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CHEM130/BIO131 MW 11-12:15
11-12:15 MW PMCline 206CLINE 206 Dr. Cheryl Jones:

Congratulations on your
decision to learn about the
coolest science that exists.
Biology and chemistry mashed
together - what’s not to love!

Course Description

Learning Objectives
The course will cover the molecular
underpinnings of life. Emphasis will
be placed on the structure and
function of biological macromolecules
in living organisms, as well as
research methods used to study
 You should be able to draw and identify generic amino
these molecules. acids, nucleotides, lipids, and carbohydrates based on
structure; differentiate between classes of biological
macromolecules; classify biological macromolecules
Required Materials into categories based on chemical properties.

Lehninger 7th ed. was selected due  You should be able to describe different types of bonds
to its reputation as a leading and explain their function in biological macromolecules;
biochemistry text. However, a predict consequences of changes in structure; evaluate
previous edition (such as the 6th ed.) limitations of each type of bond and macromolecule.
should suffice. I have compared both
versions and prefer the inclusion of  You should be able to explain methods of chemical
recent advances in the newest synthesis, sequencing, and/or identification of biological
version; however, I understand cost macromolecules; interpret data from common
is a factor, and so that decision is biochemical techniques; design an experiment to test
yours. biological macromolecules using these methods.

 You should be able to explain how thermodynamic

principles drive macromolecular structure and function,
especially in the context of metabolic reactions;
describe the basic parts of an enzyme and explain how
it functions.

 At the end of the semester, you should know that

“structure dictates function” and “chemistry is the
foundation of all biology.” Furthermore, I want you to feel
confident that you can apply this biochemical
understanding to the molecular pathogenesis of any
Exams Calculation:
Exams…………………………500 pts
Four exams will be conducted during the
semester, one for each module. A fifth In-class assignments................80 pts
cumulative exam will be conducted during Written assignment..…………..20 pts
finals week. Each exam is designed to
assess critical thinking and problem Total [Out of 600]
solving, in addition to content knowledge. Each assignment and
A+ 580 – 600 exam score will be
The cumulative final will be open-book,
open-notes; however, you must be able to A 560 – 579 rounded to the
APPLY concepts and principles to A- 540 – 559 nearest whole point.
succeed on the exam. Memorization is a B+ 520 – 539
useful tool for quick recall of specific facts, B 500 – 519 Assignments
but it is far from enough to gain a practical
knowledge of biochemistry. In-class
B- 480 – 499 submitted late will
assignments, in-class practice, and C+ 460 – 479 result in an automatic
practice problems in the textbook will C 440 – 459 reduction of 10% of
assist in achieving these skills, in addition C- 420 – 439 the total possible
to serving as preparation for exams. points for each 24-
D+ 400 – 419
hour period.
D 380 – 399
D- 360 – 379
Written assignment F 0 – 359
There will be one short written
assignment designed to practice the
essential techniques of reflecting,
summarizing, and critiquing information
that we encounter. Furthermore, revision
is essential to the scientific writing
process. This assignment will consist of
a timeline requiring an initial draft
reviewed by the instructor; additional
time will then be allowed for edits before
the final draft is submitted. Rubrics for
grading will be provided with the

In-class assignments and Attendance

Nine in-class assignments will be conducted throughout the semester using a combination of
individual or group assignments. These assignments will be graded based on completion – you must
put forth a solid effort to obtain the points. I reserve the right to assign a poor score for minimal effort.
Only eight out of nine assignments will be graded, allowing you to miss one ICA without negatively
affecting your grade. This course relies heavily on in-class discussion and activities. Thus, I strongly
encourage not just attendance but active participation in class, as this will add to the intellectual
environment, thereby increasing your ability (and those of your classmates) to learn and understand
the material. You are responsible for all information covered if you miss class, so, do try to get notes
from a classmate. If you read this, email me before class on 8/29 with your favorite science-related
joke or meme to receive one extra credit point.
Biochemistry Fall 2018
Important Policies
Academic Integrity: I expect you to adhere to Drake University’s
policy on academic integrity in ALL assignments, large or small,
throughout this course. Failure of the assignment is the minimum
penalty for any type of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, or cheating
in this course. However, failure of the course may also be considered
depending on severity of the transgression. Consult the Drake
Catalog for policies regarding plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and
the severity of resulting consequences.
Academic integrity is more than just a blanket statement that I am
required to include on this syllabus - it’s the glue that holds this
university together as an institution of higher learning. Most often,
academic integrity comes into question with the issue of plagiarism.
This encompasses much more than lifting words from a written
document, but extends to presentations, ideas, and program code;
using someone else’s lab report from last year; swapping answers on
homework assignments; not citing your references properly and
paraphrasing too closely.
With that being said, it is my opinion that most students don’t want to
plagiarize, but feel pressured by deadlines and a busy schedule to
rush through assignments. If you feel there is no way you can finish
an assignment ethically and on time, you may submit late work, albeit
with a late penalty. You will be better off taking a 10% reduction in
your grade than risking an F for the entire course.
Unplanned Instructor Absence: Any unplanned instructor absences
(e.g. illness, weather event) will be communicated by email in
advance, if at all possible. If I am not present at the start of class,
please wait 10 minutes before leaving [and you should probably
come check my office].
Exam Policy: You are required to take the exams as scheduled. If
you have a conflict due to a required university-related activity,
religious observance, or interview trip, please notify me at least one
week in advance of the exam in question in order to make alternate
arrangements. Usually, makeup exams are not conducted, however if
you are excused from taking the exam at the scheduled time for a
documented emergency, serious illness, or death in your immediate
family, the points will be excluded from your final grade calculation. If
a makeup exam is granted, a single alternate time will be arranged to
accommodate everyone’s schedule.
Students with Disabilities: It is University policy to provide
reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities.
Students are encouraged to contact Disability Services to request
accommodations prior to the start of the semester. Upon an official
request, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can work
together to ensure that you have a level academic playing field.
Biochemistry Fall 2018
Office hours: I am available to discuss course material, grades, success strategies, career
options, and philosophize about science during appointed office hours or by appointment.
Virtual office hours will also be held each week using Google Hangouts or GroupMe.

In office: Virtual:
Monday 12:15 – 2:00 PM Monday 8:00 – 9:00 PM
Wednesday 12:15 – 2:00 PM Or by appointment

Food and Drink: I anticipate plenty of the pictured

compounds (caffeine, left; sucrose,
right) to be consumed during this
semester. Food and drink in class is
acceptable, particularly since our
class is during lunchtime, as long as it is
not disruptive to others in the class
(offensive smells or noisy to eat).

Communication: I encourage you to contact me with any questions regarding course

material, regardless of how large or small they may seem. We will have a class group chat
using GroupMe in order to facilitate cooperation between everyone in the class regarding
questions and clarifications. This will be the quickest method for you to contact me. I will
also respond to email inquiries, however I cannot guarantee that I will check email outside
of typical work hours. (I know it’s hard to believe professors have a life outside of school )
Therefore, allow 24 hours (during the week) or 48 hours (over the weekend) for a response.
In addition, course material including slides, in-class assignments, practice problems, and
study guides will be posted on BlackBoard.

Disclaimer: This syllabus is tentative and may be subject to change. Any deviations
from the syllabus will be communicated in writing.

Biochemistry Fall 2018


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