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Senators, we cannot deny that there are laws that require husbands to support their wives

and families, the Equal Rights Amendment will, in fact, cause problems. And unless they

are divorced or separated, the court can’t do anything if the husband chooses not to

support his wife.

Senators, for the following reasons I give you today, I urge you to vote in

negation/affirmation of Senator ______________________’s legislation for the

following two reasons: one, there are problems with implementation, and two, it will

expose women to risks.

Firstly, Senators, there are problems with implementation. According to the AAUW,

“Shows which pointed out that the state of Virginia has the right to enforce the provisions

of the article, the same way that they did with the 13th, 14th and many other

amendments. They will also have two years to make changes to any laws that are in

conflict of the provisions or those that show sexual discrimination.” Another issue with

the implementation goes to the article of, which recognizes “the fact which

sexual assault and Protective Labor laws will be taken away because of the Equal Rights

Amendment. But proponents say that it would be extended to include men instead.”

Secondly, Senators, it will expose women to risks. Senator _________________ wants

you to believe that everything will go perfectly well and the Equal Rights Amendment

will work out perfectly. According to the Guardian, “one of the protective labor laws that
proponents point out as particularly discriminating is the rule that forbids women from

‘working in and around mines except in an office in a clerical capacity.’ Considering that

mines provide jobs with better pay, barring women from these employment opportunities

is a perfect example of gender inequality. Those who support the Equal Rights

Amendment believe that such jobs are not damaging and physical well being of women

and should be, in fact, opened to her. If the time comes that women can work in mines,

they will be exposed to plenty of risks that the men have experienced all throughout their

careers.” Would high paying job opportunities be enough for the repercussions and

dangers that will be exposed to women? We cannot allow this to happen…

Senators, 51.1% experience sexual assault and with the ratification of the Equal Rights

Amendment it will include men into the legislation and creates more exposure to risk to

women as it gets rid of sexual assault and Protective Labor laws that protect women.

Which is why for the following reasons I’ve given you today, I urge you to vote in

negation/affirmation of the following two reasons: one, there are problems with

implementation, and two, it will expose women to risks.

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