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CET333 Product Development

Requirements Specification Document

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Programme: BIDA

The web server log analysis tool project is undertaken by a technology-focused company
specializing in IT infrastructure and systems development. The company aims to support
the City of Payris in hosting the FunOlympic Games in 2024 by providing robust IT
infrastructure and analysis tools. With a dedicated team of IT professionals, the company
is committed to ensuring the games are well-organized, accessible to a global audience
through online platforms, and offer a seamless user experience.

Product to be delivered to the client

the final deliverable for the client is a comprehensive web server log analysis tool that
parses Internet Information Server (IIS) logs, provides insights into visitor demographics,
behavior, and interests, and offers interactive dashboards and detailed reports. This tool
will enable the client to analyze website traffic, monitor user engagement, optimize
marketing and advertising efforts, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the success
of the FunOlympic Games in 2024.

Client Requirements
Fucntional requirements
-It should parse the log data efficiently to extract relevant information such as IP
addresses, timestamps, requested URLs, and status codes.
-The tool should determine the country of origin for each visitor based on their IP address
-Provide a clear summary of website visits categorized by country, visualizing the data
using bar charts or pie charts to facilitate easy interpretation.
-Analyze visitor traffic patterns to identify peak hours and periods of low activity,
presenting this information through histograms or line graphs for clear visualization.
-Determine the main interests of visitors based on the sports they select or view on the
website, employing algorithms to identify popular sports categories and presenting them
in the analysis report.
-Calculate summary statistics such as means and standard deviations for visit durations,
frequency of visits, and other relevant metrics
Non functional requirements
-The system should be user-friendly and intuitive, requiring minimal training for users to
navigate and utilize its features effectively.
-dashboards and reports should be visually appealing and easy to interpret
-Response times for generating reports and visualizations should be minimal.
-Ensure that the tool adheres to industry best practices for data security and protection of
sensitive information
-Implement functionality to track user navigation paths within the website.
-Identify common routes followed by visitors and areas of the website with high
-Explore the possibility of incorporating predictive analytics to forecast future website
traffic trends.

-Limited availability of human resources, including developers, analysts, and project
-Access to specialized tools or software libraries may be restricted due to licensing or
budget constraints
-Compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA.
-Constraints related to legal obligations, contractual agreements, or internal policies that
may influence project scope and implementation strategies.

The project benefits from the client and university's resources, including a skilled project
team proficient in IT systems and data analysis. Access to Internet Information Server (IIS)
logs enables web server data analysis, supported by technical infrastructure and software
tools. Documentation, support, and collaboration platforms streamline communication
and project management. Training opportunities enhance team capabilities, while a
testing environment facilitates tool development and validation. Feedback mechanisms
ensure alignment with stakeholder expectations throughout the project.

The evaluation aims to assess the tool's alignment with client needs and its impact on user
experiences for the FunOlympic Games. It involves setting clear objectives, user testing for
feedback on usability, performance testing for optimal functionality, data validation for
accuracy, and benchmarking against industry standards. Continuous feedback collection
drives iterative improvements. Comprehensive reporting documents findings and provides
actionable insights for enhancements, ensuring the tool's effectiveness in supporting the
games and meeting user needs.

Client Sign-off


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