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Chapter 6

Object Modeling

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 O-O methodology is popular because it integrates
easily with object-oriented programming languages
such as Java, Smalltalk, VB.Net, Python, and Perl

 Programmers also like O-O code because it is

modular, reusable, and easy to maintain

 The end product of O-O analysis is an object model

◦ Object model: Represents the information system in terms of
objects and O-O concepts

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 Object-Oriented Terms and Concepts
◦ Unified modeling language (UML)
 Method of visualizing and documenting an information
◦ Attributes: Characteristics that describe an object
◦ Methods: Tasks or functions that the object performs
◦ Message: Command to perform a specific function
◦ A class is a group of similar objects
 Instance: Specific member of a class

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 Objects
◦ Represented as a
 The object name is at
the top, followed by
the object’s attributes
and methods

FIGURE 6-1 Objects have attributes,

can send and receive messages, and
perform actions called methods.

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FIGURE 6-2 The PARENT object includes four attributes and two methods.
Mary Smith, Ahmed Ali, and Anthony Greene are instances of the PARENT
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FIGURE 6-3 The CHILD object includes five attributes and five methods. James Smith,
Amelia Ali, and Misty Greene are instances of the CHILD object.
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 Attributes
◦ Describe the characteristics of an object
◦ The number of attributes required depends on:
 Business requirements of the information system
 Requirements of users
◦ Objects possess a state
 State: Describes the object’s current status
 Example: student can be a future student, a current
student, or a past student

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 Methods
◦ Specific tasks that an object can perform
◦ Identify functions performed
◦ Describe the functions performed

FIGURE 6-4 The MORE FRIES method

requires the server to perform seven
specific steps.

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 Message
◦ A command that tells an object to perform a certain
◦ Polymorphism: Concept that a message gives
different meanings to different objects

FIGURE 6-5 In an example of polymorphism, the message GOOD NIGHT

produces different results, depending on which object receives it.

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 Message (cont.)
 objects send and receive messages but do not alter the
internal methods of other objects.
◦ Encapsulation: Idea that all data and methods are

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 Classes
◦ An object belongs to a group or category called a
 All objects within a class share common attributes and
◦ Subclasses: Categories within a class
◦ A class can belonging to a general category called

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FIGURE 6-7 The VEHICLE class
includes common attributes and
methods. CAR, TRUCK, MINIVAN, and
SCHOOL BUS are instances of the
VEHICLE class.

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FIGURE 6-9 At the fitness center, the PERSON superclass includes common
attributes and methods. EMPLOYEE is a class within the PERSON superclass.
INSTRUCTOR is a subclass within the EMPLOYEE class.

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 UML uses a set of symbols to represent
graphically the various components and
relationships within a system

 Use Case Modeling

◦ Use case: Represents the steps in a specific
business function or process
◦ An external entity, called an actor, initiates a
use case by requesting the system to perform a
function or process

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 Use Case Modeling (Cont.)
◦ UML symbol for a use case is an oval with a label that
describes the action or event
◦ The actor is shown as a stick figure, with a label that
identifies the actor’s role

◦ Use case description: Documents the name of the use

case, the actor, a description of the use case.
 Provides a step-by-step list of the tasks and other key
descriptions and assumptions

FIGURE 6-12 In a medical office system, a PATIENT

(actor) can MAKE APPOINTMENT (use case).

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FIGURE 6-14 The
case description
documents the
process used to
add a current
student into an
existing class.

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 Use Case Diagrams
◦ A visual summary of several related use cases
within a system or subsystem
◦ The first step is to identify the system boundary
which is represented by a rectangle
 System boundary: Shows what is included in the
system (inside the rectangle) and what is not included
in the system (outside the rectangle)

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FIGURE 6-16 A use case
diagram to handle work at
an auto service

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 Class Diagrams
◦ Show the object classes and relationships involved
in a use case
◦ Each class appears as a rectangle, with the class
name at the top, followed by the class’s attributes
and methods
◦ Lines show relationships between classes and have
labels identifying the action that relates the two
◦ Includes a concept called cardinality
 Cardinality: Describes how instances of one class
relate to instances of another class

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FIGURE 6-17 Examples of UML notations that indicate the nature of the relationship between
instances of one class and instances of another class.

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FIGURE 6-18 Class diagram
for a sales order use case
(attributes and methods
omitted for clarity).

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 Sequence Diagrams
◦ Dynamic model of a use case, showing the
interaction among classes during a specified time
◦ Graphically document the use case by showing the
classes, the messages, and the timing of the
◦ Include symbols that represent classes, lifelines,
messages, and focuses

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 Classes
◦ Send or receive messages
 Shown at the top of the sequence diagram
 Lifelines
◦ Represent the time during which the
object above it is able to interact with
the other objects in the use case
◦ An X marks the end of the lifeline
 Messages
◦ Include additional information about
the contents
 Focuses
◦ Indicate when an object sends or
FIGURE 6-19 A sequence diagram with two classes.
receives message
Notice the X that indicates the end of the CLASS 2 lifeline.
Also notice that each message is represented by a line
with a label that describes the message, and that each
class has a focus that shows the period when messages
are sent or received
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FIGURE 6-20 The sequence diagram for the ADD NEW STUDENT use case.
The use case description for ADD NEW STUDENT is shown in Figure 6 14.

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 Activity Diagrams
◦ Show actions and events as they occur
◦ Show the order in which the actions take place and
identify the outcomes

FIGURE 6-22 An
activity diagram shows
the actions and events
involved in withdrawing
cash from an ATM.

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FIGURE 6-23 The
Bizagi Modeler tool
supports business
modeling and simulation
using the standard BPM

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 CASE Tools
◦ Provide an overall framework for documenting the
system components
 Object modeling requires many types of diagrams to
represent proposed systems
 CASE tools speed up the process
◦ Ensure consistency and provide common links
 Once objects are described and used in one part of the
design, they can be reused multiple times without
further effort

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 Develop an object relationship diagram that
provides an overview of the system
 Support each diagram or object definition
with clear and relevant documentation that
can be accessed easily
◦ Organize use cases and use case diagrams so they
can be linked to the appropriate class, state
transition, sequence, and activity diagrams
 Maintain accuracy

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Chapter 7
Development Strategies

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 Earlier, certain work functions in the company
◦ Development of software by in-house efforts
◦ Employing the services of external entities
 Today, organizations have following choices
for software acquisition
◦ Application service providers (ASP)
◦ Web-hosted software options
◦ Firms that offer enterprise-wide software solutions
 Selecting the best development path is an
important decision
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 Transfer of information systems development,
operation, or maintenance to an outside firm

 The Growth of Outsourcing

◦ Service provider: a firm offers outsourcing solutions
◦ Application service provider (ASP)
 Delivers a software application or access to an
application by charging a usage or subscription fee
◦ Internet business services (IBS)
 Also called managed hosting
 Provide web-based support for transactions

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 Outsourcing Fees
◦ Fixed fee model: Uses a set fee based on a specified
level of service and user support
◦ Subscription model: Has a variable fee based on the
number of users or workstations that have access
to the application
◦ Usage model or transaction model: Charges a
variable fee based on the volume of transactions or
operations performed by the application

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 Outsourcing Issues and Concerns
◦ Mission-critical IT systems are outsourced if the
result is a cost-attractive and reliable business
◦ Overseas outsourcing can raise issues with control,
culture communication, and security
◦ Reviewing the outsourcing firm’s history and
financial condition is vital
◦ Outsourcing clients can be affected by mergers and
◦ Employee job security is a major concern

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 Offshore Outsourcing
◦ Called global outsourcing
◦ Shifting IT development, support, and operations to
other countries
◦ Reason - Lower bottom-line costs
◦ Risks and concerns
 Impact on the economy
 Project control
 Security issues

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 Software development options
◦ Develop own systems
◦ Purchase, possibly customize, and implement a
software package
 Most important consideration is the total
cost of ownership (TCO)
 Companies can develop user applications
based on commercial software packages

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 Make or Buy Decision
◦ Refers to the choice between developing and
◦ A company’s IT department makes, builds, and
develops in-house software
◦ A software
package is
obtained from
a vendor or
service provider FIGURE 7-8 Instead of outsourcing, a company can choose to
develop a system in-house, or purchase and possibly customize a
commercial package.

