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A wise man once said, “The poverty found in rural areas has some characteristics that

are very different from the poverty found in inner cities.”

Senators, American men, women, and children in rural areas usually have a higher

poverty rate than citizens living in metropolitan areas. They have fewer job

opportunities in rural areas and having very strict regulations when it comes to mining

fossil fuels and harvesting trees. And also the lack of corporations wanting to invest in

rural areas. Our nation’s rural areas are struggling and our nation’s leaders and private

businesses refuse to do anything about this.

I urge you all to vote in affirmation/ negation of Senator _______________’s

legislation for the following two reasons: one there are fewer job opportunities, and

two, high government regulations on both the fossil fuel and tree mining industry.

Firstly, Senators, there are fewer job opportunities. According to the Public

Broadcasting Service or PBS, since 2008, jobs in rural communities is down 4.26%.

According to The Hill, “The number of rural Americans living in poverty has

skyrocketed in recent years amidst an economic evolution that has cost hundreds of

thousands of manufacturing and mining jobs.” This is affecting us in many ways as

it’s paying more for coal at the store, or perhaps the house you buy because the wood

they used was shipped from far away.

Secondly, Senators, high government regulations on both the fossil fuel industry and

tree mining industry. But also the lack of companies wanting to invest in developing

rural areas. According to The Hill, “ Many people think immediately of agriculture

when focused on rural communities, yet it only makes up 6% of today’s rural

economy.” Major companies such as Walmart, Target, or the Home Depot could

make distribution centers in rural areas and also manufacturing centers. This would

allow people in rural communities to apply for these jobs, earn benefits, and a skill

which will allow them to earn money.

Senators, we must help our fellow Americans by supporting and voting for this piece

of legislation. You are not only doing your country a service but for the men, the

women, and the children of rural America.

Which is why for the following reasons I’ve given you today I urge you to vote in

negation/affirmation of Senator ________________’s legislation for the following

two reasons: one there are fewer job opportunities, and two, high government

regulations on both the fossil fuel and tree mining industry.

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