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The following concepts I will elaborate to describe Mr.

Griffith experience during his work in

Mexico City: -

1. Resistant to adapt: Mr. Griffith did not even try to adapt into the new culture, he was not
interested in learning anything about the Latin American culture.
2. Communication: Mr. Griffith did not learn Spanish at all even it was paid due to which he
missed some important parts of discussions due to lack of language ability.
3. Ethnocentrism: Mr. Griffith is also an ethnocentric person because always criticized and
compared his culture with the Mexican culture.
4. Team Collaboration: Mr. Griffith was not able to properly collaborate with the team
members as he was not able to get feedback of the work from his colleagues.
5. Social Relationship: He was not able to create good and personal social relationship with
the colleagues as did not feel to get support from the other people.

The following things should Mr. Griffith do to have a good experience working with international
co-workers: -

1. Mr. Griffith should leave the thinking of ethnocentrism, which will enable him to know
about other cultures instead of prioritizing and flaunting his own culture.
2. Having communication and creating good interpersonal relationship would have
helped him to have a good experience at his workplace.
3. Collaboration with his colleagues would have made his work easy as he was not able to
get feedback from his fellow workers.
4. Adaptation to change will be very helpful as he was reluctant to know about other
culture and was doing work in his own way rather than what was proposed by his team
5. Learning new language (Spanish) was a paid option which Mr. Griffith had however he
did not want to learn. It will have given additional knowledge, and he will not face any
issue with his work while working with foreigners.

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