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Marijuana was claimed to be dangerous because it was linked with aggression.

According to the Pew Research Center, out of the 411 participants who’ve never

used marijuana before and once they had started based on their age groups only

0.3% had shown signs of aggression. Representatives, that is less than 1%. That is

barely anything at all.

For the following reasons I give you today I urge you to vote in affirmation of

Representative Kim’s legislation for the following two reasons: one, marijuana has

positive aspects in medicine, and two, there will be tax benefits for legalizing


Firstly, Representatives, marijuana has positive aspects in medicine. According to

Angela Morrow, certified hospice and a palliative care nurse, marijuana can help

relieve the spasticity of the muscles which is linked with multiple sclerosis and

paralysis. Angela Morrow also spoke of marijuana being capable of relieving

certain types of chronic pain, as well as, how marijuana is a safer alternative

compared to other medications that is prescribed to treat the same symptoms, for

example, opioids used for pain management, but because they are highly addictive

and most of the time they aren’t even typically recommended for long-term usage.

According to studies by the Canadian Association of Psychological Oncology have

shown that using marijuana have in fact shown that it’s a safer alternative to

opioids, as well as, how effective marijuana is when it comes to relieving nausea

and vomiting.

Secondly, Representatives, there will be tax benefits for legalizing marijuana.

According to the Washington Post, Colorado, a state when cannabis is legal has

been paying down its debts and is even allocating their portions from tax proceeds

by legalizing marijuana to the improvement of the educational system. According

to Business Insider, this action of legalization has also affected the tax revenue ties

in with Colorado becoming richer by revenuing their sales to $4.5 billion. Business

Insider also gave an estimation that with the addition of money that would be

brought to jobs, having marijuana legalized on a federal level would save $8

billion dollars from enforcing the prohibition of marijuana.

Representatives, legalizing marijuana would have medical benefits by reducing the

dependency of opioid. Jeff Sessions says opioid is a “gateway” to the epidemic of

America. Our country is in grave danger if we choose an addictive drug over a

safer option. We cannot allow that…

For the following reasons I give you today, Representatives, I urge you to vote in

affirmation of Representative Kim’s legislation for the following two reasons: one,
marijuana has positive aspects in medicine, and two, there will be tax benefits for

legalizing marijuana. But mainly because Marijuana is the safer choice for not only

our society, but the future of the children of tomorrow.

Thank you.

Works Cited:
D. F., Ph.D. (2016, March 20). Marijuana Use Increases Violent Behavior. Retrieved November

30, 2018, from https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-new-


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