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 Make or Buy Decision (cont.)

◦ Software package: Obtained from a vendor or

application service provider
◦ Software vendors: Develop software for sale
◦ Value-added reseller (VAR): Enhances a commercial
package by adding custom features and configuring
it for a particular industry
◦ Horizontal application: Can be used by many
different types of organizations
◦ Vertical application: Developed to handle
information requirements for a specific type of

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FIGURE 7-10 Companies consider various factors when comparing in-
house development with the purchase of a software package.

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Chapter 8
User Interface Design

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 Goal of systems design - To build a system
that is effective, reliable, and maintainable
◦ A system is:
 Effective if it supports business requirements and
meets user needs
 Reliable if it handles input errors, processing errors,
hardware failures, or human mistakes
 Maintainable if it is flexible, scalable, and easily

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 Will It Succeed?
◦ Suggestions for successful design (basic principles)
 Think like a user
 Carefully examine any point where users provide input or
receive output
 Anticipate future needs and provide flexibility
 Anticipate possible expansion example: 1999, Y2K
 Offer several alternatives example: salary system
 Manage data effectively
 System should enter and verify data as soon as possible
 Input data must be close to its source
 A secure system must include audit trails

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 Users can design their own output
◦ System designers are more aware of user needs and

 Centralized IT departments no longer produce

reams of printed reports
◦ Customer-designed output is the current trend

 The user interface has evolved (two-way channel)

◦ Most user information needs can be met with screen-
generated data. Example a user can print, view, or save.
◦ Continues to evolve with the use of mobile and wearable

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 Describes how users interact with a computer
◦ Comprises features that affect two-way
communications between the user and the
 Central to usability
◦ In a user-centered
system, the distinction
blurs between input,
output, and the
interface itself FIGURE 8-2 Apple has long been a leader in creating
elegant user interfaces for its products.
Source: Apple

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 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
◦ Describes the relationship between computers and
people who use them to perform their jobs
◦ Early user interfaces – used Complex commands
graphical user interface (GUI)
◦ Transparent user interface: Does not distract the
user and calls no attention to itself.
◦ System Analyst Objective –
To create a user-friendly design
that is easy to learn and use
Figure 8-3 HCI is essential to employee productivity,
whether the work is done in a traditional office setting or
on a construction site like the one shown in this figure.

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 Understand the Business
◦ The interface designer must understand:
 The underlying business functions
 How the system supports individual, departmental,
and enterprise goals ( example check FDD)
 Maximize Graphical Effectiveness
◦ A well-designed interface enables rapid learning
 Think Like a User
◦ The designer must see the system from a user’s

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 Use Models and Prototypes
◦ Designers can present initial screen designs to
users in the form of a storyboard
 Users should test the design and provide feedback
 Focus on Usability
◦ Include main options in the
opening screen
◦ Offer a reasonable number
of choices that a user easily
can comprehend
FIGURE 8-5 The opening screen displays the main options
for a student registration system. A user can click an option to
see lower-level actions and menu choices.

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 Invite Feedback
◦ Monitor system usage and solicit user suggestions
◦ Determine if system features are being used as
intended by observing and surveying users
 Document Everything
◦ Document all screen designs for later use by
◦ User-approved sketches and storyboards can be
used to document the user interface

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— the best interface is the one that
works best for the users.

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 Create an Interface That Is Easy to Learn and Use
◦ Select familiar images that users can understand

 Enhance User Productivity

◦ Provide shortcuts for experienced users

 Provide Users with Help and Feedback

 Create an Attractive Layout and Design

 Enhance the Interface

 Reduce Input Volume

 Use Validation Rules

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At this point, keep in mind that the deeper a
project is into the systems design process, the
more expensive it will be to make changes and
correct mistakes

 The analyst must be alert for any changes or

modifications that would affect the project’s
timetable or development costs

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 Modular Design
◦ Individual components, called modules, connect to
a higher-level program or process
 Modules are designed to perform a single function

 Prototyping
◦ Involves a repetitive sequence of analysis, design,
modeling, and testing

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 Systems analysts generally use two
prototyping methods:
◦ System prototyping
 Produces a full-featured, working model of the
information system
◦ Design or throwaway
 Used to verify user
requirements and is
FIGURE 8-21 The end product of system
prototyping is a working model of the information
system, ready for implementation.

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 Prototyping (Cont.)
◦ Benefits
 Users and systems developers can avoid
 System developers can create accurate specifications
for the finished system based on the prototype
 Managers can evaluate a working model more
effectively than a paper specification
 Helps in developing testing and training procedures
 Reduces the risk and potential financial exposure that
occur when a finished system fails to support business

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 Prototyping (Cont.)
◦ Potential problems
 Rapid pace of development can create quality problems
which may not be discovered until the finished system is
 System requirements, such as reliability and
maintainability, cannot be tested adequately using a
 In complex systems, the prototype can become unwieldy
and difficult to manage
 Clients may want to adopt the prototype with few to no
changes, leading to increased maintenance costs later in
the SDLC

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Chapter 11+12
Managing Systems Implementation+
Managing Systems Support and

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CH 11
Managing Systems Implementation

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 Introduction :
 Testing
 Training
 Data conversion
 System changeover

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 Each program is tested to ensure that it
functions correctly
◦ Program is compiled using a CASE tool or language
compiler, which helps detect syntax errors

◦ Desk checking: helps spot logic errors

◦ Organizations require a structured walkthrough or
code review (formal type of desk checking )
 Groups of three to five IT staff members participate
◦ A design walkthrough is held to review the interface
along with people who will work with the new
system and ensure that all necessary features have
been included
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 Unit testing
◦ Testing of an
individual program or
◦ Aims to identify and
 Execution errors
 Logic errors
◦ Test data should
contain both accurate
and erroneous data

FIGURE 11-20 The first step in testing is unit testing,

followed by integration testing, and then system testing.
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 A test plan is created during the systems design phase
 Contains details regarding testing procedures

 Integration Testing
◦ Testing two or more programs that depend on each
other to make sure that the programs work
together properly
◦ For example :
◦ Program 1 Check customer credit status
◦ Program 2 Update data in customer account

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 System Testing (Acceptance Tests)
◦ Objectives
 Perform a final test of all programs
 Verify that the system will handle all data properly
 Ensure that the IT staff has the documentation and
instructions needed to operate the system properly
 Demonstrate that users can interact with the system
 Verify that all system components are integrated
 Confirm that the information system can handle
predicted volumes of data in a timely and efficient
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 Prepare a separate operational and test
 Provide training for users, managers, and IT
 Perform data conversion and system
 Present a final report to management

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 Operational or production environment
◦ Environment for the actual system operation
 Test environment
◦ Environment that analysts and programmers use to
develop and maintain programs
◦ A separate test environment is necessary to
maintain system security and integrity and protect
the operational environment

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FIGURE 11-25 The test environment versus the operational environment. Notice that
access to the test environment is limited to IT staff, while the operational environment is
restricted to users.

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 Training Plan
◦ Identify who should receive training and what
training is required
 Organization should be observed carefully to
determine how the system will support business
operations, and who will be involved or affected

◦ Main groups for training

 Users
 Managers
 IT staff

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 Vendor Training
◦ Required if the system includes the purchase of
hardware or software
 Scope is limited to a standard version of the vendor’s
software or hardware

 Outside Training
◦ Viable alternative if vendor
training is not practical

Figure 11-27 Udemy is one of many

sources of online training.
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 Training Tips
◦ Train people in groups, with separate training
programs for distinct groups
◦ Select the most effective place to conduct the
◦ Provide for learning by hearing, seeing, and doing
◦ Rely on previous trainees

 Interactive Training
◦ Effective training is interactive, self-paced, and

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 Process in which existing data is loaded on to
a new system
 Data Conversion Strategies
◦ Automate the data conversion process if possible
◦ Old systems may be able to export data in ASCII or
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) formats
 ODBC drivers are a form of middleware
◦ If a standard format is not available, develop a
program to extract the data and convert it to an
acceptable format

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 Data Conversion Security and Controls
◦ Ensure that all system control measures are in place
and operational
◦ to protect data from unauthorized access and to
help prevent erroneous input
◦ Ensure that error-free data is fed into the new

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 Process of putting the new information
system online and retiring the old system
 Can be rapid or slow, depending on the
 Types
◦ Direct cutover
◦ Parallel operation
◦ Pilot operation
◦ Phased operation

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 Direct Cutover
◦ Enables changeover when the new system becomes
◦ Least expensive changeover method
 IT group has to operate and maintain only one system
at a time
◦ Involves more risk than other changeover methods

FIGURE 11-30 The four system changeover methods.

