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Nile University of Nigeria


Assignment & Test Cover Sheet


Course Code & Title: MEE 301 – Mechanics of Material

Semester & Session: 1st (Harmattan) Semester, 2023/24 Academic Session.

Title of Assignment:

Last Name: Liman

Other Names: Salim Suleiman

Student ID Nos: 211206001

Telephone Nos: 09031794101

Email Address:

Date Due: 24/10/2023

Date SubmiGed: 24/10/2023

Lecturer/Instructor: Engr. Dr Esther

I declare that this assessment is my work unless otherwise acknowledged and is by the Nile University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

I have read and understood the Nile University’s Policy on Assessment and Academic Honesty - which deals with issues such as plagiarism and recycling
assignments - and certify that this assignment is my work and complies with those qualities.

I certify that any electronic version of this assessment item that I have submitted or will submit is identical to this paper version.

The Nile University Policy is stated in the University and Faculty Websites and summarised in the Faculty Handbook.

Breaches of academic integrity - cheating, plagiarism, falsification of data collusion, etc. - seriously compromise student learning, the Nile University’s
assessment of the effectiveness of that learning, and the academic quality of the University’s awards.

Any suspicion of copying or plagiarism in this work will result in an investigation of Academic Misconduct and may result in a “0” on the work, an F in the
course or possibly more severe penalties.

Student’s Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________

Give equa)ons for deriving the slope and deflec)on for the following:
1. Simply supported beam with centre point load
2. Simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load
3. Simply supported beam with gradually varying load
4. Eccentric loading

1. Simply supported beam with center point load:

• 𝑖! = 𝑖" = %&'(


*+ "
• 𝑦) = ,-'(

2. Simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load:


#+ "
• 𝑖! = 𝑖" = .,'(


/#+ "
• 𝑦) =0-,'(

3. Simply supported beam with gradually varying load:


#+ "
• 𝑖" = ,/'(

2#+ "
• 𝑖1 = 0&3'( Rad.
∴ 𝑖" ≠ 𝑖1

% #+4 " #4 # 2#+ " 4

• 𝑦) ='( [ 0&
− %.3+ − 0&3

4. Simply supported beam with an Eccentric loading:

• 𝑖" = &'(+ (𝑖 . − 𝑏 . )

• 𝑖1 = &'(+ (𝑙 . − 𝑎. )


• 𝑦) = - &'(+ (𝑙 . − 𝑎. − 𝑏 . )


* P is the point load applied at the center of the beam

* q is the uniformly distributed load per unit length
* e is the eccentricity of the load
* L is the length of the beam
* E is the modulus of elas)city of the beam material
* I is the moment of iner)a of the beam cross-sec)on
*𝑖" , 𝑖1 is the slope of the beam
* 𝑦) is the deflec)on of the beam at a point x from the support

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