تقرير الجيولوجي عن الفورميشن

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Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research
University of technology
Oil & gas department .
The second stage
(Bir El Rah Formation)
Written by :
‫رسى ايرس نوري‬ ‫المرحلة الثانية شعبة‬
(Bir El Rah Formation)
The Bir El Rah Formation is located in the Western Desert. The Bir El Rah Formation
consists mainly of clay rocks and limestone, and also includes some sand and limestone
rocks. Which is specifically in Anbar, that is, in the Rutba district of Ramadi. It is within
the Anbar Governorate, which is located at a distance of 40 about 30 east, and Al-Rah is at
a distance of 33 north, meaning that it is located in the northeast of the Rutba district of
the governorate. The age of Anbar dates back to approximately 46.998 million years
according to the geological chronology of the age of the Earth, which is within the
Paleolithic Age. In terms of deposition, these rocky materials are considered the result of
the deposition of sandy and rocky deposits on the seabed during that period, which is
characterized by different types of deposition, including rivers and coastal meadows. What
is the deposition of violacustrine, which is sandstone in a sandy environment, which is
considered one of the sandy environments with a specific scope as well? The clastic rocks
present are also...large deposits in the fluvial system containing stacked sandstone
channels and floodplain facies.
It is located within the Permian
It is part of the formation of the Jara region.
Geologically, it is one of the oldest formations in
the Upper Carboniferous period within the
advanced or early Permian period. It is among the
currently independent wells in Iraq. The Jara
sandstone is found within the Jara depression in
the Rutba sub-region of the stable cliff, from
where the Bir formations are located. Al-Rah is
exposed and can be found. Only in deep wells is
separating geological components difficult, due to
their depth and geological complexity
In general, Bir al-Rah consists of fine-textured
clasts such as mudstone, oil shale, and fine, fine
sandstone layers. However, cavernous limestone
has been reported to be the oldest in the Lower
Carboniferous period, and it is formed by the
action of water, but it has been examined using
good field methods.
Formation is a term that refers to numerous rock units that have formed over the ages and
maintain certain geological and historical transformations. For example, there could be a
rock formation such as coal, limestone, or oil sands.
A source rock is a rock in which organic hydrocarbons such as oil and natural gas are
formed. The sources of oil and natural gas production are the result of the process of
forming the source rock and feeding hydrocarbons to reservoir rock, where they collect
and accumulate.
Bir al-Rah is considered a formation and not a source rock.
Formation terms refer to a specific rock unit that was formed over a certain period of time
and maintains distinct geological characteristics. A composition is usually named after
the region or geographical location to which it relates. Thus, Bir El Rah Formation is the
name given to the rock formation found in the Bir Rah area.

It consists of two upper layers of fine,

homogeneous sediments in that the
main part of it is a confined aquifer that
extends far from the region and may be
in close contact with the Syrian-Iraqi
and Jordanian-Iranian borders. Its
counterpart is an underground rock
layer in terms of sedimentation.
Note: There may be wells drilled in this formation for the purposes of exploration and
extraction of natural resources such as oil and gas. However, this information is usually
only available to oil and gas companies and relevant bodies in this field.
The renewable potential cannot be determined and the oil and gas reserves in that area
may vary and change with the passage of time and the development of technology and new
Because it is constantly changing

The Bir El Rah Formation is considered one of the important geological formations in
economic terms. Oil and natural gas are the main resources extracted from this
formation, which play a vital role in achieving economic stability and sustainable
development in the country.
The presence of oil and gas in the Bir El Rah Formation enhances economic capacity, as
this sector is considered one of the most important sources of national revenues. Oil and
gas are widely used in industrial production, heating, electricity generation, feeding the
domestic market, and exporting to foreign markets.
The oil and gas industry contributes to providing job opportunities for many local workers,
enhances economic growth, supports trade and investment, and enhances the productivity
of other industries related to the oil and gas sector.
It should be noted that the Bir El Rah formation is of economic importance, as it
potentially contains prospectable oil and natural gas materials. Some research and
exploration have been conducted in the area to evaluate the potential hydrocarbon content
in the formation.
Bir al-Rah is of great importance in the Rutba region, and water is depended on it because
the lands of the Western Desert are high, so relying on groundwater is the best and it is of
vital importance and economic importance, as it is considered a tourist attraction that
attracts a number of tourists to it, as well as a good field and has a hummer of rocky

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