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 Parallel Operation
◦ Both the old and the new information systems
operate fully for a specified period
◦ Advantage - Lower level of risk
 The old system can be used as a backup
◦ Disadvantage – Most costly change over method
◦ Not practical if the old and new systems are

FIGURE 11-30 The four system changeover methods.

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 Pilot Operation
◦ Implements the complete new system at a selected
location of the company
◦ Pilot site: Group that uses the new system first
◦ Reduces the risk of system failure
◦ Less expensive than a parallel operation

FIGURE 11-30 The four system changeover methods.

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 Phased Operation
◦ Implements the new system in stages, or modules
◦ Combines direct cutover and parallel operation to
reduce risks and costs
 Only a part of the system is given to all users
◦ Risk of errors or failures is limited to the
implemented module only
◦ Less expensive than full parallel operation

FIGURE 11-30 The four system changeover methods.

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FIGURE 11-31 Relative risk and cost characteristics of the four changeover methods.

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 Introduction :
 Maintenance Tasks
 Security Overview
 Backup and Recovery

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Figure 12-3 The total cost of operating an information system includes operational and maintenance
costs. Operational costs (green) are relatively constant, while maintenance costs (purple) vary over

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Figure 12-5 Information systems maintenance depends on the type
of maintenance and the age of the system.

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 Corrective Maintenance
◦ Diagnoses and corrects errors in an operational
◦ Standard procedures are set for minor errors
◦ Worst-case situation is a system failure
 Requires a patch
 When the system is operational again, the maintenance
team determines the cause, analyzes the problem, and
designs a permanent solution

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 Adaptive Maintenance
◦ Adds enhancements to an operational system and
makes the system easier to use
◦ Procedure for minor adaptive maintenance is similar
to routine corrective maintenance

◦ Can be more difficult than new systems

 Enhancements must work within the constraints of an
existing system

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 Perfective Maintenance
◦ Changing an operational system to make it more
efficient, reliable, and maintainable
◦ Cost-effective during the middle of the system’s
operational life
◦ The more a program changes, the more likely it is
to become inefficient and difficult to maintain

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 Preventive Maintenance
◦ Requires analysis of areas where trouble is likely to
◦ IT department initiates preventive maintenance
◦ Results in:
 Increased user satisfaction
 Decreased downtime
 Reduced TCO

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 Security is a vital part of every computer

◦ CIA triangle: Shows the main elements of system

 Elements are used to
develop a security policy

Figure 12-18 System security must

provide information confidentiality,
integrity, and availability (CIA).

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 Risk Management: Involves:
◦ Risk identification
 List and classify assets and
analyze possible threats
 Identify vulnerabilities and how
they might be exploited
◦ Risk assessment
 Risks need to be calculated and
◦ Risk control
 Strategies - Avoidance,
mitigation, transference, and Figure 12-19 Risk management requires
acceptance continuous risk identification, assessment,
and control.
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Figure 12-20 System
threats can be grouped
into several broad

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Figure 12-21 IT security professionals have names for various types of

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Figure 12-22 Attacks can take many forms, as this table shows. IT security managers must
be able to detect these attacks and respond with suitable countermeasures.

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or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 34
Figure 12-22 Attacks can take many forms, as this table shows. IT security managers must
be able to detect these attacks and respond with suitable countermeasures.

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Figure 12-22 Attacks can take many forms, as this table shows. IT security managers must be able to
detect these attacks and respond with suitable countermeasures.

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 System security
involves six
separated but
interrelated levels

Figure 12-23 Each security link has a specific

focus, and the overall chain is only as strong as
the weakest link.

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 Backup Policies
1. Backup media: Includes tape, hard drives optical
and online storage
 Offsiting: Storing backup away from the business
 Cloud-based storage is growing rapidly
2. Types - Full, differential, incremental, and
3. Retention periods: Backups are stored for a
specific time beyond which they are either
destroyed or reused

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Figure 12-34 Comparison of
full, differential, incremental,
and continuous backup

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 Business Continuity Issues
◦ A disaster recovery plan should be created along
with a test plan
 Often part of a business continuity plan (BCP)
 BCP: Defines how critical business functions can continue
during a major disruption
 Specifies the use of a hot site, which requires data

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Chapter 7 – Development Strategies

b. shareware
c. middleware
d. public domain software

23. When companies acquire web-based software as a(n) _____, they can limit in-house involvement to a minimum.
a. product
b. process
c. service
d. outsource

24. Which of the following is true of a traditional systems development environment?

a. Many applications require substantial desktop computing power and resources.
b. Systems are developed and delivered in an Internet-based framework such as .NET or WebSphere.
c. Systems are easily scalable and can run on multiple hardware environments.
d. Internet-based development treats the traditional systems development environment as the platform, rather
than just a communication channel.

25. Which of the following is true of a web-based systems development environment?

a. Scalability of web-based systems can be affected by network limitations and constraints.
b. Internet-based development treats the web only as a communication channel.
c. Web-based solutions do not open complex security issues that should be addressed.
d. Web-based software treats the software application as a service that is less dependent on desktop computing
power and resources.

26. The _____ environment enhances interactive experiences, including wikis and blogs, and social networking
a. outsourcing
b. Software as a Service
c. Web 2.0
d. command-line

27. _____ is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider
a. Utility computing
b. Mainframe computing
c. Grid computing
d. Cloud computing

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28. _____ is the transfer of information systems development, operation, or maintenance to an outside firm that provides
these services, for a fee, on a temporary or long-term basis.
a. Outsourcing
b. Commission
c. Subscription
d. External provisioning

29. A firm that offers outsourcing solutions is called a _____.

a. subscription provider
b. software provider
c. service provider
d. resource provider

30. A(n) _____ is a firm that delivers a software application, or access to an application, by charging a usage or
subscription fee.
a. software delivery service
b. manufacturer outsourcing
c. manufacturer outsourcing
d. application service provider

31. Some firms offer _____, which provide powerful web-based support for transactions such as order processing, billing,
and customer relationship management.
a. application service provider (ASP)
b. internet business services (IBS)
c. outsource hosting provider (OHP)
d. fixed outsourcing services (FOS)

32. When determining outsourcing fees, a _____ uses a set fee based on a specified level of service and user support.
a. fixed fee model
b. usage model
c. subscription model
d. transaction model

33. When determining outsourcing fees, a _____ has a variable fee based on the number of users or workstations that have
access to the application.
a. fixed fee model
b. usage model
c. subscription model
d. transaction model

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34. The main reason for offshore outsourcing is to _____.

a. lower bottom-line costs
b. manage operations only in one country
c. manage operations only in one country
d. ship bulky raw materials

35. A(n) _____ is an outsourcing fee model that charges a variable fee based on the volume of transactions or operations
performed by the application.
a. method model
b. administrative model
c. usage model
d. interpolated model

36. In the context of in-house software development options, the choice between developing versus purchasing software
often is called a _____ decision.
a. build or make
b. subscription
c. transactional
d. build or buy

37. The software that a company’s IT department makes, builds, and develops is called _____.
a. in-house software
b. internal software
c. external software
d. indexed software

38. Which of the following is a software collection obtained from a vendor or application service provider?
a. software package
b. software cluster
c. software metric
d. software aggregate

39. In the context of in-house software development options, companies that develop software for sale are called _____.
a. software stockers
b. software distributers
c. software vendors
d. software dealers
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d. user agent

46. The _____ must include users, who will participate in the selection process and feel a sense of ownership in the new
a. development and testing team
b. evaluation and selection team
c. maintenance team
d. quality audit team

47. In most large and medium-sized companies, a(n) _____ within the IT department is responsible for providing user
a. service desk
b. evaluation team
c. planning center
d. planning center

