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20240303 多益特訓 week 6


delegate (會議的)代表 n./v. 委派

Delegates have voted in favor of the motion.
Each union elects several delegates to the annual conference.
As a boss you have to delegate (responsibilities to your staff).

dispatch (send)派遣;迅速處理 v.
Two loads of cloth were dispatched to the factory on 12 December.

display 陳列;展出 n.v.

on display 陳列;展出 n.phr
There's an Egyptian art collection on display (= being shown) at the museum at the

documentary 文件證明/紀錄片(program) n.
documentation 文件證明 n.
They showed a documentary on animal communication.
Passengers without the correct documentation (= official papers saying who they are)
will not be allowed to travel.

domestic 家庭的;國內的 a.
domestic chores/duties/arrangements
domestic airlines/flights

drawback 缺點 n.
shortcoming 缺點 n.
disadvantage 缺點 n.
defect 缺點 n.
demerit 缺點 n.
weakness 缺點 n.
Whatever his shortcomings as a husband, he was a good father to his children.
All the company's aircraft have been grounded, after a defect in the engine cooling
system was discovered.
drill 演習;操練;訓練/鑽 n.
In some of these schools, army-style drills are used to instill a sense of discipline.

drought 乾旱(長期的);缺乏;不足 n.
Severe drought in this year has ruined the crops.

eminent 傑出的 a.
prominent 傑出的/重要的 a.
outstanding 傑出的 a.
distinguished 傑出的 a.
exceptional 傑出的 a.
She is likely to play a prominent part in the forthcoming election campaign.
Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the
a distinguished writer/director/politician
The company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.

emporium/ department store/ mall 商業中心/大百貨店;商店 n.

enroll 註冊;招生;招募 v./ enrollment n.

recruit 應徵;招生;招募 v.
enlist 應徵;入伍 v./ enlistment n.
He is enrolled as a part-time student.
Charities such as Oxfam are always trying to recruit volunteers to help in their work.
The organization has enlisted the support of many famous people in raising money to
help homeless children.

evaluate 評估 v./ evaluation評估 n.

appraise 評估 v./ appraisal 評估 n.
assess 評估 v./ assessment 評估 n.
It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research
methods employed.
At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to appraise their
own performance.
They assessed the cost of the flood damage at £2,500.
Expense/expenditure 費用;價格;支出 n.
We went on holiday at my father's expense (= he paid for it).
We've just had a new garage built at great expense.

expertise 專門知識 n.
We admired the expertise with which he prepared the meal.

expire 到期 v./mature 到期/成熟 v.

The contract between the two companies will expire at the end of the year.
The policy(保單) matures after 15 years.

feedback 回饋 n.
Have you had any feedback from customers about the new soap?

fiscal 財政的;會計的 a. fiscal policy

give away 贈送 v.
giveaway 贈品 n.

hands on 親自動手的/實用的 a.
Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic

hazard 危險;風險 n.
risk 危險;風險 n.
danger 危險;風險 n.
The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians.
There's a high risk of another accident happening in this fog.
In this business, the risks and the rewards are high.
He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.
jeopardy 危險;風險 n.
peril 危險;風險 n.
hedge 避險(金融) n.
The city's firefighters routinely put their lives in jeopardy by executing daring rescues.
The journey through the mountains was fraught with peril (= full of dangers).
She'd made some overseas investments as a hedge against rising inflation in this

hindrance 障礙 n.
hurdle 障礙 n.
barrier 障礙 n.
obstacle 障礙 n.
obstruction 障礙(物) n.
I've never considered my disability a hindrance, but other people have.
Getting a work permit was the first hurdle to overcome.
Despite the language barrier (= not speaking the same language), they soon became
good friends.
The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
There's some kind of obstruction on the railway tracks.

implement 執行 v./ implementation n.

enforce 實行 v. / enforcement n.
put.... into effect 實行 v.
put.... into practice 實行 v.
The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year.
The duty of the police is to enforce the law

inauguration 就職典禮;開幕式 n.
He watched the inauguration of his country's new president.

incentive 誘因;刺激;鼓勵 n.
Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest
more of their income.
inception 開始;開端 n.
Since its inception in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer
Since its inception, the business has expanded to become a national retail chain.

incorporate 包含
incorporate A into B 將 A 納入 B v.
Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.

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