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Weekly Assignment N 7

Monika Petrosyan


Ads with a large audience can reach millions of people across different demographics,

cultures, and geographic locations. Ads with a big audience can also play a role in setting trends

and influencing consumer preferences. They can shape perceptions of what is desirable,

fashionable, or socially acceptable, impacting individual behaviors and broader societal trends.

Companies also should strive to be socially responsible. Operating ethically and responsibly is

the right thing to do. Companies have a moral obligation to contribute positively to society and

respect human rights, regardless of the products they sell. Advertising is a powerful tool that can

shape societal norms and perceptions. By using their platforms, they can contribute to shaping

cultural norms and values. They have the power to influence public opinion, attitudes, and

behaviors on a large scale. The "Like a Girl" ad by Always is a great example of how a brand can

use its influence to empower and uplift individuals, in this case, challenging the stereotype that

doing something "like a girl" is inappropriate.

The Gillette ad is part of their "The Best Men Can Be" campaign, which addresses toxic

masculinity, sexual harassment, and bullying. It called for men to be accountable for their actions

and to promote positive masculinity. On the other hand, Egard Watches' response ad seems to

take a different approach. It highlights the positive traits and actions of men who contribute to

making the world a better place. This ad portrays men positively, showcasing bravery, sacrifice,

and compassion. Both ads touch on the complexities of gender roles and societal expectations

placed on men. I personally find both of these videos impactful in different ways. It's important
to recognize that discussions around gender roles, stereotypes, and expectations are multifaceted

and can vary based on cultural, social, and individual perspectives.

Overall, both ads bring attention to important societal issues, and the lessons they

generate can lead to greater awareness and positive change. Companies should continue to be

mindful of the messages they convey in their advertising and strive to promote values of respect,

equality, and social responsibility.

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