48. _____ determines how long it takes an information system to spend for itself through reduced costs and increased
a. Net present value (NPV)
b. Acquisition process
c. Return on investment (ROI)
d. Payback analysis

49. _____ is a percentage rate that compares the total net benefits received from a project to the total costs of the project.
a. Net present value (NPV)
b. Acquisition process
c. Return on investment (ROI)
d. Payback analysis

50. The _____ of a project is the total value of the benefits minus the total value of the costs, with both costs and benefits
adjusted to reflect the point in time at which they occur.
a. net present value (NPV)
b. acquisition process
c. return on investment (ROI)
d. payback analysis

51. Nearly _____ percent of total costs occur after the purchase of hardware and software.
a. 15
b. 45
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c. 80
d. 95

52. A _____ is a document that describes a company, lists the IT services or products needed, and specifies the features
a. request for quotation (RFQ)
b. present net value (PNV)
c. request for proposal (RFP)
d. return on investment (ROI)

53. When companies use a _____, they already know the specific products or service they want and need to obtain price
estimates or bids from vendors.
a. request for quotation (RFQ)
b. net present value (NPV)
c. request for proposal (RFP)
d. return on investment (ROI)

54. Regardless of the topics of interest, there are one or more _____, where people gather to meet, offer support, and
exchange ideas.
a. newsgroups
b. benchmarks
c. report generators
d. service desks

55. A _____ measures the time a package takes to process a certain number of transactions.
a. newsgroup
b. parameter
c. benchmark
d. middleware

56. _____ is an example of a nonprofit organization that publishes standards and reports for its members and the general
a. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
b. Microsoft
c. The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC)
d. Oracle

57. A(n) _____ is a technique that uses a common yardstick to measure and compare vendor ratings.
a. fixed fee model
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b. usage model
c. evaluation model
d. subscription model

58. When software is purchased, a _____ is being bought that gives the purchaser the right to use the software under
certain terms and conditions.
a. fixed fee model
b. request for proposal
c. software license
d. supplemental maintenance agreement

59. If a software package is purchased, consider a _____, which offers additional support and assistance from the vendor.
a. fixed fee model
b. request for proposal
c. software license
d. supplemental maintenance agreement

60. The _____ contains the prerequisites for the new system, describes the alternatives that were considered, and makes a
specific recommendation to management.
a. software requirements specification
b. request for quoting document
c. software license
d. maintenance agreement

61. _____ is the starting point for measuring the performance, accuracy, and completeness of the finished system before
entering the systems design phase.
a. Software requirements specification
b. Request for quoting document
c. Software license
d. Maintenance agreement

62. A _____ defines what must take place, not how it will be accomplished.
a. logical design
b. physical design
c. quantitative design
d. qualitative design

63. A _____ describes the actual processes of entering, verifying, and storing data; the physical layout of data files and
sorting procedures, the format of reports, and so on.
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a. logical design
b. physical design
c. quantitative design
d. qualitative design

Critical Thinking Questions
Case 7-1
Priscilla is providing the junior analysts, in her firm, on the team with some real-world illustrations to explain some of the
recommendations that they must be prepared to make to clients, based on what they have studied in their coursework, in
order to solidify their understanding.
64. Which of the following is a reason Priscilla would offer as a reason for in-house software development?
a. The client is looking to spend the least possible time in implementation.
b. The client wants to be able to use fewer technical development staff members.
c. The client has a number of very distinctive security requirements.
d. The client wishes to receive future upgrade from the vendors.

65. Which of the following is a reason Priscilla will share with the new analysts, with regard to a client that wants to
purchase a software package?
a. The client wants to develop internal resources and capabilities.
b. The client is looking for the lowest possible costs.
c. The client has unique business requirements that must be satisfied by this software application.
d. The client has some existing technology in place whose requirements must be met by the new software.

Critical Thinking Questions

Case 7-2
Tom started the process of selecting a new system for the firm and he is weighing all of the various issues that need to be
considered and the resources he has at his disposal as he makes this important decision.
66. As Tom prepares to remove the field in his selection of a new system, he wants a quick refresher on the difference
between a request for proposal (RFP) and a request for quotation (RFQ). If he needs a request for proposal (RFP), Simone
will write it, and if he needs an RFQ, Marny is responsible for writing that. Which of the following is true?
a. An RFP that Simone writes is more specific than an RFQ Marny will write.
b. When Simone is tasked with the job, Tom already knows the specific product or service he wants and he needs
to obtain price quotations or bids.
c. When Marny is tasked with the job, her output can involve outright purchase or a variety of leasing options.
d. RFPs and RFQs have very different objectives.

67. Tom has two candidates for the new system. Which one of the following is a strategy he can pursue for making the
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final selection from among the two candidates?
a. For vertical applications, use a demo copy to enter a few sample transactions in both.
b. Although benchmarking can predict project-specific results, benchmark testing is not a good way to measure
relative performance of two or more competing products in a standard environment.
c. Be aware that some vendors limit their reference lists to satisfied clients, so mostly negative feedback should
be expected from those firms.
d. Consult websites maintained by consultants and software publishers with product references and links to

Multiple Response

68. Which of the following is true of a traditional systems development environment?

a. Systems design is influenced by compatibility issues.
b. Systems are designed to run on local and wide-area company networks.
c. Systems often utilize Internet links and resources.
d. Systems applications require fewer desktop computing power and resources.
ANSWER: a, b, c

69. Which of the following is true of web-based development?

a. Web-based systems are easily scalable.
b. Large firms tend to deploy web-based systems as enterprise-wide software solutions for applications such as
customer relationship management and order processing.
c. Internet-based development treats the web as a communication channel, rather than as the platform.
d. Systems are developed and delivered in an Internet-based framework.
ANSWER: a, b, d

70. Which of the following is true of web-based development?

a. Web-based software treats the software as a product that is more dependent on desktop computing powers and
b. Web-based software usually requires middleware to communicate with existing software and legacy systems.
c. Web-based systems can run on multiple hardware environments.
d. When companies acquire web-based software as a service rather than a product they purchase, they can limit
in-house involvement to a minimum.
ANSWER: b, c, d


Identify the letter of the choice that best matches the phrase or definition.
a. Cloud computing
b. Internet Business Services (IBS)
c. Managed hosting
d. .NET
e. Screen generators
f. Physical design
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g. Logical design
h. Web 2.0
i. Benchmark testing
j. Systems requirement document

71. This can be viewed as an online Software as a Service (SaaS) and data environment supported by supercomputer

72. This describes a second generation of the web that will enable people to collaborate, interact, and share information
much more effectively.

73. This is an example of a web-based development environment.


74. This is attractive to customers because it offers online data center support, mainframe computing power for mission-
critical functions, and universal access via the Internet.

75. This is another name for internet business services (IBS).


76. This is a good way to measure relative performance of two or more competing products in a standard environment.

77. This is like a contract that identifies what the system developers must deliver to users.

78. Some user applications use this to allow users to design their own data entry forms.

79. This is a plan for the actual implementation of the system.


80. This is a design that does not address the actual methods of implementation.


81. Discuss the concerns and issues related to outsourcing.

ANSWER: When a company decides to outsource IT functions, it takes an important step that can affect the firm’s
resources, operations, and profitability. Mission-critical IT systems should be outsourced only if the result is
a cost-attractive, reliable business solution that fits the company’s long-term business strategy and involves
an acceptable level of risk. Moving IT work overseas raises even more issues, including potential concerns
about control, culture, communication, and security.
In addition to long-term strategic consequences, outsourcing also can raise some concerns. For example, a
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company must turn over sensitive data to an external service provider and trust the provider to maintain
security, confidentiality, and quality. Also, before outsourcing, a company must carefully review issues
relating to insurance, potential liability, licensing and information ownership, warranties, and disaster
Most important, a company considering outsourcing must realize that the solution can be only as good as the
outsourcing firm that provides the service. A dynamic economy can give rise to business failures and
uncertainty about the future. In this climate, it is especially important to review the history and financial
condition of an outsourcing firm before making a commitment.
Mergers and acquisitions also can affect outsourcing clients. For example, after their merger, Compaq and
Hewlett-Packard restructured and streamlined the products and services offered by the new company. Even
with large, financially healthy firms such as these, a merger or acquisition can have some impact on clients
and customers. If stability is important, an outsourcing client should consider these issues.
Outsourcing can be especially attractive to a company whose volume fluctuates widely, such as a defense
contractor. In other situations, a company might decide to outsource application development tasks to an IT
consulting firm if the company lacks the time or expertise to handle the work on its own. Outsourcing
relieves a company of the responsibility of adding IT staff in busy times and downsizing when the workload
lightens. A major disadvantage of outsourcing is that it raises employee concerns about job security. Talented
IT people usually prefer positions where the firm is committed to in-house IT development — if they do not
feel secure, they might decide to work directly for the service provider.

