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Botswana Accountancy College

School of Computing and Information Systems

B.Sc. Computer Systems Engineering Route Year 3

CIS 327 Intelligent Systems
Assessment Test
Start Time:
Duration: 3 Hours

Instructions to candidate
1. Attempt All FOUR (4) questions
2. Each question carries a total of 25 marks
3. Clearly cross out surplus answers
4. Number your work clearly
5. Any reference material brought into the examination room must be
handed to the invigilator before the start of the examination.

Candidates attempting to gain an unfair advantage or colluding in any

way whatsoever are liable to be disqualified
Do NOT open the question paper until you are told to do so

This paper consists of 5 printed pages including the cover page

Scenario: Carefully study the directed graph below and use it to answer questions 1 and 2. The
start node is labeled as S and the goal node is labeled as G. Each node has a heuristic value h(n)
which is an estimated straight line distance from the node to the goal node .


6 4 11
h=8 C
3 B h=7
3 h=6
4 H
h=6 5 h=9
E 6

5 I
7 h=3
h=4 5

Figure 1. Digraph.
Question 1.
Use the Depth First search algorithm to traverse the graph show in Figure 1, and answer the
following questions. (You are given that for the depth first search; if a node has more than one
successor nodes, they are added to the frontier/fringe list prioritized in alphabetic order.) Use a
trace table to do a hand simulation and use the results of the simulation to answer the
following questions:
i. List in the order of visitation the Nodes that were tested, including the goal node,
before the goal if found [5 Marks]

ii. List in the order of expansion the Nodes that were expanded before the goal node
was found [3 Marks]
iii. State the path that will be returned as the solution path by the algorithm [4 Marks]
iv. What is the cost of the found path [1 Mark]
v. Is it the optimal path? [1 Mark]
vi. Which nodes are in the Frontier but not yet visited or tested. ? [4 Marks]

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vii. Discuss one advantage of using depth first search algorithm. [2 Marks]
 DFS consumes very less memory space.
 It may find a solution without examining much of search because we may get the
desired solution in the very first go or with minimal steps.
viii. Discuss two disadvantages of using depth first search algorithm [4 Marks]
 There is no guarantee of finding the goal node
 Sometimes the states may also enter into infinite loops.(*Not Understandable)
 Determination of depth until the search has proceeded

ix. What is the space complexity of the depth first algorithm [1 Mark]
O(bm) is the space complexity where b is the branching factor and m is the maximum depth
of the search tree

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Question 2
Use the Greedy Best First search algorithm to traverse the graph show in Figure 1, and answer
the following questions. Again use a trace table to do a hand simulation and use the results of
the simulation to answer the following questions:
i. List in the order of visitation the Nodes that were tested, including the goal node,
before the goal if found [4 Marks]

ii. List in the order of expansion the Nodes that were expanded before the goal node
was found [3 Marks]
iii. State the path that will be returned as the solution path by the algorithm [4 Marks]
iv. What is the cost of the found path [1 Mark]
v. Is it the optimal path? [1 Mark]
vi. Which nodes are in the Frontier but not yet visited or tested. ? [4 Marks]
vii. Discuss one advantage of using Greedy or Best First search algorithm. [2 Marks]
viii. Compare your results of using depth first search algorithm versus using the greedy
search algorithm. Which one got the solution faster? [1 Mark]
ix. Between the depth first search algorithm and the greedy search algorithm which got
the cheapest solution [1 Mark]
x. What is the space complexity of the Greedy Best first algorithm [1 Mark]

xi. Is the A* algorithm optimal? How does it improve on the greedy best search
algorithm? [3 Marks]

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Question 3
a) Your friend argues that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is just imaginary thinking and will never
come to fruition. Discuss any 3 examples you can find in the history of AI that you can
argue as evidence of AI achievements to date?
Digital Voice Assistants - These tools from Siri and Alexa to Google Home and Cortana, use
natural language processing and generators driven by AI to return answers to you.
Unlocking Your Phone with a face ID – Face ID scan algorithm uses machine learning
algorithms to compare the scan of your face with what it has stored about your face to
determine if the person trying to unlock the phone is you or not.
Sending an email or message - On the receiving end of your messages, spam filters use
artificial intelligence to either block emails that are suspected as spam or identify an email as
something your recipient would like to receive in their inbox. Anti-virus software uses machine
learning as well to protect your email account.

