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Name: muahammad nur chasan

Nim : 202360018

Class : 1A

Supervisor : Dr.Atik Rokhayanis ,S.pd,M.pd.

The YouTube video titled "8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching Children" discusses
various lessons that should be avoided when teaching children. Some of them are prohibiting
complaints, teaching children to always be kind, associating good grades with success, always
giving children what they want, punishing mistakes harshly, keeping children always busy and
entertained, forcing children to share toys, and not allowing children to share toys. Say no.
Instead, the video suggests teaching children to be open and honest to difficult situations, be
respectful but firm, recognize that success can take many forms, be responsible when it comes to
money, provide support rather than give harsh punishments, cultivate independence and
independence, respect a child's boundaries with possessions, and learn to say no when necessary.
By avoiding misguided learning and teaching more empowering learning, parents can help their
child develop into a well-rounded individual.

A bad lesson in teaching children that snitting is wrong. While encouraging kids to solve
their own problems may seem good, psychologists have found that labeling kids as
"complainers" can deter them from talking about real issues like bullying or abuse. Instead,
parents should teach their children to be open and honest about unfair or difficult situations and
work together to determine when they can handle their own problems or when they need help. It
is important to create a safe environment for children to express their concerns without fear of
judgment or adverse repercussions.

The speaker gave a warning not to teach children to always be nice to everyone in school.
While teaching respect is important, being too kind can make your child think that their peers are
more important than they are. This can make them vulnerable to exploitation and exploitation.
Instead, children should be taught to be respectful yet firm, not to sacrifice their interests and
goals for the sake of others, and to say no politely but firmly when necessary. By learning to
stand up for themselves, children can develop self-esteem and be better equipped to achieve their
goals as adults. Another wisdom that needs to be avoided is to emphasize the importance of good
grades as one of the determinants of life success. While education is important, associating good
grades with success can leave children disappointed if they face setbacks or rejection later in life.
Instead, they should be encouraged to work hard acquiring knowledge and skills, recognizing
that intelligence and success can take many forms. In addition, there is a warning that children do
not always get everything they want, because this can lead to a sense of entitlement and lack of
appreciation for the value of money. Parents should model responsible financial behavior and
teach children to be responsible with money. While an occasional treat is fine, relationships with
children shouldn't just be transactional, as this can foster superficial relationships based on what
can be gained from the other person, rather than genuine relationships and rewards.

The speaker gave a warning not to teach children to always be nice to everyone in school.
While teaching respect is important, being too kind can make your child think that their peers are
more important than they are. This can make them vulnerable to exploitation and exploitation.
Instead, children should be taught to be respectful yet firm, not to sacrifice their interests and
goals for the sake of others, and to say no politely but firmly when necessary. By learning to
stand up for themselves, children can develop self-esteem and be better equipped to achieve their
goals as adults. Another wisdom that needs to be avoided is to emphasize the importance of good
grades as one of the determinants of life success. While education is important, associating good
grades with success can leave children disappointed if they face setbacks or rejection later in life.
Instead, they should be encouraged to work hard acquiring knowledge and skills, recognizing
that intelligence and success can take many forms. In addition, there is a warning that children do
not always get everything they want, because this can lead to a sense of entitlement and lack of
appreciation for the value of money. Parents should model responsible financial behavior and
teach children to be responsible with money. While an occasional treat is fine, relationships with
children shouldn't just be transactional, as this can foster superficial relationships based on what
can be gained from the other person, rather than genuine relationships and rewards.

The importance of avoiding certain lessons when teaching children. One lesson to avoid
is the idea that making a mistake means losing something. Depriving privileges or imposing
harsh punishments for wrongdoing is not an effective way to prevent bad behavior, according to
psychologists. Instead, parents should focus on providing support and assistance when their child
needs help. Another lesson to avoid is the belief that children should not be lazy. While it's
important to keep kids engaged, constantly keeping them busy and entertained can lead to a
dependency on others for attention. Giving children time to be alone and encouraging them to
entertain themselves will foster independence and self-reliance. Finally, the lesson that children
should always share their toys should be reconsidered. Forcing children to share outside of their
will can lead to negative associations with sharing. It is important to respect your child's
boundaries and understand that they may have possessive feelings towards their possessions.

Emphasize the importance of understanding the value a child places on his toys. Although
toys may seem trivial to adults, they have special emotional significance for children. Asking
them to share their favorite toy is like asking them to hand over something valuable. Instead, the
speaker suggested teaching children to share their toys while instilling a sense of justice. It is
normal for children to play together with a toy if there are other children who want to borrow it,
and exchanging toys is also allowed. In addition, it is important for children to learn to say no
when something is important to them, as this helps them avoid being pleasing people who
constantly push themselves by being kind to others.

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