82. Contrast logical and physical design.

ANSWER: A logical design defines what must take place, not how it will be accomplished. Logical designs do not
address the actual methods of implementation. In contrast, a physical design is like a set of blueprints for the
actual construction of a building. Typically, a physical design describes the actual processes of entering,
verifying, and storing data; the physical layout of data files and sorting procedures, the format of reports, and
so on. Because logical and physical designs are related so closely, good systems design is impossible without
careful, accurate systems analysis. For example, you might return to fact-finding if you discover that you
overlooked an important issue, if users have significant new needs, or if legal or governmental requirements

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Chapter 11 – Managing Systems Implementation

True / False

1. Although programmers perform the actual coding, IT managers usually assign systems analysts to work with them as
part of a team.
a. True
b. False

2. Using flowcharts, programmers can break large systems into subsystems that are easier to understand and code.
a. True
b. False

3. Compiling a program using a CASE tool or a language compiler detects syntax errors, which are language grammar
a. True
b. False

4. Commercial software packages must undergo unit and integration testing similar to that of in-house developed systems,
although system testing usually is not performed.
a. True
b. False

5. The skill set required to develop documentation usually is the same as that required to develop a system.
a. True
b. False

6. Effective online documentation is an important productivity tool because it empowers users and reduces the time that
IT staff members must spend in providing telephone, e-mail, or face-to-face assistance.
a. True
b. False

7. Most webinars are web-based broadcasts that allow a user to download multimedia files to a PC or portable device.
a. True
b. False

8. Data conversion is easier when a new system replaces a manual system because all data can be entered manually,
unless it must be scanned.
a. True
b. False
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Chapter 11 – Managing Systems Implementation

9. To minimize the need to require information from two different systems, cyclical information systems usually are
converted using the direct cutover method at the beginning of a quarter, calendar year, or fiscal year.
a. True
b. False

10. Phased operation is more expensive than full parallel operation because the analyst has to work with the entire system
at any given time.
a. True
b. False

11. The post-implementation evaluation of a system verifies that the new system meets specified requirements, complies
with user objectives, and produces the anticipated benefits.
a. True
b. False

Modified True / False

12. Modules that are independent are tightly coupled.

ANSWER: False - loosely coupled

13. If modules are loosely coupled, one module is linked to internal logic contained in another module.
ANSWER: False - tightly coupled

14. Podcasts can be prescheduled, made available on demand, or delivered as automatic updates.

Multiple Choice

15. The main objective of _____ is to avoid problems or to identify them as soon as possible.
a. direct cutover
b. quality assurance
c. application development
d. cohesion

16. To achieve better, faster, and less expensive methods of software development, _____ designed the Capability
Maturity Model (CMM), which improves quality, reduces development time, and cut costs.
a. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
b. Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
c. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
d. Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT)
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Chapter 11 – Managing Systems Implementation

17. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) established a new model, called _____, which incorporates software and
systems development into a much larger framework.
a. the Department of Defense (DoD) model
b. the Thousand-Yard Model
c. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) model
d. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

18. _____ requires that a software supplier document all testing and maintain records of test results.
a. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
b. Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
c. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
d. Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT)

19. _____ is the process of constructing the programs and code modules that serves as the building blocks of an
information system.
a. Application structuring
b. Application analysis
c. Application development
d. Application virtualization

20. A _____ consists of related program code organized into small units that are easy to understand and maintain.
a. node
b. stub
c. decision tree
d. module

21. _____ graphically represent the logical rules and interaction between program modules using a series of symbols
connected by arrows.
a. Training plans
b. Acceptance tests
c. Flowcharts
d. Simulations

22. Structured application development usually involves a(n) _____, which proceeds from a general design to a detailed
a. top-down approach
b. test plan
c. training plan
d. integrated approach
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23. A _____, such as that illustrated in the given figure, consists of rectangles that represent program modules, with
arrows and other symbols that provide additional information.
a. flowchart
b. data module
c. structure chart
d. subordinate module

24. In the given figure, a higher-level module, called a _____, directs lower-level modules.
a. library module
b. data module
c. subordinate module
d. control module

25. In the given figure, a lower-level module is called a _____.

a. library module
b. data module
c. subordinate module
d. control module

26. The given figure shows a _____ module, which is reusable code and can be invoked from more than one point in a
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structure chart.
a. library
b. data
c. subordinate
d. control

27. In a structure chart, a control couple shows a message, also called a(n) _____, which one module sends to another.
a. pilot
b. status flag
c. open loop
d. unit plan

28. In a structure chart, a(n) _____ line, with a diamond on one end, indicates that a control module determines which
subordinate modules will be invoked.
a. method
b. condition
c. class
d. attribute

29. In a structure chart, a curved arrow represents a _____, which indicates that one or more modules are repeated.
a. pie
b. status flag
c. loop
d. freeform

30. _____ measures a module’s scope and processing characteristics.

a. Coupling
b. Indexing
c. Cohesion
d. Partitioning

31. _____ describes the degree of interdependence among modules.

a. Resolution
b. Modularity
c. Dynamism
d. Coupling

32. In sequence, the four steps typically followed to create a structure chart are _____.
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a. reviewing the data flow diagrams (DFDs); identifying modules and relationships; adding couples, loops, and
conditions; and analyzing the structure chart and the data dictionary
b. identifying modules and relationships; adding couples, loops, and conditions; analyzing the structure chart and
the data dictionary; and reviewing the data flow diagrams (DFDs)
c. adding couples, loops, and conditions; analyzing the structure chart and the data dictionary; reviewing the data
flow diagrams (DFDs); and identifying modules and relationships
d. analyzing the structure chart and the data dictionary; reviewing the data flow diagrams (DFDs); identifying
modules and relationships; and adding couples, loops, and conditions

33. A class diagram includes the class _____, which represent the program logic.
a. attributes
b. events
c. methods
d. characters

34. A class diagram includes the class _____, which describe the characteristics of objects in the class.
a. methods
b. keys
c. events
d. attributes

35. In _____, two programmers work on the same task on the same computer; one drives while the other navigates.
a. pair programming
b. multitasking
c. dual tasking
d. driver programming

36. _____ is the process of reviewing a program code to spot logic errors, which produce incorrect results.
a. Desk checking
b. Direct cutover examination
c. Results walkthrough
d. Cohesion assurance

37. Many organizations require a more formal type of desk checking called _____.
a. a control module
b. integration testing
c. a structured walkthrough
d. a data couple
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38. In addition to analyzing logic and program code, a project team usually holds a session with users, called a _____, to
review the interface with a cross-section of people who will work with the new system and ensure that all the necessary
features have been included.
a. unit test
b. design walkthrough
c. function assessment
d. closure meeting

39. The objective of _____ is to identify and eliminate execution errors that could cause a program to terminate
abnormally, and logic errors that could have been missed during desk checking.
a. unit testing
b. integration testing
c. functional testing
d. global testing

40. During _____, programmers must test programs that interact with other programs and files separately before they are
integrated into the system.
a. unit testing
b. integrated testing
c. acceptance testing
d. functional testing

41. In a technique called _____, the programmer simulates each program outcome or result and displays a message to
indicate whether or not the program executed successfully.
a. modular testing
b. stub testing
c. acceptance testing
d. unit testing

42. Which of the following is specified by the detailed procedures in a test plan?
a. The result of the final test of all programs
b. How a separate operational and test environment is prepared
c. The test data to be used
d. Who will work with the new system and ensure that all necessary features have been included

