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License Cutover EC20.

Method of Procedure
Orange, Tunisia
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Prepared Document Number

Approved Checked Date 2021-04-28 Rev PA1 Reference

This document referred to the Production System Software Upgrade from SDP5 ICP16-02 to ICP20-
01 in Orange Tunisia Network

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2021-04-28  Ericsson AB 2016 2 (6)

Ericsson Internal
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Prepared Document Number

Approved Checked Date 2021-04-28 Rev PA1 Reference

1 Pre Checks and Prerequisites for User..................................................4

2 Loading new License Key for EC20 features.........................................4

3 Post checks...........................................................................................5

4 References............................................................................................6

2021-04-28  Ericsson AB 2016 3 (6)

Ericsson Internal
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Prepared Document Number

Approved Checked Date 2021-04-28 Rev PA1 Reference

Revision History

Revision Responsible Date (DD-MM-YYYY) Description

Mukesh Kumar
PA1 28/04/2021 Initial Draft

1 Pre-Checks and Prerequisites for User

The following are the pre checks for the user before performing license loading:

 It is essential that the node is in Healthy condition before attempting the new licenses loading.
Perform the Pre-Health Check of Node and check for any deviation observed and report the same to
correct the deviation.

 IP details should be secured.

 Pre and Post Function List needs to be secured.

 Currently loaded licenses output to be secured.

2 Loading new License Key for EC20.1 features

Step 1: Login to Master License Server and take backup of lsmon output

Step 2: Store the lincese file in /var/opt/EABfdslic/licenses path

Step 3: Check the status of license server. It must be in running state using the command "sudo fdslic

Step 4: Install the license key using the command "sudo lslic -F <filename>"
2021-04-28  Ericsson AB 2016 4 (6)
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Approved Checked Date 2021-04-28 Rev PA1 Reference

Step 5: Check the revised date for EC20.1 feature using the command "sudo lsmon".

Step 6: Post activity, licenses needs to be verified to see all preexisting licenses are still present.

Step 7: Event logs and statistics to be verified for any errors or deviations.

Step 8: “SubscriberHandler” component to be restarted post licenses loading activity on license server
SDP. (If required, component restart to be done on all other SDPs of the circle)

3 Post checks
Verification of licenses (both pre activity and post activity licenses)

Subscriber provisioning to be verified

Complete node Health Check to be done to make sure the traffic is running fine.

UAT/RA-AT to be done and results to be verified

Verification of license related alarms/errors on other CS nodes –


Check Event logs files for latest errors.


Check lsmon output and verify the no of licenses and their status

cd /opt/telorb/axe/tsp/applog/
latest applog.CcnError. file needs to be monitored for any error/alarms related to licenses
Also latest applog.Notification. file needs to be monitored for any error/alarms related to licenses

Path : /opt/occ/var/log

2021-04-28  Ericsson AB 2016 5 (6)

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Approved Checked Date 2021-04-28 Rev PA1 Reference

Below files needs to be monitored for any errors/alarms related to licenses


4 Rollback
1. Copy the old license file back

# cd /var/opt/EABfdslic/licenses/

# cp –p licenses_Original_YYMMDD licenses

2. Restart the license server

# fdslic stop

# fdslic start

3. Verify that the license server is running

# lsmon

5 References
1. ICP 19-03 Correction Note - 81/109 47-FAM 901 107/5-V3 Uen A

2. SDP System Administration Guide – 4/1543-FAM 901 107/5

3. SDP SW Update, RHEL on HP ProLiant Platform- 12/153 72-FAM 901

2021-04-28  Ericsson AB 2016 6 (6)

Ericsson Internal

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