تقرير الفلود تجربة ال ليمنت

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University of technology

Oil & gas department

Supervised by:
Ass. Lect. Anfal hayder sadeq
‫رسى ايرس نوري‬
‫جامنة زاهد خفري‬
‫أيوب رحمي غيالن‬
‫امري وائل عبد احلسي‬
Theory : )‫هادي قامس (اس تضافة‬
The behavior of fluid flow, whether within natural or artificial systems, is
intricately shaped by the prevailing forces such as inertia, viscosity, gravity,
and surface tension. In the realm of slow-moving laminar flows, viscous
forces take precedence, and the fluid exhibits a harmonious behavior akin to
layers smoothly sliding over each other. In contrast, turbulent flows manifest
chaotic and dynamic changes, where inertial forces become more prominent
than viscous forces.
This experiment delves into the fascinating world of laminar flow dynamics
using a dye injection technique. As the dye is introduced into the laminar
flow, it gracefully forms a well-defined and clear line. The minimal mixing
with water is attributed to the subtle effects of molecular diffusion. In
instances of turbulent flow within the pipe, the dye undergoes rapid
dispersion, facilitated by significant lateral movement and energetic
exchanges within the flow.
The experiment not only unveils the stark contrast between laminar and
turbulent flows but also explores a transitional stage lying between these two
extremes. During this transitional phase, the dye stream exhibits a captivating
dance, meandering and displaying intermittent bursts of mixing. This is
succeeded by a return to a more laminar behavior, highlighting the nuanced
interplay between forces that govern the fluid's journey.
By employing this dye-injection technique, the experiment provides a visually
striking demonstration of how different flow regimes impact the dispersion
and mixing of substances within the fluid. This hands-on exploration serves
to enhance the experimenter's understanding of laminar flow patterns,
offering valuable insights into the intricate interplay of forces that govern
fluid behavior.
Purpose :
The primary objective of this experimental investigation is to systematically
analyze the dynamics of laminar flow as it interacts with barriers of diverse
shapes and sizes. Through this comprehensive examination, the goal is to
deepen the experimenter's comprehension of laminar flow patterns, fostering
a heightened familiarity with the behavior exhibited in the presence of varied
obstacles. Ultimately, this enhanced understanding aims to facilitate more
accurate predictions of fluid paths, thereby advancing the experimenter's
predictive capabilities in scenarios involving laminar flow around obstacles.
By meticulously exploring the impact of different barrier configurations, this
experiment seeks to contribute valuable insights that extend beyond
theoretical knowledge, potentially informing practical applications and
refining predictive models in fluid dynamics.

Discussion :
1: Describe the factors influencing laminar flow in a fluid, and propose an
experiment to demonstrate and measure laminar flow in a laboratory
A/ The experiment aims to investigate laminar flow dynamics in a laboratory
setting, examining factors such as viscosity, fluid velocity, density, pipe
diameter, and flow path length. Using a transparent flow chamber with
adjustable parameters, the setup includes pressure gauges, velocity
measurement tools, and optional temperature control. The procedure involves
introducing a fluid, adjusting parameters, and systematically varying
experimental conditions. By analyzing transitions from laminar to turbulent
flow and collecting data, the experiment aims to deepen understanding and
provide insights into the complex interplay of factors influencing laminar
flow behavior.
2: what is the purpose of the shapes in the experiment
A/ The use of different shapes in the laminar flow experiment serves various
purposes, including the investigation of boundary effects, understanding drag
forces, exploring separation and attachment points, identifying flow
deflection, visualizing streamline patterns, analyzing flow stability, and
applying findings to engineering scenarios. The shapes contribute to a
comprehensive exploration of how fluid dynamics respond to obstacles of
different geometries, offering insights into laminar flow behavior and its
practical implications. The experiment aims to provide a visual and
educational understanding of how shapes influence laminar flow patterns in
a controlled environment.
3:what is the purpose of using ink in the experiment
A/ Incorporating ink into the laminar flow experiment serves as a visual
tracer to enhance the observation and understanding of fluid dynamics. The
ink provides a visible representation of streamlines, aiding in the
identification of flow characteristics, transitional behaviors, and the impact of
various shapes on laminar flow. Its use enhances the educational value of the
experiment, facilitates clearer communication of results, and allows for
quantitative analysis of mixing and streamline patterns. Overall, the inclusion
of ink contributes to a more engaging and informative exploration of laminar
flow dynamics.

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