43. Testing two or more programs that depend on each other is called _____.
a. integration testing
b. unit testing
c. acceptance testing
d. system testing
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44. Successful completion of system testing is the key to user and management approval, which is why system tests
sometimes are called _____.
a. integrated tests
b. modular tests
c. unit tests
d. acceptance tests

45. After completing integration testing, a systems analyst must perform _____, which involves the entire information
system and includes all typical processing situations.
a. functional testing
b. unit testing
c. stub testing
d. system testing

46. Program documentation _____.

a. describes the inputs, outputs, and processing logic for all program modules
b. consists of instructions and information to users who will interact with the system and includes user manuals,
help screens, programs, and online tutorials
c. includes data dictionary entries, data flow diagrams, screen layouts, and the systems request that initiated the
d. creates links within the program that will take a user to the appropriate documentation

47. System developers use _____ to document and trail program defects, code changes, and replacement code.
a. bug tracking software
b. the obstruction generator
c. fault promotion analysis
d. the defect distribution policy

48. Operations documentation _____.

a. describes the inputs, outputs, and processing logic for all program modules
b. describes a system’s functions and how they are implemented
c. contains all the information needed for processing and distributing online and printed output
d. consists of instructions and information to users who will interact with the system

49. User documentation _____.

a. allows users to prepare overall documentation, such as process descriptions and report layouts, early in the
software development life cycle (SDLC)
b. describes a system’s functions and how they are implemented
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c. contains all the information needed for users to process and distribute online and printed output
d. consists of instructions and information to users who will interact with the system

50. The environment for the actual system operation is called the _____.
a. production environment
b. exploratory environment
c. functional environment
d. globalized environment

51. When there are no system problems to be corrected or authorized enhancements to be made, access to the operational
environment is limited to _____ and must strictly be controlled.
a. systems analysts
b. users
c. programmers
d. managers

52. A(n) _____ refers to a web-based broadcast that allows a user to download multimedia files to a PC or portable
a. webinar
b. tutorial
c. podcast
d. data frame

53. When developing a training program, which of the following guidelines should be kept in mind?
a. Train people individually.
b. Select the most effective place to conduct the training.
c. Develop a single training program for distinct employee groups.
d. Provide only hands-on experience training.

54. Using a _____ strategy, knowledgeable users can be selected who then conduct sessions for others.
a. structured walkthrough
b. train-the-trainer
c. direct cutover
d. top-down design

55. When training is complete, many organizations conduct a full-scale test, or _____, which is a dress rehearsal for users
and IT support staff.
a. a parallel operation

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b. a pre-implementation evaluation
c. data conversion
d. simulation

56. During _____, existing data is loaded into the new system.
a. data visualization
b. data conversion
c. data collision
d. data normalization

57. _____ is the process of putting a new information system online and retiring the old system.
a. System integration
b. Online system documentation
c. System override
d. System changeover

58. _____ involves more risk than other changeover methods.

a. Direct cutover
b. Pilot operation
c. Parallel cutover
d. Phased operation

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59. As the accompanying figure illustrates, the _____ approach causes the changeover from the old system to the new
system to occur immediately when the new system becomes operational.
a. phased operation
b. parallel operation
c. pilot operation
d. direct cutover

60. As the accompanying figure illustrates, the _____ changeover method requires that both the old and the new
information systems operate fully for a specific period.
a. phased operation
b. parallel operation
c. pilot operation
d. direct cutover

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61. As the accompanying figure illustrates, the _____ changeover method involves implementing the complete new
system at a selected location of the company.
a. phased operation
b. parallel operation
c. pilot operation
d. direct cutover

62. As the accompanying figure illustrates, the _____ changeover method allows the new system to be implemented in
stages, or modules.
a. phased operation
b. parallel operation
c. pilot operation
d. direct cutover

63. At the end of the systems implementation phase, the final report to management should include _____.
a. final versions of all system documentation
b. hardware efficiency and platform performance
c. adequacy of system controls and security measures
d. quality and effectiveness of training

Critical Thinking Questions

Roger is part of a team that is responsible for employing a new information system, the design of which was developed
using customary structured methods. To manage the intricacy of the application development process, Roger wants to
deploy structured development techniques, and he asks Pete, his coworker, for information about these techniques. Pete
tells him about structure charts, which show program modules and the relationships among them using various graphical

64. Pete informs Roger that one type of element in a structure chart is a data couple, which shows data that one module
passes to another. What symbol is used for a data couple?
a. An arrow with a filled circle
b. An arrow with an empty circle
c. A line with a diamond on one end
d. A line with a diamond on both ends

65. Roger enquires Pete on how to represent the fact that one program module (a control module) determines subordinate
modules that will be invoked. Pete tells him that he can use a condition. What symbol is used for a condition?
a. An arrow with a filled circle
b. An arrow with an empty circle
c. A line with a diamond on one end
d. A line with a diamond on both ends

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Critical Thinking Questions

Lisa and her team have finished the coding of a new application, and they are ready to begin testing. She asks Tina, a
senior software tester, for help in designing the types of tests that Lisa and her team should perform.
66. Lisa mentions that a program is developed to interact with other programs, and she wants to begin by testing the
programs individually. Tina tells her about a process in which a programmer simulates each program outcome or result
and displays a message to indicate whether or not the program executed successfully. What is the name of this process?
a. Integration testing
b. System testing
c. Link testing
d. Stub testing

67. Tina also recommends that Lisa test groups of programs that depend on each other to confirm that they work together
correctly. What is one of the names of this type of testing?
a. Integration testing
b. System testing
c. Unit testing
d. Stub testing

Multiple Response

68. In a top-down design, the overall objectives of a system are broken down into _____ in a process called partitioning.
a. subsystems
b. flags
c. modules
d. pilot sites
ANSWER: a, c

69. If a module must perform multiple tasks, _____.

a. the module will be less difficult to create and maintain
b. the module will be more difficult to create and maintain
c. a less complex coding is required
d. a more complex coding is required
ANSWER: b, d

70. User documentation includes _____.

a. security and audit trail information
b. program, systems analyst, programmer, and system identification
c. frequently asked questions (FAQs)
d. description of source document content, preparation, processing, and samples
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ANSWER: a, c, d


Identify the letters of the choices that best match the sentence or definitions.
a. Training plan b. Phased
c. Data conversion d. Parallel
e. Release plan f. Pseudocode
g. Operational h. Top-down
i. Coding

71. This is not language-specific and can be used to describe a software module in plain English without requiring strict
syntax rules.

72. This approach is also called modular design, and it is similar to constructing a leveled set of data flow diagrams

73. In agile application development, this specifies when user stories will be implemented.


74. A separate test environment is necessary to maintain system security and integrity and protect this kind of

75. This should be considered early in the systems development process.


76. Depending on the system, this can be done before, during, or after the operational environment is complete.

77. This kind of operation is an inappropriate changeover method when two systems perform different functions or if a
new system involves a new method of business operations.

78. With this kind of operation, part of the system is given to all users.


79. It is the process of turning program logic into specific instructions that a computer system can execute.


80. Provide a step-by-step description of how to create a structure chart.

ANSWER: Typically, four steps are followed when creating a structure chart. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are reviewed
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to identify the processes and methods, the program modules are identified and control-subordinate
relationships determined, symbols for couples and loops are added, and the structure chart is analyzed to
ensure that it is consistent with the system documentation.
STEP 1. REVIEW THE DFDS: The first step is to review all DFDs for accuracy and completeness,
especially if changes have occurred since the systems analysis phase. If object models were also developed,
they should be analyzed to identify the objects, the methods that each object must perform, and the
relationships among the objects. A method is similar to a functional primitive and requires code to implement
the necessary actions.
STEP 2. IDENTIFY MODULES AND RELATIONSHIPS: Working from the logical model, functional
primitives or object methods are transformed into program modules. When analyzing a set of DFDs,
remember that each DFD level represents a processing level. If DFDs are being used, one works way down
from the context diagram to the lower-level diagrams, identifying control modules and subordinate modules,
until the functional primitives are reached. If more cohesion is desired, processes can be divided into smaller
modules that handle a single task.
STEP 3. ADD COUPLES, LOOPS, AND CONDITIONS: Next, couples, loops, and conditions are added
to the structure chart. If DFDs are being used, the data flows and the data dictionary can be reviewed to
identify the data elements that pass from one module to another. In addition to adding the data couples,
control couples are added where a module is sending a control parameter, or flag, to another module. Loops
and condition lines that indicate repetitive or alternative processing steps are also added. If an object model
was developed, the class diagrams and object relationship diagrams can be reviewed to be sure that the
interaction among the objects is fully understood.
At this point, the structure chart is ready for careful analysis. Each process, data element, or object method
should be checked to ensure that the chart reflects all previous documentation and that the logic is correct.
All modules should be strongly cohesive and loosely coupled. Often, several versions of the chart must be
drawn. Some CASE tools can help analyze the chart and identify problem areas.

