• Thus, mankind no longer wastes precious moments with the low-
consciousness trait of ‘hunting – gathering,’ being insecure and
fearful with overwhelming concern for survivalism, and instead,
abandons the mesmerizing sense of enslaving fascination for the
‘form,’ vanity or narcissism, false pride, greed, competition, envy,
abstaining from preoccupation with futile, deviant, yet short-lasting
indulgence with carnal pleasure, and conversely, invests time in
productive, creative endeavors that are the invigorating
consequence of consciousness expansion.

1. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of Consciousness
2. Essays on Humanity Part I: A Critical Look at our Existence
3. Essays on Humanity -Part II: Sentience
4. Essays on humanity – Part III: The Essence of Man
5. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI: The Innerspace and
the Dimensional Aspect of Consciousness
6. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness
7. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and
Frequency of Vibration
8. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of ‘Space-Time‘
9. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VIII: The Holographic
Universe and the Concept of Parallel Reality
10. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part IX: On the True Nature of
the Holographic Programs of Reality
11. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic
Universe – Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality
12. Karma
13. The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma
14. The Interconnection of Vibration, ‘Consciousness Expansibility,’ ‘Soul
Compliance,’ and Karma and their Relevance to Consciousness
15. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness
16. Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional] Consciousness
17. Introduction to Human Genetics
18. On the Genetic Structure of Earth Humans: The Fable of “Junk Genes”
19. On the Elusive Nature of Earth Human Genetics
20. On the Physical Structure and Quantum Nature of Earth Human Genetics
21. Human Consciousness, Vibration, and Genetics
22. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Physical and Ethereal
Aspects of Existence
23. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic
Universe – Part V: Multidimensionality
24. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, A Course in Multidimensionality, Institute of
Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012.
25. Multidimensional Vibration
26. A General Formulation for Multidimensional Coupled Vibration of Multiple
Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects
27. We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-local Entanglement
28. Quantum Entanglement
29. The Role of Quantum Entanglement in Maintaining the Integrity of Double-
Helical Structure of DNA
30. We are ALL bound by a Divine Order
31. Divine Order: Quantum Non-locality
32. Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the Holographic Nature of
Time and Space
33. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic
Universe – Part I: ‘Dimensions’ and the ‘Parallels’
34. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy
35. So What is it All About Anyway
36. A Brief Account of What is in Store for You
37. Unconditional Love
38. Money: The Root of All Evils
39. Ego
40. The Effects of Interpersonal Communications and Behavior on Auric
41. Analysis versus Discernment
42. Victim Consciousness
43. You Create Your Own Reality
44. Your True Reality
45. Reincarnation
46. Saying NO to Reincarnation is your only Ticket out of the 3-D Duality
47. The Reality of Reincarnation
48. On the Cosmological Law of Consciousness-Constitution Interaction
49. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions -Part III: Unity (Collective)

Further Reading Materials

Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity
Consciousness (Oneness)

Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion

On the Provisions of the Law of One - Unconditional Love, SERVICE,

Compassion, Empathy, Unity Consciousness, and Interconnectedness: A Slide

Unity Consciousness: A Slide Presentation

The Relevance of Unity Consciousness to Ascension and Vice Versa: A Slide

The Proverbial End of Days and Dawn of Unity Consciousness: A Slide

Concept of Propinquity or ‘Closeness’ to the God-SOURCE: A Slide Presentation

A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness

The Consciousness and Spiritual Science Institute Publishing (formerly

Institute of Spiritual Science) 2017.
This presentation has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a
SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the
sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their
condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’
It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any
public forum.
It is expected that when it is re-blogged or displayed, it is carried out
without changing its content, preferably in its entirety, and without
any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for the
purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only.’

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