[6 marks]

b) Using the knowledge you have learnt about agents, consider the task of designing an
automated taxi driver: Give an example for each of the following aspects of the agent.

i. Performance measure
Safe and comfortable trip
ii. Environment
Traffic, Pedestrians
iii. Actuators
Steering, accelerator
iv. Sensors
GPS [4 marks]
c) Environments in which agents operate can be defined in different ways. Consider A
chess playing system and characterize the agent’s environment with respect to:
i. Observability - fully observable an agent's sensors give it access to the complete
state of the environment at each point in time

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iii. Determinism - strategic
iv. Dynamism - Chess when played with a clock is semi-dynamic.

d) With reference to agent architecture, explain what is meant by the following:

i. A learning agent - A learning agent in AI is the type of agent that can learn from
its past experiences, or it has learning capabilities. It starts to act with basic
knowledge and then is able to act and adapt automatically through learning.
ii. A goal-based agent - These kinds of agents take decisions based on how far they
are currently from their goal(description of desirable situations). Their every
action is intended to reduce its distance from the goal. This allows the agent a way
to choose among multiple possibilities, selecting the one which reaches a goal
[4 marks]

e) What is the definition of an admissible heuristic in A* searching? [2 Marks]

An admissible heuristic is used to estimate the cost of reaching the goal state in an informed
search algorithm.

f) What does it mean to say a search algorithm is complete? [2 Marks]

 If an algorithm is complete, it means that if at least one solution exists then the
algorithm is guaranteed find a solution in a finite amount of time.
g) Define artificial intelligence [1 mark]
It is a branch of computer science by which we can create intelligent machines which can behave
like a human, think like humans, and able to make decisions.

Question 4
Figure 1 below illustrates one of the popular philosophies about machine intelligence. Study the
figure and answer the questions that follow.

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a) What is the name of the test illustrated by the diagram? [1 Marks]
Turing Test
b) Who proposed the theory depicted by the diagram? [1 Mark ]
Alan Turing
c) Explain the concept or theory represented by the diagram as far as machine intelligence
is concerned.
The ideology behind this approach is that a computer passes the test if a human interrogator,
after asking some written questions, cannot identify whether the written responses come from a
human or from a computer.
[7 Marks]
d) There are four (4) different categories or approaches in defining artificial intelligence:
i. Which approach does the concept illustrated by the diagram follow? [1 mark ]
Theory of Mind(The Turing Test approach): This approach was designed by Alan Turing. The
ideology behind this approach is that a computer passes the test if a human interrogator,
after asking some written questions, cannot identify whether the written responses come
from a human or from a computer.
ii. State the other three approaches [3 marks]

 Limited Memory (The cognitive modelling approach): The idea behind this approach is to determine
whether the computer thinks like a human.

 Reactive Machines (The “laws of thought” approach): The idea behind this approach is to determine
whether the computer thinks rationally i.e., with logical reasoning.

 Self - Awareness (The rational agent approach): The idea behind this approach is to determine
whether the computer acts rationally i.e., with logical reasoning.

e) Distinguish between Strong and Weak artificial intelligence? [4 marks]

f) Briefly explain the following terms as used in the field of Intelligent Systems
i. An agent. [2 marks]

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An agent is viewed as anything that perceive its environment through
sensors and act upon that environment through actuators
ii. A rational agent [2 marks]
A rational agent or rational being is a person or entity that always aims to perform
optimal actions based on given premises and information.
iii. Bounded rationality [2 marks]
The theory that people make judgments based on a limited amount of information
and their cognitive capacity.
iv. An autonomous agent

Software programs which respond to states and events in their environment

independent/ human supervision, but acting on behalf and in the interest of the
owner [2 marks]

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