81. List the objectives of system testing.

Regardless of how a system was developed, system testing has the following major objectives:
• Perform a final test of all programs
• Verify that the system will handle all input data properly, both valid and invalid
• Ensure that the IT staff has the documentation and instructions needed to operate the system properly and
that backup and restart capabilities of the system are adequate
• Demonstrate that users can interact with the system successfully
• Verify that all system components are integrated properly and that actual processing situations will be
handled correctly
• Confirm that the information system can handle predicted volumes of data in a timely and efficient manner

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True / False

1. As enterprise-wide information systems grow more complex, configuration management becomes trivial.
a. True
b. False

2. Bandwidth requirements are expressed in bytes per minute.

a. True
b. False

3. In a public key encryption environment, each user on the network has a pair of keys: a foreign key and a private key.
a. True
b. False

4. The hardening process that makes a system more secure is fully automatic.
a. True
b. False

5. In a secluded engineering attack, an intruder uses social interaction to gain access to a computer system.
a. True
b. False

6. One highly publicized form of social engineering is called post texting, which is a method of obtaining personal
information under false pretenses.
a. True
b. False

7. In dumpster diving attacks, an intruder raids desks or trash bins for valuable information.
a. True
b. False

8. Wrapping refers to the practice of storing backup media away from the main business location, in order to mitigate the
risk of a catastrophic disaster, such as a flood, fire, or earthquake.
a. True
b. False

9. Retention periods of backups can be a specific number of months or years, depending on legal requirements and
company policy.
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a. True
b. False

10. In a broad sense, credentials include formal degrees, diplomas, or certificates granted by learning institutions to show
that a certain level of education has been achieved.
a. True
b. False

Modified True / False

11. Both adaptive and perfective maintenance activities decrease in a dynamic business environment.
ANSWER: False - increase

12. Using a release methodology reduces the documentation burden.


13. When network traffic is encrypted, it is invisible and its content and purpose are masked.
ANSWER: False - visible

Multiple Choice

14. The systems support and _____ phase begins when a system becomes operational and continues until the system
reaches the end of its useful life.
a. implementation
b. verification
c. security
d. testing

15. If significant changes take place in an existing system or if a new version is released, the IT department might develop
a _____.
a. user training package
b. user presence software
c. maintenance module
d. utility index

16. A(n) _____ is a centralized resource staffed by IT professionals who provide users with the support they need to do
their jobs.
a. help desk
b. white spot
c. maintenance software module
d. utility point
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17. A help desk can boost its productivity by using _____, which allows IT staff to take over a user’s workstation and
provide support and troubleshooting.
a. high-level synthesis
b. wireless fidelity
c. word editing software
d. remote control software

18. _____ costs include expenses for items such as supplies, equipment rental, and software leases.
a. Operational
b. Corrective
c. Maintenance
d. Adaptive

19. _____ expenses vary significantly during a system’s operational life and include spending to support maintenance
a. Secure
b. Maintenance
c. Principal
d. Capital

20. _____ include changing programs, procedures, or documentation to ensure correct system performance; adapting the
system to changing requirements; and making the system operate more efficiently.
a. Team building activities
b. Elicitation activities
c. Maintenance activities
d. Testing activities

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21. As shown in the accompanying figure, maintenance expenses usually are high when a system is implemented because
problems must be detected, investigated, and resolved by _____.
a. corrective maintenance
b. adaptive maintenance
c. perfective maintenance
d. obsolete maintenance

22. As shown in the accompanying figure, once a system becomes stable, maintenance costs usually remain low and
involve minor _____ maintenance.
a. corrective
b. adaptive
c. perfective
d. preventive

23. As shown in the accompanying figure, near the end of a system’s useful life, _____ when it becomes clear that a
company plans to replace the system.
a. adaptive, corrective, and perfective maintenance expenses all increase rapidly
b. perfective maintenance expenses increase rapidly, but adaptive and corrective maintenance typically decrease
c. adaptive and corrective maintenance expenses increase rapidly, but perfective maintenance typically decreases
d. adaptive, corrective, and perfective maintenance expenses all decrease rapidly

24. Corrective maintenance _____.

a. adds enhancements to an operational system and makes the system easier to use
b. diagnoses and corrects errors in an operational system

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c. involves changing an operational system to make it more efficient, reliable, or maintainable

d. competes for resources in an operational system

25. Adaptive maintenance _____.

a. adds enhancements to an operational system and makes the system easier to use
b. diagnoses and corrects errors in an operational system
c. involves changing an operational system to make it more efficient, reliable, or maintainable
d. competes for resources in an operational system

26. Perfective maintenance _____.

a. adds enhancements to an operational system and makes the system easier to use
b. diagnoses and corrects errors in an operational system
c. involves changing an operational system to make it more efficient, reliable, or maintainable
d. competes for resources in an operational system

27. Perfective maintenance usually is cost effective _____ a system’s operational life.
a. early in
b. during the middle of
c. during the end of
d. throughout

28. To avoid problems, preventive maintenance _____.

a. adds enhancements to an operational system and makes the system easier to use
b. diagnoses and corrects errors in an operational system
c. involves changing an operational system to make it more efficient, reliable, or maintainable
d. requires analysis of areas where trouble is likely to occur

29. In maintenance management, _____ means examining the whole in order to learn about the individual elements.
a. synthesis
b. adoption
c. analysis
d. elucidation

30. In maintenance management, _____ involves studying the parts of a system to understand the overall system.
a. synthesis
b. adoption
c. fusion
d. elucidation
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31. Many IT departments also use a job title of _____ to designate positions that require a combination of systems
analysis and programming skills.
a. tester/programmer
b. strategist/analyst
c. programmer/analyst
d. designer/debugger

32. _____ is a process for controlling changes in system requirements during software development.
a. Data management
b. Disk management
c. Configuration management
d. Email management

33. A _____ is responsible for assigning maintenance tasks to individuals or to a maintenance team.
a. tester
b. programmer
c. system validator
d. system administrator

34. In a typical system, the initial version of the system is 1.0, and the release that includes the first set of maintenance
changes is version _____.
a. 2.1
b. 1.1
c. 0.1
d. 2.1

35. _____ is the process of tracking system releases.

a. Configuration control
b. Version control
c. Source control
d. Quality control

36. When a new version of a system is installed, the prior release is _____, or stored.
a. archived
b. deleted
c. discontinued
d. reinstalled
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37. A _____ is a formal reference point that measures system characteristics at a specific time.
a. feature line
b. baseline
c. product point
d. viewport

38. The _____ is the configuration of a system documented at the beginning of the project and consists of all necessary
system requirements and design constraints.
a. functional baseline
b. extension baseline
c. allocated baseline
d. product baseline

39. The _____ documents a system at the end of the design phase, identifies any changes since the beginning of the
project, and includes testing and verification of all system requirements and features.
a. functional baseline
b. operational baseline
c. allocated baseline
d. product baseline

40. The _____ describes a system at the beginning of system operation and includes the results of performance and
acceptance tests for the operational system.
a. functional baseline
b. operational baseline
c. allocated baseline
d. product baseline

41. _____ includes monitoring a system for signs of trouble, logging all system failures, diagnosing the problem, and
applying corrective action.
a. Benchmark testing
b. Throughput management
c. Responsive testing
d. Fault management

42. To measure system performance, companies use _____, which uses a set of standard tests on one system to compare
its performance and capacity to that of other systems.
a. metric analysis
b. benchmark testing
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c. threat analysis
d. allocation testing

