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From the World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and I quote “We called for

strong ambition for remarkable partnerships, for mobilization of finance, and for

implementation of national climate plans,” end quote. In other words, within the

Paris Climate Accord, multiple countries are working together to create a better

future for the better tomorrow, yet Donald Trump decided that it would be better

for the United States to not be there to help with the better future because he

believes that it would not benefit the United States but only other countries.

Senators, the following reasons I ask for your votes when it comes to

negation/affirmation of Senator ________’s legislation for the following two

reasons: one, leaving the Paris Climate Accord will impact American Jobs in

negative aspects, and two, the substantial cost of leaving the Paris Climate


Senators, my first reason: leaving the Paris Climate Accord will impact American

Jobs in negative aspects. According to Laura Parker who is an expert with Climate

Change and Dana Varinsky who is an expert when it comes to business and

political science claims that leaving the Paris Climate Accords will make

businesses likely result from the unfavorable opinion that other nations will

develop, regarding the actions of the United States as those nations would block
energy exports due to that belief that the United States is inconsiderate of Global

Needs. Thus closing the minds of Paris Climate Accord World Leaders that there is

no negotiation for trade with the United States causing problems for companies

which sell essentials overseas.

Senators, my second reason: the substantial cost of leaving the Paris Climate

Accords. According to Roberton Williams who is a professor at the University of

Maryland and director of the academic programs for Resources for the Future who

has explored the potential economic impact on leaving the accord, there would be

significant drops in jobs in multiple which instead of creating new jobs it will lose

most jobs causing a very high unemployment rate. Roberton Williams had

mentioned which other countries may be doing less to fight for Climate Change

due to the United States being one of the most influential Climate Change Leaders

behind China.

I also quote from Roberton Williams and I quote,“ Pulling out of the agreement,

could hurt the United States standing around the world, that if we’re not willing to

cooperate with other countries on this, maybe next time we want them to cooperate

with us, they won’t be willing to do so,” end quote.

So I ask you today Senators, must we stay behind and watch our fellow allies

within the Paris Climate Accords do all the work as we stand in the shadows and

do absolutely nothing? Or should we be apart of the Paris Climate Accords and

work with our fellow allies to create a better future for the better tomorrow? Thus

the two reasons I give you today to vote in negation/affirmation of Senator _____’s

legislation for these two reasons: one, leaving the Paris Climate Accord will impact

American Jobs in negative aspects, and two, the substantial cost of leaving the

Paris Climate Accord.

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