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The impact of globalization on economic development has been positive. Nations that follow
globalization have reduced poverty and overall distress of citizens. In the 2002 academic article, Growth
is Good for the Poor, Dollar and Kraay have conducted a study that shows that over the last four decades
of the twentieth century, the wealth of the average income of the poor people's wealth rose in lockstep
with overall national revenues (Dollar). This study demonstrates that globalization has resulted in the
growth of the people with the lowest wages almost as well as it has aided in the increase of average
incomes. In the last 30 years, globalization has also positively affected over 800 million humans by
having more availability to health coverage, education, and more readily available knowledge (Sorman).

Globalization enhances cultural identity. When we look at globalization, we do not neglect our
sense of self. We join the field of multi-identity, which refers to development rather than failure.
Globalization contributes to an infinite transfer of ideas, primarily through popular culture. Pop culture
is considered to affect the most people to globalization. People from various cultures and countries
meet one another, and their disparities vanish. For example, the relationship between Japan and South
Korea has not been the best. A Korean television sitcom that has become popular in Japan has shown to
Japanese audiences that Koreans share the same emotions and have the same hopes and desires for
themselves and their friends and family. This sitcom has changed Korea's view of Japan more than any
diplomatic initiative, showing that globalization can help break down biases that have existed between
neighbouring countries for decades.

Another vital aspect of globalization is information. We now can exchange facts and knowledge
on a scale that we have never seen before. Real-time sharing of technical advances and expertise is
feasible, and we can do it in a matter of seconds. We are also very informed with our established media.
Without our established media, we would never know that the first genocide of the 21 st century (Darfur
genocide) happened along with other tragedies in our lifetime. If a devastating natural disaster
occurred, we can support those in distress and give them money to help with emergency relief in a
valuable time. Globalization also brought our societies more together emotionally and collaboratively.
For example, take the COVID-19 pandemic; it has emotionally brought our loved ones close or maybe
closer together with applications like zoom. We as people have also Moved closer to developing
successful vaccines and treatments thanks to global collaboration. Adjustable supply chains and global
business access are also assisting us in reducing the pandemic's economic effects. The media has also
given us valuable updates on the pandemic, like the Steven MacNeil And Robert Strang provincial
updates. We get informed what's of new and previous regional restrictions and how to keep each other
safe. Overall, globalization has increased our "togetherness" and the amount of information we receive.

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