43. In addition to benchmark testing, performance measurements, called _____, can monitor the number of transactions
processed in a given time period, the number of records accessed, and the volume of online data.
a. metrics
b. wireframes
c. viewports
d. baselines

44. _____ is the overall time between a request for system activity and the delivery of the response.
a. Response time
b. Throughput time
c. Refresh rate
d. Base rate

45. _____ describes the amount of data that a system can transfer in a fixed time period.
a. Latency
b. Resolution
c. Dimensionality
d. Bandwidth

46. _____ measures actual system performance under specific circumstances and is affected by network loads and
hardware efficiency.
a. Throughput
b. Resolution
c. Dimensionality
d. Latency

47. _____ measures the time between submitting a request for information and the fulfillment of the request.
a. Bandwidth
b. Turnaround time
c. Throughput
d. Frequency

48. _____ is a process that monitors current activity and performance levels, anticipates future activity, and forecasts the
resources needed to provide desired levels of service.
a. Restructuring

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b. Capacity planning
c. Resource sizing
d. Reorganizing

49. _____ protects information from unauthorized disclosure and safeguards privacy.
a. Availability
b. Integrity
c. Confidentiality
d. Accessibility

50. _____ prevents unauthorized users from creating, modifying, or deleting information.
a. Availability
b. Integrity
c. Confidentiality
d. Evacuation

51. _____ ensures that authorized users have timely and reliable access to necessary information.
a. Availability
b. Integrity
c. Confidentiality
d. Concealability

52. The first step in managing IT security is to develop a _____ based on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
a. security policy
b. risk policy
c. threat report
d. concealment report

53. _____ analyzes an organization's assets, threats, and vulnerabilities.

a. Risk uncertainty
b. Risk diversification
c. Risk identification
d. Risk control

54. _____ measures risk likelihood and impact.

a. Risk assessment
b. Risk marker
c. Risk identification
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d. Risk control

55. _____ develops safeguards that reduce risks and their impact.
a. Risk assessment
b. Risk verification
c. Risk identification
d. Risk control

56. A _____ is an internal or external entity that could endanger an asset.

a. proxy
b. facade
c. firewall
d. threat

57. A _____ is a security weakness or soft spot.

a. proxy
b. vulnerability
c. firewall
d. malware

58. A(n) _____ is an attack that takes advantage of a vulnerability.

a. proxy
b. exploit
c. firewall
d. archive

59. In IT security terms, a _____ is the impact of an attack multiplied by the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited.
a. proxy
b. risk
c. firewall
d. warning

60. _____, a risk control strategy, eliminates risks by adding protective safeguards.
a. Avoidance
b. Acceptance
c. Conveyance
d. Transference
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61. A _____ is the main line of defense between a local network, or intranet, and the Internet.
a. malware
b. firewall
c. spyware
d. threat

62. Typically, an intruder accesses a system using a compromised account, and may attempt a(n) _____, which is an
unauthorized attempt to increase permission levels.
a. privilege escalation attack
b. denial-of-service attack
c. malware penetration attack
d. identity management invasion

Critical Thinking Questions

George's firm contracts to provide risk management services for a wide range of smaller companies that cannot provide
the service for themselves. One of George's responsibilities at the end of each month is to review the threats encountered
by the companies and put them into the appropriate categories.
63. One of his firm's clients details an incident in which a hacker — a former employee — thieved trade secrets from the
client and threatened to release them to the competition if he was not paid. In which of the following categories should
George place this incident?
a. Vandalism
b. Trespass and espionage
c. Extortion
d. Software attack

64. Another of George's clients has software that is outdated and has become increasingly vulnerable to attack. How does
George categorize this threat?
a. Human error
b. Technical obsolescence
c. Service failure
d. Espionage

Critical Thinking Questions

As another one of his responsibilities, George captures information from clients about attacks they have borne and from
their description, he identifies the kind of attack they have experienced.
65. One of George's clients reports that the traffic on their network is being intercepted and scanned for valuable
information. How does George categorize this incident?
a. Spoofing

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Chapter 12 – Managing Systems Support and Security

b. Man in the middle

c. Dumpster diving
d. Sniffing

66. Another of George's clients describes a situation in which a caller to their service desk pretended to be a legitimate
user and requested that his password to his company account be changed. How does George categorize this incident?
a. Social engineering
b. Mail bombing
c. Spoofing
d. Privilege escalation

Multiple Response

67. Response time is affected by _____.

a. system design
b. capabilities
c. follow-up messages
d. processing methods
ANSWER: a, b, d

68. A(n) _____ can prevent an unauthorized person from booting a computer by using a CD-ROM or USB device.
a. boot-level password
b. application-level password
c. BIOS-level password
d. power-on password
ANSWER: a, c, d

69. _____ is concerned with managerial policies and controls that ensure secure operations.
a. Procedural security
b. Network security
c. Operational security
d. Application security
ANSWER: a, c


Identify the letters of the choices that best match the phrases or definitions.
a. Private key encryption b. Public key encryption
c. Network interface d. Asset
e. Mitigation f. Transference
g. Attack h. Security
i. Keystroke logger j. Software reengineering

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Chapter 12 – Managing Systems Support and Security

70. An asymmetric kind of encryption

71. A risk control strategy that shifts risks to another asset or party

72. Hostile act that targets systems or a company itself


73. Protects the system and keeps it safe, free from danger, and reliable

74. Combination of hardware and software that allows computers to interact with a network

75. A risk control strategy that reduces the impact of a risk by careful planning and preparation

76. Uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt information


77. Uses analytical techniques to identify potential quality and performance improvements in an information system

78. Might include company hardware, software, data, networks, people, or procedures

79. Records everything that is typed into the keyboard, including passwords, while the system continues to function


80. List at least eight different tasks a service desk staff member might have to perform during a typical day.
ANSWER: The different tasks performed by a service desk staff member are as follows:
• Show a user how to create a data query or report that displays specific business information
• Resolve network access or password problems
• Demonstrate an advanced feature of a system or a commercial package
• Help a user recover damaged data
• Offer tips for better operation
• Explain an undocumented software feature
• Show a user how to use web conferencing
• Explain how to access a company’s intranet or the Internet
• Assist a user in developing a simple database to track time spent on various projects
• Answer questions about software licensing and upgrades
• Provide information about system specifications and the cost of new hardware or software
• Recommend a system solution that integrates data from different locations to solve a business problem
• Provide hardware support by installing or reconfiguring devices such as scanners, printers, network cards,
wireless devices, optical drives, backup devices, and multimedia systems
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Chapter 12 – Managing Systems Support and Security

• Show users how to maintain data consistency and integrity among a desktop computer, a notebook
computer, and a handheld computer or smartphone
• Troubleshoot software issues via remote control utilities

81. What is capacity planning? Include an explanation of what-if analysis in your answer.
ANSWER: Capacity planning is a process that monitors current activity and performance levels, anticipates future
activity, and forecasts the resources needed to provide desired levels of service.
The first step in capacity planning is to develop a current model based on the system’s present workload and
performance specifications. Then future demand and user requirements are projected over a one- to three-
year time period. The model is analyzed to see what is needed to maintain satisfactory performance and meet
requirements. To assist in the process, a technique called what-if analysis can be used.
What-if analysis varies one or more elements in a model in order to measure the effect on other elements. For
example, what-if analysis might be used to answer questions such as: How will response time be affected if
more client workstations were added to the network? Will the client/server system be able to handle the
growth in sales from the new website? What will be the effect on server throughput if more memory is
Powerful spreadsheet tools can also assist in performing what-if analysis. For example, Microsoft Excel
contains a feature called Goal Seek that determines what changes are necessary in one value to produce a
specific result for another value.
During plan capacity, detailed information is needed about the number of transactions; the daily, weekly, or
monthly transaction patterns; the number of queries; and the number, type, and size of all generated reports.
If the system involves a LAN, network traffic levels must be estimated to determine whether or not the
existing hardware and software can handle the load. If the system uses a client/server design, performance
and connectivity specifications must be examined for each platform.
Most important, an accurate forecast of future business activities is needed. If new business functions or
requirements are predicted, contingency plans should be developed based on input from users and
management. The main objective is to ensure that the system meets all future demands and provides effective
support for business operations. Some firms handle their own capacity planning, while others purchase

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